Kick from dungeons, why there exist "deserter"

So being kicked (deserved or not) is wasting of our time dungeon (reward for completing it).
Second is there exist “deserter” it should be aplied ONLY when you self “leave” dungeon. This is meaning of word “deserter”. Being kicked is AGAINST your WILL and this is SENLSESS and UNFAIR.

So i just was on dungeon. Some of first packs of adds.
I have 10% mana i wrote “mana”. After current adds died i sit down (5% mana) to DRINK.
Tank rush for another adds. 8s later HES DEAD.
5s LATER i GET KICKED. And earned 30 min BAN for “DESERTERING”.

You can get MAD cause of this ***** created system of “desertering”.

Man who did nothing wrong, wasted his time he spent on dungeon, he get 30 min ban for starting next dungeon.
And people who unfair kicked this guy get dungeon complete and “reward” for their amazing combat!

***** IS THIS?

About kicking:

  1. People who fair kicked someone, get another player and realise their goal.
  2. Guy who get kicked fair get his “punishment”.
    Why there exist deserter ban? If doesent anything for team that realise goal
    Guy who get kicked already lost something and lost time he spent on dungeon.
    Why the hell there exist deserter ban? For people who troll kick someone are happy cause there is no any PUNISHMENT for them for unfair kicking! This toxic kinde of people are happy about that!

“Deserter” cause exist only for players SELFleaving dungeons, so they know if they do that (and do some charms for party) they will get punishment. So that afraid keeps them PLAYING.
Otherwise this system shouldnt EXIST!


The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.


at wotlk (or it was priv server) when u start dungeon u have 15 min cd. After 15 min of doing dungeon if u get kicked u have 0 cd.
So if players dont like dungeon, and they vote to kick on beggining they get 15 min cd.

But this whole system is against any people.
If u know u can kick anyone u do it. If they earn 30 min ban (even at last boss!) u do it more often to just punish people.
Often they dont deserve punish! System does not care!

Its damn thrash system

Make your own group then.

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are you serious dude?


If you have such issue with LFG and deserter, then make your own grp.

Ppl are toxic in pugs, deal with it, or avoid it by making your own grp.
However, this requires something called " an effort" and most ppl like you are unwilling to put in that “effort”.



Go back to classic dummy

Experienced this myself when on healer when a fully loomed DPS needed on the staff whilst he had his heirloom staff but because he queued with 2 friends in DF and mentioned it I got kicked and trolled through whisper… It is unfair

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BUMP, i just got kicked for no reason at all. I whispered one guy in the group who said thanks to me for rez him, he got got team killed by mind control totem with friendly fire because they was toxic friends obv, he said for the kick description was $#"$%*,

Frustrating as hell 30 mins for being kicked for doing nout all wrong.

Maybe use a timer, or just remove the penalty.
timer could be a 2 min afk timer for inside dungeons, player can only be kicked once afk for 2min or something.

Swearing after a warning prompt or something can open eligible for kick.

There are multiple ways you can handle a better vote to kick system,

Or have a penalty for the successful kick request, like, player gets removed, dungeon restarts, with all trash respawned, and not the bosses you already killed.

The rule should be, if you dont like me remove yourself. not kick, especially in random dungeon lets be honest

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Can be easily circumvented by hitting every 1 minute and 59 seconds.

Which is circumvented, by yourself in your own post. Masked swearing isn’t allowed on the forums/ingame.

Incorrect, directly below is a quote of yours that you suggest others should leave if you’re holding them hostage. So not a kick for “nothing”.

In your suggestions all things were to punish a remaining group and prevent a new replacement from being encouraged to finish the dungeon - the very essence of a hostage taker which was the major major issue in the first VTK days. You said it yourself: “if you dont like me remove yourself” - this issue is essentially tackled here

Extra emphasis:

If you have an actual good suggestion you’re welcome to submit it as well through the ingame box but I don’t think any of those would be improvements.

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Berny doesn’t have time to be kicked. Berny needs instant gratification.


In his defense, people do whine about the exact same thing in all of those threads.

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True, but it’s not like the copy paste he uses actually servers any purpose or really does anything.

It’s just a tldr; “it’s a feature within lfg.” Okey ? Thanks?

People are voicing their opinion on that it’s not functioning well. And i agree.
Far to few are required to click Yes in order to kick. Is 3, should be 4.

With that you’d reduce ALOT of unnecessary votekicks from people wanting to be rude & toxic. I’ve clicked no on multiple people who still got kicked, I’ve myself started votekicks that did go through regardless of one not agreeing.

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It does, it explains to players saying it has to go and serves no purpose that the VTK feature was implemented after serious, massive feedback in direct response against players attempting to hold the dungeon hostage in the past and is a direct quote from Blizzard.

That you didn’t understand it and then told me to not comment is just a weird take on a serious matter that Blizzard should get feedback and actual suggestions from to improve which you may submit to the ingame suggestion box.

Thats an exaggeration if i ever heard one. Do quote where i said “Saneko shouldn’t be commenting.” Green color or not around peoples avatars, they’re equally dramatic.

I’m saying your copy pasta servers no purpose and it doesn’t. People are voicing their opinion and criticizing the system. As it deservers critique.
Tossing some automated message “Hello this system was needed because of people abusing it.” Doesn’t really open up to any discussion or anything.

And im not talking about just this OPs post, if a post includes “dungeon” & “votekick” you post the exact same ones over and over.

This is a forum for discussions, to voice opinions.
People can suggest things and also critique it.

As it can open up dialogues on better suggestions.
It brings attention to it, more people become aware of it. And we can bring more attraction.

Maybe you should add that to your copy pasta instead?

Either way i’m not your mom, post whatever you want.
I just find there to be a big lack of necessitie in spamming it.

mvp is just coming up with excuses does it matter if someone wants to move onto a diff dung just remove this damn debuff it’s obsolete now and with the toxic people around in this day and age it’s wrong to punish somone who was wrongfully votekicked.
i could spout off how many reasons behind the vote kick system is being abused and i will if someone makes some smart arsed comment trying to justify a spiteful debuff to allow others to be nasty towards another player who is probably just trying their best to play and enjoy themselves.

Yes the system with kick can be very unfair. But as others has repeatedly stated, its there for a reason.

With cross realm LFG, ppl can and will be toxic. And there is little that Blizz and we can do about this. You can remove cross realm LFG, and perhaps its a little less toxic. Though with 3 times as long queue.

There is atm, just 1 way to avoid this. Make your own grp.
This way, you can inv ppl you trust and like. But as I said, it requires some effort from you.

And you strike me as a guy who just want everything handed to you on a plate. So I doubt this is a solution you would want, or bother…

Im no fan of LFG or LFR, when it arrives. But I dont flood the forums with pointless whine. We all know ppl are toxic, and you all know the easiest solution for it. May I said it again? Make your own group!

These rushing tanks are former Retail players who fail in M+ runs, so they throw their weight around in Cata.
I put in bluntly, Cata is dogpoo! and attracts vermin toxic players.
again it’s down to bad game design, being removed is punishment and getting a ‘deserter’ is a 2nd punishment, should never get punished for the same mistake twice.

Twice? What? Your only punishment is - not alowed to be in the dungeon for 30 minutes.

punishment 1 is getting removed from the dungeon
punishment 2 is getting a 30 minute dungeon ban
that’s 2 punishments.

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