You are not wrong in the slightest. But keep in mind that people are already quite burned from the very loud and agressive (sometimes even violent) people that advocate such values.
I loathe skinheads. I loathe people on the far left. Any person that brings harm to another based on something they cannot control.
That can be anything from someone’s race to someone’s breast/penus size.
I agree with you though. Countering discrimination with more discrimination is idiotic.
an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind after all.
This is actually part of the biggest problem… people in general have bencome so particsan and tribalistic that they appear to only be capable of binary thinking anymore.
THere is a radical right wing, and a radical left wing… and there are a frekinc buttload of us in teh middle that think both are complete idiots.
But if you ask either one, we don´t exist, by merely criticizing them, we must automatically belong to the diametrically opposed side. Which in turn doesn´t garner support for either side, but rather keeps the actually sane people out of the discussion comkpletely…
Until they themselves get fed up with the constant childish partisan BS, and as a result eventually actively start lobbing bombs at both sides to make it go away. TO most centrists, it doesn’t matter anymore who “wins” as long as they both finally shut the hell up
Cool but then you can not use her as an excuse in a conversation like you did do.
Do not use her in an excuse if you are also allowing her to watch and read things not for her age group.
Just don’t use her as an excuse to complain if you are also going to allow her to disregard the rules even laws.
Hed hate the hell out of my husband then bc he shaves his head we both met in the army and agree he looks so much better with his head shaved. The other vuy saying he hates on shaved heads is very closed minded.
Far right neo-naz*s who shave their heads and commit all sorts of racially charged hate crimes.
Not actual shaved heads x). That would be hipocritical since i went to military school 15 years ago and had a shiny dome myself. Now i have glorious long locks though
(Of course i’m a metalhead. Have you seen my character??)
But i also think you were joking and i completely missed the mark.
I don´t think he´s saying that in any way. A “Skinhead” in general english use is not someone with a shaved head, a “Skinhead” is a card carrying neo-nutcase…
People with shaved heads are “Chromedomes” or “Wax on, wax off”, to use terms that are at least mildly humorous but still not really inoffensive when actively used to discriminate… In reality, they just “People with shaved heads”, which says nothing about them as a person, or their political affiliations, sense of humor, length of their third leg, etc. …
I don’t have any problem with Khadgar in a wheelchair. He needs to recover both physically and mentally and being in a wheelchair protects him just a little. What I do find odd is that the wheelchair is a bright fluorescent colour which can be seen by any enemy from miles away. Camouflage might’ve worked better …
wheelchair was a conjured by Kekdgar love interest
she a kirin tor mage
you dont throw away presents like this ;D
ocasionally (in 25 days of timegating , our real life time) he will get up and we will get quest bit what happen with dalaran next
a whole 10 minute of content
considering types of flying mounts like the disc and the absolute pain in the rear that would be using wheelchair on cobbled and not wheelchair accessible environment in WoW anybody with means to do it would just get a flying chair.
You’re giving Blizzard way too much credit mate We thought Sylvanas had some great plan in mind and the twist is coming soon ™. Well, that didn’t go well.
I hope so, he would be at least somewhat interesting.
Would it be soooo bad? I mean she could get a break for a while, she’s really irritating.