Happy about what?
Night elves are on their own since the beginning. Why would anyone even think that they descended from a trolls…XD
Happy about what?
Night elves are on their own since the beginning. Why would anyone even think that they descended from a trolls…XD
No way we descended from Trolls… To even think that is highly offensive to the already heavily battered Night Elf playerbase.
You wish hater!
Also, I know that you were the one who edited our wiki page to include Troll heritage. Delete it right now!
Exactly…its like saying humans descended from apes…/facepalm
Well, WoW humans don’t.
Has the 1st tome of Chronicles passed your attention? Are you in any form or shape familiar with the lore of Warcraft? Or it’s some awkward trolling which I cannot get.
I think they just missed the RP-Forum again.
I’m proud of you.
Has anything else but one by mistake written sentence passed your attention?
[Race origins - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft and its universe (fandom.com)](https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Race_origins#Elves)
[WoW -> Info -> Story -> Chapter 1 (archive.org)](https://web.archive.org/web/20070930195533/http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/story/chapter1.html)
[The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Night Elves - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (gamepedia.com)](https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Warcraft_Encyclopedia/Night_Elves)
Sorry to burst your pink bubble. Night elves did not descended from trolls.
It’s confirmed for years now. It’s even in Chronicles 1. Gee that some people still ignore this.
nop, you are wrong.
None of these links is official, Chronicles is.
People could edit the Fan-Wikis to say that Nelves descended from Murlocs, and it’d be hilarious but still wrong, because they descended from Darktrolls.
The Troll compendium mentioned it years back.
Chronicles 1 describes how Night Elves were once Dark Trolls. You must be trolling.
Chronicles 1
The Well of Eternity and the Rise of the Night Elves
nop, that’s just a mistake.
Sure, over 10 year old lore is a “mistake” when it’s confirmed in canon once more.
It’s not the first confirmation of it, you know. It’s even in a comic I think it was NR 64. The devs pointed to that.
Feels bad that this thread got spammed with your trolling.
I don’t want to argue, but Blizzard have confirmed once that Chronicles are just a point of view of the Titans. Titans can be wrong.
Also, there can be a possibility that Night Elves were actually created from the trolls by the Elune, using magic. It’s still a mystery why cave trolls decided to leave their caves, travel half of the world, and settle at the forbitten lake.
It wasn’t forbidden. The mystery isn’t also that great.
Yes sure. stop calling me trolling because im serious.
Also read what [Призраклеса] wrotte.
Girl, you alone are the biggest proof that trolls and nelfs are related.
I am pretty sure it’s arcane mutation caused by proximity living to Well of Eternity. Same happened with murlocs who evolved to Jinyu-Ankoa.
Same reason why Darkspear left Stranglethorn Vale - more peaceful nature of the cultural practices.
Woah, calm down there Nigel