Môno old chap! <3
Name: Frostarn
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Guild: Misanthrope, KPN, Stelth Kilers (very briefly)
Bnet: Frostarn#2475
Was mostly playing througout TBC & Wotlk though, but recognise some of the guild and character names.
Môno old chap! <3
Name: Frostarn
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Guild: Misanthrope, KPN, Stelth Kilers (very briefly)
Bnet: Frostarn#2475
Was mostly playing througout TBC & Wotlk though, but recognise some of the guild and character names.
Hope we can play some again
Name: Skorr
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: Illuminati / dont remember what the guild name changed to :\
Hey man!
Sure thing! Looks like I will play on Mograine with some friends there! Join us. I will most likely play shaman again
I haven’t really had a chance to play yet, but where as everyone ended up so far?
The massiv influx of new servers makes it rather difficult to pick right now.
Name: Dukage
Race: Troll
Class: Rogue
Guild: Vendetta
I remember several of the Vendetta guys, definietly remember you Grao. What servers are people playing at? I started on Stonespire
Hi Tark! Ah, Morbus Instructus - where are the others? Also - some merged to “Forsaken” if I recall correctly?
I remember you, Sherbet! Is Urwen still around?
Name: Azagh
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter
Guild: Showdown
Looking for Kushimon and Doom are you still around?
Did synergy/wipe later rename to showdown in TBC?
Did Wipe later rename to showdown?
Wipe was the result of a merge between Synergy and Kapow.
Showdown was created at the start of TBC and roughly 80% of the players came from Wipe.
Abit late, but still around.
Name: Urwen
Race: Undead
Class: Warrior
Guild: Morbus Instructus and Furieux.
I am still around, enjoying classic nowdays as Alliance on Golemagg
Name: Petek/Peetek later on played as Arogon
Race: Undead Male later on Undead Male
Class: PRIEST later on played as Rogue
Guild: Lithium later on Vanguard
LFM : Majinbuu, Serethen, Crayli, Inari, Darkwarrior, Rissager… and so meny other ppl i sherd 10 yers with! And we came from Daggerspine
Add me : Binder#2354
Ps. in Vanguard we had a girl druid with Sulfaras and i killed her brother who had /fallow on me in MC so i was the only guilde she had /ignore and she was close to Guild Lider (was it Mcgyver with TF)