Kaldorei emotional moment (spoilers)

nop, you are wrong.

None of these links is official, Chronicles is.
People could edit the Fan-Wikis to say that Nelves descended from Murlocs, and it’d be hilarious but still wrong, because they descended from Darktrolls.


The Troll compendium mentioned it years back.

Chronicles 1 describes how Night Elves were once Dark Trolls. You must be trolling.

Chronicles 1
The Well of Eternity and the Rise of the Night Elves



nop, that’s just a mistake.

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Sure, over 10 year old lore is a “mistake” when it’s confirmed in canon once more.

It’s not the first confirmation of it, you know. It’s even in a comic I think it was NR 64. The devs pointed to that.
Feels bad that this thread got spammed with your trolling.


I don’t want to argue, but Blizzard have confirmed once that Chronicles are just a point of view of the Titans. Titans can be wrong. :wink:

Also, there can be a possibility that Night Elves were actually created from the trolls by the Elune, using magic. It’s still a mystery why cave trolls decided to leave their caves, travel half of the world, and settle at the forbitten lake.


It wasn’t forbidden. The mystery isn’t also that great.

Yes sure. stop calling me trolling because im serious.

Also read what [Призраклеса] wrotte.

Girl, you alone are the biggest proof that trolls and nelfs are related.


I am pretty sure it’s arcane mutation caused by proximity living to Well of Eternity. Same happened with murlocs who evolved to Jinyu-Ankoa.

Same reason why Darkspear left Stranglethorn Vale - more peaceful nature of the cultural practices.

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Woah, calm down there Nigel


they arent


Ardenweald is so beautiful, I really think the art team did an incredible job. it has become my new favorite zone.
I think the Night Fae campaign is looking good, it was awesome rescuing the souls and releasing them in a peaceful place. I also enjoyed listening to Tyrande berate the Horde players, and have them serve under her feet.

I can’t stop laughing! :rofl:

Outlandish heresy!


Moontear is the missing link between troll and elf kind

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Totally offtop and posted for selfish reasons.

Since I am not familiar with the arts of forum necromancy and the original thread is locked, I’ll just add a minor detail I got wrong before, loosely related to kaldorei.

From the horde quest Where Hope Dies.

We must carry out the Dark Lady’s orders before we are overrun by these newly-invigorated elves.

There is one night elf in particular that we seek. You may remember her from our last venture into Darkshore. Lucky for you, she is already dead… so she should prove less troublesome than the living ones you’ve already encountered.

Signal me when you find her corpse.

So, it was not random at all, hence Sira (and Delaryn) could not get any options from val’kyrs (assuming my headcanon is not just headcanon).

gl hf

Unfortunately, it is true.

And the reason why I say unfortunately is because elves are the main problems of Azeroth. From Azshara all the way to Sylvanas. It’s really embarrassing to see elves as descendants from Trolls.

At least now the Horde got Dark Trolls.

And yes I say this as a Elf myself.

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think you mean trolls are the main problem for azeroth this vermins should be wiped from the face of the planet

Trolls didn’t blow their empire up and took the world with it like Elves did, they saved the world from Aqir and lost their empire later.


no their biggest crime was being weak and getting stomped by their descendents you still have them spouting all land is troll land despite being under the heel of the lights of lights some mongrels never learn

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Their descendants took advantage of a literal nuke they were lucky enough to discover planted close to their territory. And happened to meddle with it to such extent, that it ended up blowing most their land gains, and forcing their entire civilisation back into loincloth-wearing tree people.

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