Karazhan is so scary blizzard

The torch thing was cool the first 5 minutes going into Kara, but its so buggy or annoying with not see mobs/bosses and its just more annoying then anything.

Mages healers in there seems useless, the lich boss as a mage healer (what I have seen multiply times now) is hard to heal, they also get a bug where their channeling spells gets interupted so they cant heal eaither. Was this even bug testing for this dungeon?

There need to be mechanics added extreamly fast for this or just remove the torch.

My 3 suggestion, suggestion 3 is the one I hope you will go for.

  1. There need to be torches on the wall that you can lit and then the whole room gets revealed (should be able to do this in every room. Every torch you lit up should also provide a big area around them with light until all of them are lit.

  2. The torch light gets stronger and stronger giving out more light around the player who have it so at the end it lit up almost a whole room.

  3. Just remove it. Clearly its just stupid at this point.

If any of you devs would go onto the SoD servers and join a group you would see how bad its acually is :joy: Even if I have cleared it on many of my chars, some groups struggle alot, I like that the mobs harder to kill and also bosses and the enrage timers on them aswell is nice so DPS also need to step up. But this is not working as is.

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Get a hunter with the flare whats the issue?


Ah right, so you need to have an hunter in every party you go in there with, is that still good gameplay mechanics then? :thinking:

Kinda yeah makes hunter more relevant bring the class not the player

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Thats just utter dumb :joy:

Post it on X, blizz devs dont read forum of their own game. Especially the EU forum.

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Think the mechanic is fine. Maybe a mage healer will struggle. But i think if they added more enchanted skills like flare to other classes that would be cool.
Like shammys searing totem gives of a small light, Priests/palladins greater heals fills the target with holy light for 3 seconds driving off the darkness and more.

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They came up with something unique and interesting and you already asking to nerf/get rid of it on day 4 just to zugzug farm it all


the light mechanic is all fun and games in the start but after 5 min it is just dog doodoo bad, sperg tank with torch on him trying to pick mobs up while going los from the healer or range dps and then complaining he died… so yeah the whole torch/light mechanic, its fun and good on paper but realy annoying to play with. 8/10 for the dungeon. love they did something new,

now just removed sanctified gear from this game, silly borrowed power for 1 raid is super duper bad


unique? :joy: No they taking everything from retail. So please :stuck_out_tongue:
I wouldnt say nerf the dungeon, I like the challence in there with the mobs having alot of health and some mobs do alot of damage, the wierd and a bit buggy light I want removed yes, but it wouldnt nerf the dungeon :wink:

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Skill issue


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

You don’t NEED a hunter, hunter just makes life easier.

Different classes providing unique buffs is nice. There’s also flowers in there that druids can light up.

Literally Kara is the most fun I’ve had in wow in ages. first run was with some random pugs, we all joined discord and worked our way through it blind and had a great time.

We cleared it the second day with a mage healer from our guild and managed to clear it much faster than before.

Yesterday another great group, just me and a guildie and 3 pugs, again in our guild discord and each time we clear it faster.

Yeah we encountered a few bugs: First day we had the relics bugged, we only found 1, the one that drops didn’t drop even after a full clear. Second we kept pulling rooms through walls. Yesterday was actually smooth.

Bug suck and should be worked out before hitting live. but given the number of issues SoD has had I won’t hit back over the first bit of actually good unique content they have added.


Why are you targetting me?

Its not unique or interesting.
It was added in retail months ago so its just copy paste mechanic from retail.
On top of that what is the point of kara crypts when you cannot see half the dungeon anyways.

We had a mage healer first time i tested Kara and he realy strugled. But it’s suposed to be hard and all need to use all in their toolkitt. Stun, interupt etc to make it be easier.

on horde side, its gotten to the point where nobody wants to go into kara unless there is a shaman in the group to provide alpha to the tank.

no shaman, no bueno.


The content itself is not hard. You missing my point.

I agree that healing is a challenge there. You should be able to click on the people in your group. And LOS with the torch is a pain. I had people die due to issues like that.
I like the mechanic but the LOS without the torch should not exist as healers can even heal when they not facing the player.