Kakio de la renard?

inb4 ‘but explaining the joke ruins the huuuumour’


Absolutely CORRECT! And when a joke is not well received it’s best to be civil and say “Hey man, I didn’t find that very funny, would you mind not doing it again?” To which I’d respond to such a respectful request.
“Sure thing dude, sorry it bothered you!”
Issue resolved.

Getting offensive in telling someone off, and they may get defensive in response, a mistake I unfortunately made.

There’s a difference between ‘that’s not a funny joke’ and ‘that isn’t a joke’.

I’d consider learning the difference.


You should have the social awareness to not make dumb jokes. Stepping into a room full of people (a guild) and making dumb jokes is going to be poorly met, and even then that brand of humour is best kept to the hackers known as 4chan. Outside of there dumb and zany hitler xD humour is gunna go down as well as a lead balloon.

As it should.


Here’s an idea. Maybe don’t tell offensive jokes in public places?

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There is a difference between outrage and faux-outrage as well…

Hey does that mean I can go IRL to my commanding officer and drop some hot homophobic/racist jokes and if he doesn’t receive them well - ask him not to file a report on me for being an absolute nonce?

Why would social awareness be taken in consideration, when things can be so easy


Actually yeah can you direct me to the punchline of saying HH please, Abysscaller? Can you show me to it? Can’t seem to dig it up



“It’s their fault I said something inflammatory because they were angry when they told me off.”


Actual translation: You want to resolve something peacefully, then be peaceful about it.

Bender’s methods doesn’t work like that. “We will teach these people our peaceful ways. BY FORCE!”


i have to get promotions somehow

don’t kinkshame


:flushed: :eggplant: :policeman:

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In your case i can make a joke without words.
raises a mirror

Who was more offensive

The tasteless “joke”
Or the ones who reacted with “that’s not funny”


Not much of a gang war really

Super-busy guys doing big gamer moderation on an disinterested audience packing more bots than members against the PCU, the literal pinnacle of camaraderie / high-trust communities, each member armed with both a genius level understanding of the fundaments of good roleplay and the most philophosically insightful forum-posts ever typed in these boards

Thesis and antithesis. The AaW is my Rubicon


To the realm of Argent Dawn rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn’t have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

It was early in the morning when he rode into the town
He came riding from the south side, slowly lookin’ all around
“He’s a streamer loose and runnin’”, came a whisper from each lip
"And he’s here to do some griefing with a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip"


I heard a quote before I quite like, though it can be argued against. “Comedy & Humour is not subjective, what makes you laugh or what you think is funny is.”