Kazzak (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Name: Cragen
Race: Orc
Class: Elemental Shaman/lightning mage :slight_smile:
Guild: Morbus Instructus for majority of vanilla and a time in Vendetta during Naxx until the collapse. Vanguard from that point on.

Just looking for some familiar names I haven’t seen in close to a decade.

Might help posting with the actual character I played on during vanilla.

Name: Tarkesh
Race: Undead Male
Class: Mage
Guild: Morbus Instructus, Vendetta, Vanguard - can’t recall if others.

@Cragen, I remember you. :slight_smile:

I also remember my fellow mage Emeraldon, but I have had contact with, or seen him throughout expansions because of Forte (alliance), which is still a standing guild name on The Maelstrom (migrated from Kazzak). Unfortunately the guild is not really active anymore, though. I hope Classic re-launch will change that!

I also still have contact to Yeeah, Undead Mage. My partner in crime (PvP).

Name: Luthair
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Guild: Fusville / Vendetta / Warning / Synergy / Wipe
Bnet: GoldenGoose#21218

Highly doubtful that I will give this a go, but might try it out a bit for the nostalgia. :slight_smile:

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@Tarkesh, remember you as well.

If I remember correctly you pvped alot with Guerilla/premades and Dille(UD warrior) back in the day.

That’s very accurate! I did pvp a lot - also on Dille, which was my very good friend. I also remember I was one of, if not, the mage with highest amount of hp/stamina on the server when pvp’ing because of my mix of pvp and naxxramas gear. :smiley:

This was mostly back on Daggerspine, though, if I remember correct. Because I remember being screwed over by the migration from Daggerspine to Kazzak. I would have been rank 13 in pvp if the migration had not come up at the time it did. After that I kind of gave up on progressing further to rank 13 and 14.

I wonder where Soulbound is. It is not many expansions ago that I think I saw him play.

Strange the crap one can remember after 14ish years.

Must been around the same time you ranked. Remember Dille ragequiting the honor grind when he ended up missing 0.2% or something like that to get to rank 13 :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly Dille(Jonas) passed away a few years ago. Shame he never got another chance at that rank 13.

Don’t think I’ve talked to soulbound since the early Daggerspine days. But got a few m-i people one Facebook, so honestly wouldn’t surprise me if he could be tracked down.

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Name: Toiletpaper/Tp
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Guild: Morbus-Instructus
Bnet: Teapea#2646

I don’t remember much from the good old days, but then again I used to be quite the text book example of an introvert back then. :smiley:

I do however remember them good times from M-I and who could ever forget the true Laggerspine experience.

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I remember you for your silly nickname. :smiley:

I remember you two as well. I played a Mage called Menu . Together with MNG, and Toiletpaper we used to be the mian 4 mage’s. If I remember correctly.

Name: Menu
Race: Undead Female
Class: Mage

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Think you forgot Shadowghost and Nightgloom. :smiley:

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Emeraldon! Your name rings the most bells out of the horde players. I was an alliance player (human male paladin, mostly walking around in pvp gear and wielding TuF). Did we do a lot of world pvp fighting or what? :smiley: Think I also sold you Elemental Mage Staff through neutral AH?

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F*ck indeed. where some Epic times! I still talk to Ravenous (one of the Main tanks) often


Yeah, definitely remember your name :slight_smile: I spent most of my time in Tyr’s Hand in the later parts of the game after AQ/Naxx came out :smiley:

Ah, that’s right! Now I remember :smiley: Nice to see your name again

Name: Dthun
Race: Tauren first, then switched to Troll during WotLK
Class: Hunter
Guild: Macabre, Stelth kilers, Discordia, Despair.

Reached 70 late TBC and raided end content during WotLK in all of the guilds above.

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Name: Sherbet
Race: Undead
Class: Priest
Guild: Furieux

I wasn’t really a big player back in vanilla, so not expecting anyone to remember me, but who doesn’t love a bit of nostalgia.
I remember being in the guild Furieux. I joined back on Daggerspine and moved over, even though i didn’t really know what i was doing. Joined as i was grouped with a Hunter in Arathi whose name escapes me.
Gave me my first raiding experience going in to MC with a group with some people from MI. Urwen from MI and Justicia were friends if i remember rightly; she said that they were sister guilds.

Hi Tarkesh and former M-I peeps!

Name: Chambord
Race: Troll
Class: Priest
Guild: Morbus Instructus

Curious to read where you will all land, and I might come online to say hi and heal you.

Edit: can’t post with the original troll character, still there though.

Hey there.

I am going to play on Gehennas alliance with the guild ‘BOON Control’. I was in the guild in TBC. :slight_smile:

Name: Môno
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin
Guild: Misanthrope, Fang, Converge
Bnet: Môno#2631

Was mostly playing througout TBC & Wotlk.