Game will be dead before release gg
If all you #NoChanges crybabies currently residing in the toxic Firemaw cluster could just stay away, it would be very healthy for this new community.
All these forum debates lead to the thought that Blizzard should have launched two Classic versions in parallel with slight differences, making it easier to integrate them into one TBC server if necessary. This way, we would have had a regular, unchanged Classic and a version where at least some classes received updates for playability without disrupting the transition to TBC, along with quality-of-life improvements.
Although I’m pretty sure that in such a case, only about 20% of the total fresh launch player base would have chosen to play on the pure Classic version.
Because in the end, they went with the worst option: too few changes to attract SoD/Retail players, yet enough changes to push back the #NoChanges community.
Or they can just stay in their precious ERA and join TBC later (please don’t).
Pretty much spot on. However I do believe the 20% group on no changes realms is there to stay. So eventually this group will be way bigger percentage wise long term. Alot of the people demanding all kind of changes are more likely to leave sooner. Have a look at SoD by example. SoD is also an example of what happens if they change the game.
So I agree, have a fresh nochanges server and make a fresh one with the changes and let the people their have their poll system. Spoiler: The second one will turn into a mess eventually.
This. Give us one nochanges server that just sticks to what era is like today - with the fresh progression. I’d play that. Otherwise I’m staying on my era chars along with my guild and most of the community I’m in.
Good for you?
Do you realize the fresh isn’t aimed at current (subscribed) era players who are just fine with things how they always have been. They already have your money and a server for you to play on! So your opinion for FRESH doesn’t matter to blizzard. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that a carefully adjusted ruleset can attract more players than just re-running a copy of classic era.
They polled and asked people who(for the most part) currently aren’t playing, but WANT TO. And guess what, those people overwhelmlingly want dual spec and all the other pizazz in their cup of vanilla. Those are the players that matter and they are the ones who can make classic great again, not the era diehard fans such as yourself or myself that stick along no matter what.
It just makes me wonder if instant mail to alts is also considered a bad change because it deviates from vanilla that’s the one i can 100% get behind.
I guess you are right. A fresh 2019 style server along with the new flavour would have been great tho! I could see it attracting a lot of the guys and gals I’m playing with on era currently.
At the moment most of the guilds on my era realm seem to be continuing their raid schedule full steam, and in my era community the changes to fresh have really gotten a lukewarm reception. I guess, after all, we’re the stubborn, bitter old era gang who just want to play what we consider “real” vanilla.
We were even really upset about the changes to pvp, chronoboon, and opposed to the July changes with Stormwind buff etc
“Keep doing changes that no1 asked”
Translation: “no one = everyone who doesn’t support my personal views”
Only someone who doesn’t accept other opinions will create a thread with such a title.
Stf u sod dog
literally loads of people asked for these changes have you actually looked at the forums recently?
so many clowns thinking that forums are representative of any relevant portion of the playerbase. people come here specifically to complain and i’m one of them
So why do you belive it represents you or the person who made the thread lmao.
You guys sound like kids.
Also, how is dueling going with your “naked” priest who turnes into a druid?