Keep getting disconnected

Ever since the servers went down, I keep getting disconnected whenever I’m on the dragon isles. I can come online for like 10 seconds and then just get disconnected. I managed to get to Orgrimmar through the portal in Valdrakken, and didn’t disconnect for like 30+ minutes, until I decided to take the zeppelin to Waking Shore where I then got disconnected again after like 5 minutes of flying around.

Does this happen to anyone else?


Same, seems to be affecting everyone.

Deleting cache didn’t help. Doing a scan and repair now. Probably a server side issue though.

You’re not alone. Happening to a bunch of people on my server, including my main. Alts logged into the same area fine but my main got dc multiple times. Now my main stays online but my alt is getting dc. Something broke.

Did this an hour ago. It breaks after scanning to 100%, going: “Whoops something broke, try again!” and restarts the scanning process ad infinitum. Would not recommend. Going to let the game lie for a few hours and come back to it.

Scan finished without any issues. Didn’t need to fix anything though.

Dafuq… i can’t even log on to a server… For me it says that all servers are “incompatible” and i get disconnected if I try to enter a server…

For me, I’m just having Incompatible message for all servers and I don’t even get the ability to do a scan & repair for World of Warcraft through the app.

I’m going to give it a few more hours and get some housework done, then I’ll just do a fresh uninstall & reinstall of the client.

Interesting, I just tried to modify the install and it says that there is a pending update… where? I don’t see any update of any kind being pushed.

Same for me, they are all incompatible. And when i tried to post to forums earlier it said i needed a level 10 char? I posted before though. Thought something was up with my account but i guess it’s a EU problem. Give it some time, they will fix it soon enough i’m sure. Coffee?

Same here! All mys ervers are “incompatible” in red writing. I am honestly just waiting for Blizzard to fix this and wont do anything as of now

Even happens on a fresh install to my main, no addons and/or custom settings applied.
Alts in old territories seems to be fine.

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Well that means you didnt’t donwload todays update yet, I guess.

No updates has been prompted for me

Edit: I had to start it manually, thanks

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This happened to me jsut now. I was in the crafting area.
I used the character stuck self service, it worked, but i flew back there and it happened again xD

First the unannounced shutdown, now this… jfc i’m getting frustrated.

Same here but let’s be patient with the indie devs, they don’t know how to code.


EU Turalyon , cant even log into server after several attempts and disconnections . Also ppl in general chat reports this issue , probably after todays server restart .

Oh wow…

I just hit up my task manager and World of Warcraft was still running, even though it wasn’t.

I ended that task and the update instantly started to download.

I have no clue how the hell that even happened.

btw i forced an update and it seems to be fine now

After deleting the game’s cache and running scan and repair I’ve stopped disconnecting.

It had already applied the update previously and I still had disconnects.

It might just be that you need to leave the character logged out for a while since it doesn’t fully remove them from the world when you first get disconnected. Trying the other stuff gave it time to do that.

its only my char in valdrakken city that keeps disconnecting after a few seconds online. My char in waking shores dont get any dc