Kakio de la renard?

When is the Q3 posting call?
CEO of tehya posting productions

He’ll have to answer that for himself.
Oh, right, oops…

Also starting a fanclub and not informing me? how rude.

They say that if you ascend high enough to the heavens you can learn the ultimate truth, that this used to be a Kakio callout thread.


More kakio fallout complaint thread.

Guys I am confused…

I am gone for a day from the forums for my sanity… And suddenly this thread exploded? :thinking:


How is this still going. No I haven’t bothered to read it all, cause the amount of posts in such a short time’s insane. Any TL:DR from around the mid to now?

Successful troll is successful.

Now on topic as vaguely mentioned before by OOCER#43094.
If you want to deal with the copy cats and lollers the best way is to give them what they want, Just go borderline in character and but up a show.

Treat it like you would treat inconvenient encounters in real

Why did this go from Kakio to a absolute warzone.

The person who posted this and the people who upvoted it should take a long hard look at themselves, and reconsider the way they interact with other human beings.
Quite frankly disgusting behavior.


I feel like I’ve watched a completely different video than some of the commenters here. It actually made me laugh at multiple points and there was nothing in it that belittled roleplayers or roleplaying itself. If anything, he made fun of himself for not being particularly good at what he was doing.

He didn’t disrupt anyone’s event, didn’t park his mammoth on a mailbox, didn’t clutter up the place with toys, didn’t spam emotes, disengaged as soon as the other party refused or stopped interaction, and his “predictions” were purposefully over-the-top ALL CAPS LOCK ravings which made it clear that his warnings are not be taken seriously and that he is a crazed prophet - a very believable concept.

In fact, the players he walked up to in Stormwind seemed to have been engaged in the time-honoured tradition of squatting in Cathedral Square and waiting for others to make a move. You know the type. Usually come equipped with a cheeky little note in their TRP profile using one or more of the following phrases:

“i don’t bite ;)”
“walk-ups welcome”
“ignores the usual btw”

The man created interaction. Sure, it wasn’t interaction that left you gripping the edges of your seat in anticipation of what happens next but it was more than what half of the Cathedral Square crowd ever produces. The comments under the video are all positive, some of them adding that these videos made them interested in roleplay and are either making a character on AD or already made one. Damn good advertisement.

I apologize for writing such a long comment but I feel some are quite sanctimonious about an activity that should be done for fun and at the end of the day, if we’re being honest with ourselves, really is just playing pretend with virtual dolls.


No but you’re obviously some teenage high school boy, I cant think of anyone else who would think it funny and clever to send someone a ‘kill urself’ mail in game.


I’ve just sent you a an ingame — pixels are in question here — bottle of bleach and a bandage telling you to relax. Stop going the Vixi way and blowing things out of proportion and playing the victim card.

Please screenshot where I’ve said those words, since without proof — your accusations fall short.

Edit: Next time I guess I will just send you a pile of salt; but not much will change since you will pull out another UNO victim card response.

And no, I’m 23.

[X] Heavy doubt


Oh well. Guess you’ll have to live with it.

Ok, I guess you can report my post now or something.


@sindri yikes.


Crafting reagent from Vanilla wow :slight_smile:

By the way, please post the bandage mail as well so we have a full collection.

Also I don’t see a

anywhere here. Care to elaborate?

Next time send him a lantern to lighten up a bit.

Or your eggs to rub his salt on.

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Maybe we could make some ingame food with all those reagents flinged from mailbox to mailbox.

Ah yes, a delicious bandage lantern salt bleach sandwich.

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