Kakio de la renard?

Edit: I’ve been made aware that the armory was simply bugged, statement crazily retracted.


Do I need to learn a new word today?

I’ll only give a brief response and leave it since I’m tired and don’t want a repeat from last night. But I gave you a geniune apology for something I said that had no grounds at all and was done in anger, where you still claim that you did absolutley nothing wrong.

I’m dissapointed, that’s all I’ll say. This could have been a time for you to admit your own misstakes in this thread yet you still claim you are 100% correct and did absolutley nothing wrong in both your attacks and lies about me.

Please do not discuss things with me again in future threads(I will not respond), and please do not make further lies such as those you have already. Because that is exactly what they are, fabricates lies from a disagreement long ago where you consider yourself to be above petty emotions and always factually correct.


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Consider that here you’re launching an accusation without backing it up. It’s not correct.

You can say that my posts weren’t kind, as they were to get a reaction out of you - but this is what I said would happen if people were to use this line of arguments, which you argued is a legit form.

edit. I’d say I haven’t said any lie about you tbh

Is this a reference I’m not getting?

Or you could not be a massive twot and simply apologize and move on like a normal, well adjusted person probably would.

Unless you’re the sort of person who drives with high beams on without adjusting them to point at the road. If you’re that sort of person, I wish your socks to be always damp.


Yikes. That’s really bad.


Oh jeez. I’ve only just noticed that link. Bloody Christ. That’s a yikes.

So, this went from Athramus argument stuff to Scarlet Crusade stuff? I wonder what comes next

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I feel this was skipped over. Let me just take a step back and absorb how incredibly low and sinister this is.


And then add the fact they like to spout racial slurs, too.


They probably think it’s funny when it isn’t and well… There’s a serious issue with the head there.

I used to think making jokes about drinking bleach and liberal use of racial epithets that I had just learned were funny when I was 13 as well, but having the same mentality at 23 (though I doubt this) just screams some sort of maladjustment; which frankly would explain a lot of the witnessed behaviour.


Somehow… so am I.

Not gonna meme since I don’t like them either but…

that character has the leg items transmogged to Eternal Travelers and that mog is bugged and shows your character as partially naked or completely naked. It’s a common glitch.

This is exactly what I meant with wrong accusations etc. And why you generally want to avoid this website because you never know what is up. Making up wrong accusations ends not well. Is also why I find anyone creepy who looks them up. And you people jump at the first chance to “expose” them and anyone who upvotes it. Not so cool behavior.

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I think I should have actually used maturity, as humans are in fact not fruit

Or maybe it was right, idk - english, right?

Wait no, fruits ripen

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I wasn’t aware at the time of making the post that this bug spread to more than just the yeti suit, thanks for letting me know! :smile:

In that case I really crazily retract any statement of accusations made.

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Aren’t we the fruit of our parents loins?

gross :nauseated_face:

1k to you sir!