Kakio de la renard?

Ok you made me chuckle for real. :joy:

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Me likey that one…

why does that jörmungandr have arms?

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How else would I type?


Life uh … finds a way.

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Its the drunk typing monster of loch ness.

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I can fully admitt it was not the best comment to make at all. Period. However I do think it’s not hard to understand where it comes from when the person it was aimed at spent nearly a day attacking me and activly trying to spread misinformation because of some spiteful grudge and sheer malice, yet hiding behind the thin veil of “I never get emotional lol”.

But I’m not gonna get into that again. I read Boush’s post too, I disagreed with most of it since it gives Athramus -alot- more credit than he had, and there was some weird political stuff thrown in.

All in all, I stand by the belief that Athramus was infact completly in the wrong for starting this whole mess(again not his opinion on the political argument) but his behaviour towards me from post one. He’s shared several times that he likes to create arguments and rile people up because it’s funny and I’ve shared before what I think about that, but it becomes especially wrong when he mixes in personal attacks and fake stories to further that. All which seem to stem from, not so much that I disagreed with his opinion, but because I -DARED- to say that his opinion was also subjective and not a fact. Clearly that is too much for the man.

I got angry, I got stressed, because of course when a guy spends a day attacking you because of a thing that happened a year ago. I posted stuff that was mean themselves and that I shouldn’t. But I think Athramus needs to self-reflect himself as I put in my initial final posts before I came back in, and I find a -little- strange anyone can consider his behaviour throughout the thread even remotley acceptable social behaviour. But nor was mine at the end, I can happily accept that.

But I do think I will simply just not respond to him at all in any other threads from now on to avoid this again, atleast until he can prove he is above making things up to try and zing me for past slights and can behave a little better.

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Are you new here or something?


A very insightful and polite response, Vixi. However, I think you owe Athramus an apology for calling him a stalker just because he remembered something from way back and used the search option on the forums. Those attacks were kind of vile and had no ground.

When/If you do that, everyone will think your previous post genuine.

Not at all, but I generally think that people should not just create arguments for the sake of “derp its funny” and trying to score zings is always kinda weak.

The fact that you think this excuses your own behavior speaks levels of your capability of introspection.

This is indeed the way to go about it, and if you believe forum rules are being broken, hit the report button as well.

And this goes for all of us, including yourself.


That stuff happens every damn RP event or when certain people post.
“yeah but x did y, z events ago”
“But you are X type of RPer”
“You did X , some <insert month/year> ago”

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So what you’re saying is that because people can search posting history, anything someone says can be undermined and essentially delegitimized because of their past proof of behaviour?

HMMMM. Hmmm.

No. I’m saying if someone is trying to excuse his/her behavior, why not apologize for baseless accusations in the first place?

It’s the first step to healing damage.


I mean, Athramus’s points have been continuously delegitimized based on his past behaviour from the start of this entire thread. Not to say his current actions haven’t had an impact either. Why should that be any different toward Vixi, me, or anybody else?

Another question is SHOULD that be the case- Like I said, I don’t hold grudges (generally) and most people I wind up meeting IRL during AD meets, even the ones I’ve disagreed with, turn out to be completely human + nice people.

I don’t look for the likes in a post, I look for the content.

I think however that asking Vixi to apologize for this is milking it- It’s just forum antics after all.


Oh boy… this is still going on?

I think you should apologize for just “sending” but also for the contents in the letter, if saying “drink a toxic substance” can’t be interpreted as kill yuorself i don’t know what wrong with you.

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Sorry for the contents of the letter @Vilem.

@Vixí your turn now.

I do not think it excuses it, but explains it. That is a diffrence I should have posted and made more clear. Poor behaviour is poor behaviour. End of story. It was meant to clarify why it reached that point, not to give it a “okay its all justified” signal because it wasn’t, I could & should have left it at where did first, & simply stating that his acussations where baseless and false and leave it at that.


It would be rather hypocritical of me not to, especially when I’ve said in the past I kinda disslike the whole aspect of forum antics as well as Athramus own lies about & against me.

So I am honestly fine with apologising for calling him a stalker and which I will. If you are reading this post, Athramus. I apologise for saying you were a stalker, even if I find it weird & dissaprove of your entire behaviour towards me, that in itself was completly baseless. If you wish to apologise to me at any point for how you acted, do so as you wish or simply leave it be, but I would preffer if you did not do what you did again.


I wrote off Boush’s post too early as not bringing peace to the forums.

Could the prophecy actually be fulfilled …?

Real talk, there’s some A class maturity happening right now in this thread and I love it.

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