Kazzak - Horde Tank looking for a guild


Ive been playing on and off the last couple of months, but now with the new patch I would like to join a guild that is looking for a tank. Sadly I cannot DPS or Heal, I can only tank, which I know may make things harder for me to fit in. My main is a Protection Warrior, but I have a 70 DK and a Paladin (which I havent geared up still).
My main goals are to clear the Heroic raid and maybe down a few mythic bosses.
But overall the idea is to have fun.
I`ve been in a couple of guilds so I have some experience with raiding in all of which I have tanked.
I can play/raid most days after 8-8:30 CET.
Thank you.

Punished on Dentarg/Tarren Mill is looking for a new main tank at the moment. We’re not on Kazzak sadly, but do not mind if the raiders join us cross realm.

We’re mature, older, casual, friendly guild which believes in play what you like and enjoy. Aim is Curve, maybe some mythic bosses if roster allows. We do dungeons as well when people are around.

We raid Thurs/Mon from 21 to 00 server time.

You can add me on discord mari.s if you want to know mor.

More about us can be read in the lengthy post: Punished [Tarren Mill/Dentarg] is lookig more for s3 raids!