Keti caravan

Except that the OOC in /s I was talking about does happen in the middle of RP, and in the middle of a populated zone - Valley of Honor, in this case.

That is incredibly jarring to see.


It is 100% an unpopular opinion. OOC in /s is cringe and if you do it, ur pretty cringe m8 not gonna lie


Frankly if it was in like, Oribos or the Covenant Sanctuaries I wouldn’t be bothered.

But there’s been a LOT of it done recently in the middle of RP in /s with (brackets)

And I just like
Why man
In VoH when there’s a LOT of rp going on…
Doesn’t take long to form a party for them to do their OOC talk in


Yeah, in a populated RP spot it is probably not best done. But outside of that? I really could not care less. It’s not any more immersion-breaking than someone running in circles around Oribos or doing quests/rare-farming in Korthia.


I don’t mind it much myself if it’s somebody quickly correcting themselves on an emote or if it’s done out of the way of roleplayers, but I’ve literally seen people go on tangents about their IRL day to day in bracketed emotes. Stuff like that’s pretty stupid IMO, that’s defintiely something to keep to a party or whisper.


It shouldn’t be done at all.
It’s bad habit forming at best; people can be as convinced as they want that it remains within designated areas but monkey see, monkey do, and the more it’s given leeway in certain circumstances the more we see it bleed out to where it happens in hubs like the Valley of Honour.
I’ve seen people from the same guild OOC in /s. It’s absurd. There’s a /g channel for them.


You’re one of the rare few who don’t mind it.

Save OOC for channels that should have it. Guild chat, party chat, whispers, general channels. There’s plenty of options and ways to avoid it, so doing it is a deliberate choice at times.


Just own your mistake mate. /e coughs into their hand. "I mean " of course. Or whisper, or /p or /raid or /whateverchannel the kids use these days

simple as


AYe, if you make a mistake - either just ignore it. Most people ignore typos anyways. Or if you feel it needs correcting just go “/s correctword, I mean. Stupid Orcish.” or something.
As for full on ooc conversations in brackets: Don’t. Just don’t. It’s annoying chat spam. Just form a party, or use /g or whisper the person. When I’m roleplaying, I do not need to read about someone’s SL dungeon running plans inbetween lines. It’s not unlike mounting a huge yak or w/e in the middle of a group of roleplayers.


That is pure pain.

Many a RP brawl has been obscured by someone standing on others with a tauren, growth pot, world shrinker and large mount (usually a clefthoof or mammoth/yak).

I question what goes through their heads to make them do that…

A combination of “Haha le funny RP, what a bunch of weirdos”, boredom and inability to recognize that people are capable of having fun in other ways than theirs despite coming onto a server meant for that kind of fun.


this, tbh

I never register typos until someone starts correcting it, unless it’s one of those really egregious ones that completely change the entire meaning of the sentence if it’s not fixed, in which case just correct yourself IC


I don’t mind OOC talks in /s either, as long as it’s at least outside of obvious RP places. I do try to OOC talk in /w or something like that most of the time but sometimes just forget when I’m in a non-RP/empty area. For the rest, always in private channels like /w or /p, to not disturb people RPing.

these guys are probably some of the worst roleplayers I’ve ever seen,


Could it be possible that most of them are new?

Possible, but even then. Imagine you are new to Warcraft roleplay and your first thought is
“I, as an adult, or someone close to the age of adulthood, am going to spend my time pretending to be a child”
“Of every option available to me, I am going to be a cat. Not any of the actual Horde or Alliance races, just a cat. A non-talking, non-sentient creature.”

I suspect new players aren’t coming to Argent Dawn with those mentalities, and if they are, I’m kind of worried about what living conditions they endure to lead them to such iffy conclusions.


Friendly reminder that child RPers are the exact same as people who like loli

You know

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I wouldn’t say all of 'em are but uh…

a lot

a vast quantity

an overwhelming majority

at least 99%


“Kills 99.9% of germs” is only there on the rare, negligible chance something gets missed out and legal stuff is involved.


Formatting aside, I’m struggling to figure out most of the content of the post…

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