Kakio de la renard?

Was sent a letter to kill him self Scarlet Crusade: “Why are u playing victim?”


No, he actually sent me a mail in game telling me to drink bleach IRL.

Here: https://i.gyazo.com/8bd5c9206bbe603e4d4e03a9f42c857e.png


Thanks for assuming stuff yet again. Maybe you shoud become a philosopher.

Thats pretty :poop:

Just report him for that, joke or not from his end. You dont say stuff like that


Why don’t you post some proof of this so-called exposé from former guild members, as I have posted proof of your guild leader telling me to kill myself.


That is sick and just inexcusable. And frankly falls under real life threat regardless if they shrug it off as “just a joke”. Blizzard doesn’t take that lightly, nor does most countries & law enforcement.


Imagine for one (1x) moment getting so mad over a reply on the World of Warcraft forums that you log in, sprint to a reagents vendor to make a few purchases and then begin sending angry letters out

Can’t believe a so-called trolling guild has been trolled so badly by a single undead priest bros …


Seems like boomers don’t understand memes :). Maybe go on facebook to educate yourself.

Careful mate, he’ll send you the same email now

1 Like

Telling people to kill themselves with bleach is not a meme, it’s just immature.


Ok thanks for your valued input mr. nobody asked.


Thats not a meme though


2016 reddit

We didn’t ask for the year you were born + your favourite website, king


Another thread of embarrassing posts by <The Scarlet Crusadé>


The scarlet crusade.

Unfunny 2016 memes???
Sending people bleach in game.
Failing to gank Stormwind.

That sums them up


I understand that you feel obligated to defend your guild seeing as you’ve already committed… I count 6 race changes to it, but at this point you’re just doing negative PR for yourself and your guildmates.

Fun fact: that’s £114 assuming they’re just race changes, £240 if they’re all boosted. I’m not judging, but that’s an expensive hobby.


I expect bleach in my mailbox when I get home

The Athramus reply has been longer in the works than Boush’s I think.


Vixi, it is what you asked from the very beginning: that I should go ahead and prove you wrong. In this post you are once more turning my posts into a travesty. My point is different than what you make it to be: I said that I do not let my arguments be overridden by emotions (I’ll add now: unless they need to), not that I do not get emotional. For example, I mean that I am aware of my claims from the beginning to the end of the discussion and I will remain coherent with the position I brought up, without letting my emotions override it. I also didn’t spread any misinformation.

I have always been very clear from the beginning that I would have targeted your credibility as soon as you argued this is a legit way to conduct a debate (to show you exactly that it is not respectful as I claimed in my first post). Yet, at the end of the day, you’re exactly lamenting that it is not respectful of me to do this to you. Not only that, you also accused me of stalking your post history (which I didn’t) as if it was a bad thing when you, moments ago, argued it is a legit form of argument.

What I have done in our discussion is exactly what you described as legit behavior in your first posts: yet as soon as it is turned against you (in a perfectly legit way, I may add) you lost your temper. And I personally believe it is the same defensive mechanism that you used during the entire debate: you are the innocent, good-willed person, while I am the evil troll which is here to make your life miserable.

You have chosen to reply and go through all of my posts because, ultimately, winning the debate for you was more important than being a nice person. I won’t openly comment if I think you failed at both, but I’ll let you guess. I don’t think the forums are the place where we should come to show off as better individuals than others.

In your post I always see, even now, both an attempt to appear agreeable and an attempt to win the debate. Though they are both respectable feelings to have in a debate they don’t mix well together: in certain situations you can be either conciliatory or combative, if you mix the two you’ll just be passive aggressive until you either leave or you reveal your true colors. Note how a lot of what you said about me in your first comeback is what you said about my arguments before, you just changed target: now no longer my arguments are vile and repugnant, I am.

The reason I have debated with you, as with anybody else, is because I love to debate (a debate which, mind, you started and you kept replying until the very end) but also because I take to heart what I believe in. I can assure you that during my entire post history you won’t find a debate in which, when I formulated it, I didn’t believe my position was correct. I am not the evil troll you think I am.

Honestly, I have been very clear as to why I have been doing what I have done: I wanted to show why your first point (it is legit to judge people on past credibility), isn’t a good way to conduct a debate. And I believe it has been proven. Furthermore, I had a second goal, which was to help you reflect upon the way you conduct debates on the forums. In the very end you can see that my concern is, to a degree, legitimated and you should use yesterday as a way to reflect on your attitude over the forums and let go of that emotional veil through which you so often reason.

I see the effort here and it’s alright, I’m not angry with you Vixi. I’m sure that you’re a good person, you’re just not used to deal with conflict.

But you realize that in this very reply you say that you find my attitude “baseless” and that I have “lied about and against you”, when even other people agreed that there is a degree of truth in my points?

I appreciate the excuses, though.