Khadgar in a wheelchair

So If they wanted him to sit on something instead of showing he is crippled , why Exactly a wheelchair . It could have been a nice floating Armchair with a cup holder and some drink it , so he can float around like a boss sipping his drink .
Hell it would be more comfortable than a wheelchair and defiantly more stable to land , than a thing on wheels that can just go whichever way if the magic brakes give out , or the land is not exactly even ( as is the case in most of Azeroth)


I think this giant, standing out PINK wheelchair for Dadgar is not really “woke”… it’s more like mocking the woke idea. It’s so far-fetched, outlandish, illogical in the fantasy setting of powerful mages that I’m fairly sure it was made as “malicious compliance” by devs who were told by Sweet Baby inc. to add someone in a wheelchair. So they made Khadgar use it but it’s so bad, it’s so awfully designed, so cringe and illogical, that no one sane can take it seriously, yet the people on the far left might be content seeing it. They might just not know it’s literally mocking them all.

That’s what I’m going with here.


Sweet Baby Inc. needs to be dismantled with everyone fired tbh. They are making a mockery of our hobbies.

They help no one.


Actually its mocking people in actual wheelchairs if they are using disability as joke with it, but anyways. This has nothing to do with “wokeness”.

You are patronizing people in wheelchairs if you think no one can make a joke about them - you treat them in a condescending manner and treat them as “worse” than everyone else - beings who allegedly don’t deserve any equal treatment and have to be constantly pampered, pat on the back and be pitied every day.
Pathetic approach, really.

Wheelchairs were used as a source of occasional comedy since forever unless the wokesters appeared.
Heck, Joe Swanson in Family Guy is in wheelchair and it’s a source of endless jokes.
In Leslie Nielsen trilogy, one of the final scenes has OJ Simpson pushed down the stairs on a wheelchair in the background ,doing flips in the air. No one said it was mocking people with limited mobility.
And don’t make me start on every single joke about a Stephen Hawking-esque style of wheelchairing, or expies of him in any adult comedy show.
Then comes you crying how bad they have to feel. Because you need virtue signaling to make up for your life with no achievements.


The wheels have an agility buff +5000 if you click them it shows in the tooltip

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You were saying its linked to wokeness somehow, which I responded to you that it has nothing to do with wokeness. I told you that if they are using it as joke its actually mocking people who are in one, which would be a fact.

I have no clue what the rest of this is then or what you are accusing me of even but be adviced if you make this type of insults or attacks I will report it, but dont feel the need to reply me again as Im just putting you on ignore, I dont have interest for this type interactions where other is only seeking to insult other people instead of have conversation like adults.

Goodness gracious, some of you are so obsessed with everything being woke, it’s getting silly.

Let a man sit in a damn chair. Where was your outraged mewling when Drek’thar sat in a wheelchair back in Cata?


There’s no such thing. I do not think that posters such as yourself ever engage in good faith and brand everyone who criticises DEI/ESG as being in the wrong despite there being many valid reasons to criticise such policies.

You can’t brush it off as a conspiracy theory, as a quick internet search will reveal Blizzard’s commitment to the cause in question.

There’s also many minorities who despise tokenism and the obsession with visible diversity - for example, as a gay guy I loathe how often gay and bisexual men are reduced to bland, campy stereotypes.

Your point also doesn’t make much sense in the context of Anduin - who is frequently criticised and has been for quite some time by many within the community. You’re simply exploiting visible diversity as a shield to deflect criticism. A tactic many of us have seen in play quite often.

So you say in every single thread that even remotely pushes back against readily identified performative tokenism. You are perfectly free to make use of the ignore system and even avoid threads that you do not wish to engage with though I imagine that would require a semblance of restraint.


Read Vonnegut’s short story “Harrison Bergeron” if you ever have the time. In the future, equality is ruthlessly pursued by any means, including the physical: if you have perfect hearing, you’re forced to wear a deaf aid that slowly makes you deaf. Likewise 20/20 vision renders you liable for wearing thick, heavy glasses eight hours a day to slowly ruin your sight. That steampunk version of Xavier’s chair is but the start.


Its to illustrate the danage he suffered.
If for eg the next time you laid eyes yiur gnna think mmmm ok kadgar can float… so what.

But as youve said hes in a wheel chair that one sentence tells us he can no longer walk and that by using levitation magic he can get around much easier than in a chair.

So when you break it down its more pallatable.

If he wasnt a wizard he’d 100% be bound into that chair so more power to the chara and blizz fir thinking to use his magic to show hes not giving up.

Its a rant , but more a lack of understanding the story being told bc if the wheelchair, we kast saw khadgar duking it out in dalran in magical combat.

Then boom dalaran just explodes, the fact khadar is ive is a miracle nvm him in a chair.

I think storytelling with the use of prop and surroundings is truly lost on some ppl, either they dont have the imagination for it or dont like it or understand why.

The mere facts are khadgars parylsed but chooses tonuse his magic over a chair.
It could have been seeing your chara ( The champion ) alive and well rallied him to use his magic that he may have been practising yet failing to utilise properly.

Honestly i dont know ive not logged since the weekly reset.

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This is patently false… What was for example Pepefrog, again? Willful ignorance of reality does not actually alter it.

“Posters such as myself”… and those are, exactly?? With that statement alone are already actively engaging in the process of discrimination, and either don´t realize it or don´t want to admit it. Or you´re doing it on purpose because you think it justifies prejudice.

No, I judge people based on their statements… and a statement such as “Oh, more woke /DEI BS”, or the obviously racially charged statements such as the jew comment by another poster are not “criticisms”, they are obvious attempts to rally support for one´s own discriminatory aganeda by throwing out buzzwords. Which is basically the definition of a dog whistle in this context, btw.

And atttempting to justify any of that, no matter what minority you personally say you belong to, is the root of the problem.

Did I?`No…putting words into my mouth and then criticising them is 100% fail.

This is entirely correct. :beers:

And at which point was I ever speaking of Anduin?

That said, Anduin is as non diverse as it could possibly get… white, blond, blue eyes… People are angry about that because they feel that him having a human side and not being invincible somehow by extension paints themselves as weak… But they don´t need his help to do that, their statements accomplish that just fine as is.

The most embarrasing thing about all of this is that, in a world with Dragons, magic, space travel, and Orcs, an old man being in a wheelchair after a traumatic experience is somehow too much to believe, so it “must” be part of some woke agenda :rofl::beers:

He´s also been in that wheelchair for something like 2 months at this point… But now it´s suddenly a problem? Why wasn’t it a problem 2 months ago? 0.o


Id imagine its banned uses bc its sexually explicit language.

If that word is used in any capacity ppl know what its a nod to.

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He’s saving his Ripley impression for Midnight when he gets to save everyone from Xal’atah.

Do you sit in a wooden chair without cushioning? Because he is.

But WHY?
it is a magical wheelchair there is zero reason for that.

Interesting how you say this when it is convenient while i was explaining how wheelchairs are in the REAL WORLD not in wow as unlike you i have actually done it.
But again WHY WOULD YOU USE A WHEELCHAIR when it is MAGICAL already?
Why not something comfortable?

In wow a wheelchair DO NOT FIT the setting in anyway shape or form.
An exoskeleton would make sense in the Setting of WoW a wheelchair does not.

Caps because you do not understand these words.

Where did she figure out how to make a Wheelchair?
why a wheelchair why do you not even take 5seconds and think about it does a wheelchair fit the setting of wow?
the answer is simple not really.
There is nothing in wow that is wheelchair friendly.
You hide behind that it is magical while you ignore that the whole thing just does not fit the setting.
When it is magical it could be literally anything so why a wheelchair?

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Why has this entered into this post at all.

Oh.just for clarification certain gay people are purposefully camp ok its how they want to be which is their induvidual right.
So when sombody posts about it you shouldnt assume theyre targeting everyone who isnt straight.

Look at Graham Norton hes very very camp gay bc its his bread and butter as a famous person.

Others see this and the decide thats how i want to be and so they emulate him or ppl like him.

Ove known several gay ppl that are that exact same way in their daily life, so based on my own observations you have no real right to pull ppl up for usung the gery terminology gifted to them by ppl being overly outgoing with their choices in life.

Another thing ok gender which way you swing what gender you prefer has absolutly no place in a video game where you can play different gender chars to your actual gender. Nor does shaming ppl or clever use of words to describe ppl as biased vs gender.

Genderism is a relativly new concept in terms of going beyond man and woman.

As i said earlier its got zero place in this game or moreso these forums which children read.

Children like my 9 yr old daughter so i am politely asking for you to stop the argument before i report the post to blizzard directly.

It has no place being seen where children can read it !!!

As much as i hate to disagree with gnome bro, im gonna have to go with that guy.

DEI is a plague in gaming. And you know full well that the left in any country is as fascist and tyranicall as the right. Forced diversity helps no one and pleases no one.

Look at the new dragon age game. Not a single soul that reviewed it had anything good to say outside of graphics. At least, not a soul that was a fan of past entries.

It is ok to be a minority. It is worth compassion that certain people have been marginalized through history.

But reversing the coin is NOT the answer. Faerin is a complete joke of a character. She is a mary sue of color and disabled. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a female lover.
None of those things are bad when taken at face value. But the writers are not concerned in writting a story. They want to send a message. And that is something i am against.
Not the message itself, mind you. But using the game as a medium for it.

The Archmage being on a wheelchair in World of Warcraft makes absolutely no sense. Like, at all. There are various ways to cure that condition in world. There are priests, druids and Shamans, all of them capable of healing. If you can bring someone from the dead, you can for sure fix someone’s legs.

This is a videogame. Pure and simple.

Dont hate me bro, but i hate far left as much as far right. No political side has the right answer. Only somewhere in between.


I never said it isn´t. But that doesn´t in turn make being discriminatory ok, does it?

Becaus that´ts the issue I take with people´s statements, by “countering” an underlying woke agenda with active discrimination, irrelevant of whether there is an agenda or not, you`re actually only proving why this sort of agenda is often justified, while simultaneously (if possibly inadvertently) aligning yourself with the mentality of a German citizen from 1942 :beers:

While i agree with you just a small PSA your daughter is too young to be here it is a 12+ game.
Youtube has age limit of 16 to make account.
Social media in general is supposed to be 14+

Just a couple of things that makes it odd that you use your 9year old when they are not even technically allowed to see it