Kaløyan - the cheater


Omg… Im so frustrated…
I just pressed the “X” button by accident.

I got 880 HKs during I play the stupid card Blizz game, just by killing myself in between games…

1 “Honor Level” per hour just by playing Hearthstone.


MUltiBoXing is fine


Congrats on paying twice as much to get 1 honor level an hour.

I couldn’t think of anything more boring, honestly.

PS Quit being that guy in HS, end your damn turn.

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I dont pay twice. I just pay for my main acc and I use it to “cheat” and get free HKs with my Starter Edition. Im a SE 20 level hunter.

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You are a genius. Use another starter account for 2x kills tho

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I`ll do whatever it gets to cheat if its not against the stupid Blizz/Activision rules.

Multiboxing is cool. Alright…


If I still cared about pvp on this game id try to see if I could somehow open 40 extra free accounts and start honorkill farm people but im not sure what the restrictions are.

If * multibox druids can * destroy herbs then why cant we also ruin the games mechanics?

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There is a lil difference. The fockin drood multiboxers ruin your game-experience. But me… I just farm myself and I dont ruin anyone`s game-exp. I just farm myself.

But… This shouldnt be allowed in this game, also 20 level “vets” shouldnt be allowed to farm 20-29 BGs for “free”. Its very brocken. You pay once to get enchants and professions and then you can gang-bang 20s levelers for free? Is that ok?

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Gotta love those free accs with arcane mages spamming missiles.

Blizzard could have put passives that boosted people at level 22 but nah:P

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This will be banned for sure, since its not giving blizz $$.


Why banned? They pay? What is different between 1 guy getting 10kills from random players and 1 guy getting kills from his own chars? /s

Bragging about cheating/exploiting things will always fascinate me. I cannot understand what must go on inside that head of yours.


It’s not a cheat or exploit any more than 20 druid multiboxera Destroying the economy

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Abusing is still against ToS while Multiboxing per se isn’t. You are abusing honor gains, it’s not multibox issue.

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I do this for years and no one “GM” from Blizz contacted me to tell me Im abusing the game mechanics. So, Im not a cheater/bugger then.

There are still people who murdered someone and they are not in jail. That they weren’t arrested doesn’t mean they are not guilty ya know :smiley:

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Apply your" logic "to multiscum botters thank u

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If Im not arrested, I can keep murder ppl :wink:


That’s why Blizzard sux at this, their policy is to wait for you to kill more people so they can gather evidence of your guilt, instead of putting you in jail and preventing you from doing such horrible things in future :smiley:

Just imagine how would it work in real word with situations like we describe here :smiley:

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