In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Kazzak in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Name: Dulg
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Vendetta
Looking for old guild mates that will try some classic. It would be fun to end up on the same server no matter how little we play.
Name: Emeraldon
Race: Undead Male
Class: Mage
Guild: Vendetta / Addict / Enraged Messiahs / Guerilla / Converge
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Hi old chaps! <3
Name: Cartas
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior (prot 4 life!)
Guild: Last Resort
Name: Raptor
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: Synergy / Wipe
I can’t say I remember the individuals of last resort, but I do remember you migrating to Kazzak towards the end and claiming the #1 horde guild spot! Any idea if some old players will be converging to a server?
I must have a bad memory. I don’t remember you! (sorry). How far in did you raid with us in Vendetta after we migrated to Kazzak? I also played a mage, Tahaziel, until I switched to Dulg (warrior) mid BWL.
I see Grao posting vanilla videos of our raids so I suppose he’s keen. Seen a few around on Kazzak, like Lecardinal, Aphez, but I can’t speak to them since I don’t have a sub 
Name: Eviltuub
Race: undead male
Class: Mage
Guild: Atra Vulgus. Sons of temujin Stygian
LF: old friends trying out some classic 
Name: Eviltuub
Race: undead male
Class: Mage
Guild: Atra Vulgus. Sons of temujin Stygian
LF: old friends trying out some classic 
Name: Thranduill
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Aether and All in
Blizzard Battle Net: Delle#2718
Looking for old guild mates that will try some classic. It would be fun to end up on the same server no matter how little we play
Name : Taurex
Race : Tauren
Class : Hunter
Guild : Moral Decay
Battlenet : Supernova#2746
LF horde guild and old people from back then from moral decay / Shadows of Doom guild
Name : Rammie
Race : Troll
Class : Warrior
Guild : Converge
Battlenet: Rammy#2329
Was more in TBC for me but recognise few names here 

Name: Nauq/Meldar
Race: Troll/Orc
Class: Rogue/Priest
Guild: Incorporated/Discordia/Despair
Battle#: ymg#21394
Was mostly in Kazzak during TBC/Woltk, in classic I was on Zenedar under the name Yasser
Name: Raarghh/Qerrigan
Race: Tauren/undead
Class: Warrior/Warlock
Guild: Converge/Vanguard
Battle#: Raarghh#2474
Name: Nénai
Race: Orc
Class: Warlock
Guild: Some different PvP guilds (xD in TBC)
Battle#: Nénai#2364
Used to play with a lot of people really. Mostly PvP with Augon (undead mage) at times.
Through Naxxramas
Recruited by Beejay / Vixon and lasted until the guild died out / stopped raiding.
Name: Poppamies
Race: Orc Male
Class: Shaman
Guild: Synergy
Bnet: masChine#2243
Hopefully there are more old guildies from Synergy!
Name: Raebb
Race: Tauren Male
Class: Shaman
Guild: of Doom, Sons of Temujin
Bnet: raebb#2296
Was mostly playing througout TBC.
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It’s coming back E. Sorry! You probably didn’t remember me either. Was funny to listen to Grao’s raid videos of the twin emperor kill on YouTube a few days ago and hearing everyone’s voices again. Good ol Tonymontana…
Did you pick a server? I was one of those suckers that subbed again to get my name that no one wants anyway.
I actually subbed because I found some vendettas are still playing retail and I wasn’t allowed to whisper them with my trial account. Spoke with Lecardinal/Aphez and it seems there are a handful that are playing and probably on Shazzrah. Not sure if horde or alliance though. I’ll just play the same.