Kicked from dungeon for being too high level

I’m trying to level my 79 hunter, I’m at 92% and I get queued into Utgarde Keep. The mobs at the start are grey to me, I get asked to leave because the others are “only” getting 200exp per mob. There’s no reason for me to leave as I know I will level in this dungeon regardless, so I just keep going. Not even 2 minutes later I get kicked and now have to wait 30 minutes for no reason other than randomly queueing into an instance that’s too low level for me.
Why am I being punished for something that’s not my fault?


It’s not you fault but why other people must be punished for Blizzard’s fault?

This is Blizzard’s fault really, Utgarde keep is a lvl68-71 dungeon and at lvl79 you shouldn’t even be getting it as an option.


Exactly, I do totally get why they kicked me, but a 30 minute ban from queuing is insane. Especially considering it would’ve only been 15 if I had just left instead…

You get 30 minutes if you leave anyways

Got same thing, bunch of low geared, just dinged running hc dungeon, killing packs 5 min and i am always low of mana as a healer and i got kicked because cant heal them up in my 355 gear, and also got 30 min dungeon ban. Crap system from crap devs and crap indie company.

The thing you need to understand is that Blizzard cannot fix human stupidity. If it was the other way around, that votekicking wasn’t allowed, you would have just as much abuse, just a different form of abuse.

I also think that there has been quite a few things in Classic WoW that are questionable from a design point of view. But this is definitely not one of them, since a gaming company cannot fix human behaviour.

Edit: As in response to the situation in the opening post. Yes, in that very specific scenario it’s on Blizzard for not removing anti-boost mechanics from RDF. But with that said, if they tightened the level gap for low level dungeons, queue times would most likely increase as a result. But perhaps that’s the least bad out of the two situations.


in the 30 mins timer you can go quest more than enough time to level up :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the dailies, mining and herbalism which all give good experience.

I’ve had the same situation happen to me yesterday - not sure if it was Nexus or UK, but yeah, lvl 79 getting legitimately logged via RDF, each of us getting 200xp per mob, kicking the poor guy. I see several levels of mistakes here - and Blizzard is to blame for every single one of them:

  1. The whole RDF range, which seems broken kind of in general - Vanilla, TBC and WotLK dungeons seem to be available later than they should (has been reported a while ago, to no avail). Also there are dungeons you can get via RDF, but can’t pick up the quests for being too low lvl (Violet Hold from the top of my head), which seems wierd too. This isn’t exactly game breaking, just doesn’t make sense.
    I also understand the “anti-boost” protection in lowering the xp reward to nothing in case there is a too high lvl in the group - fair idea, why not (and not using this system would be just as fair…it’s just arbitrary). What is beyond my understanding though is letting UK and Nexus be available to lvl 79 though - just cap them at say lvl 77 and it all starts to work just fine…as intended, tbh.

  2. Getting a deserter after being kicked from the group, really? I simply am not able to think of a single good reason behind this mechanic, can someone perhaps enlighten me? I lived under the impression that the Deserter buff is a punishment for leaving the group (check the name after all, for god’s sake). Getting a deserter when other people decide they don’t want you in the group, when there is nothing that forces them to only kick for rational reasons (and there can never be, such a thing doesn’t exist, people will always abuse, it just is what it is) and ESPECIALLY when there is actually a good reason for people to kick you in certain cases (like the one in this topic)…that’s just pure nonsense.
    Deserter after being kicked should be removed immediately, period. The only thing that could be abused if it wasn’t there is someone just porting out of the dungeon and not leaving - but at that point, he is to blame for being a j**k, not the entire system for being stupid in the first place.

The situation that happened to the creator of this topic is purely Blizzard’s fault. He can’t be blamed for using RDF in a way that it is supposed to be used and the other 4 people can’t be blamed for kicking him when having him effectively ruins their lvling. Blizzard allowing this to happen, when the fix is literally overwriting a few numbers (max rdf lvl) or removing a deserter buff (somewhat more complex, but still easy fix)…that’s just sad. Very lightly put.

So you have 1 case where you got queued innto a low lvl dungeon. This was enough to come to the forum and whine.

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Not to entirely speak for the author of the topic, but…in my humble opinion, reporting an utterly nonsensical game mechanic and giving a reason WHY it is nonsensical is far from whining.

But alright, I’ll bite. According to your based-on-well-argued-points and not-at-all-condescending opinion, at what point does what others consider bug reporting actually become bug reporting instead of whining?

Summit a bug report. Dont come crying to a forum over something that happend 1 time to you.

And is it the end of the world?
Go quest a little, life moves on.

Oh, I fully agree with that - you find a bug, you report it and in the meantime, find a way to deal with it…as you said, move on, easy enough.

Thing is…the stuff reported in here is not a bug, the mechanics reported here actually work as intended. Issue is that the “intended” is pure stupidity with no good reason (at least I can’t see one).
And considering we’re paying for the game…encountering all-out bugs is fine, nobody’s perfect and there’s always something that just doesn’t work 100% - all good, providing they get fixed in a reasonable amount of time. But if we pay for the game, I don’t expect to find a mechanic that prevents me from enjoying a certain part of the game for no good reason - which is what happens here, the guy who started the topic got locked out of RDF for 30 minutes without it being his (or anybody elses) fault. That’s just poor thinking on Blizzard’s part.
Btw. no, it hasn’t happened to me, because I know how it works and log specific in that situation. And no, it’s not really about the 30 minutes either, at least not for me - 30 minutes won’t kill anybody. For me it’s about general principle of what you get for the money you pay.

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It’s a pity to see yet another fall victim to vote kick and deserter debuff used wrong.

That feature is for sure misused and abused.
It also make absolutely no sense to get deserter debuff for getting booted out by vote kick.
You didn’t choose to desert the dungeon group and leave on your own. You were forced out, often by toxic players.

Last time I got 30min deserter debuff because tank pulled multiple Crystalspawn Giants and Stonecore Flayers at the same time in The Stonecore, and nobody except me was jumping to avoid damage from quake and since you can’t cast heal while jumping and instant cast holy paladin spells have cooldown or they need to charge up with holy power, and nobody bothered to move away from flay either, I couldn’t keep up with healing in my gear, and we had wipe.
Since I never played Cata on retail outside of RDF, I had no idea where the dungeon entrance is located.

Everyone else was back in the dungeon, while I was cluelessly roaming around the Temple of Earth searching for the entrance.
I decided to gave up the search and ask for directions, however… before I could send the chat message, I got ress prompt, and immediately after, before I could click on the prompt to confirm getting revived, I got vote kicked.

I can understand they mistook me for being AFK, but the 30 minute ban from RDF was not justified by any means.
While my gear was not the best, I had no issue to keep up with healing prior to that section with flayers and stone giants, nor the other Stonecore runs with reasonable pulls.
Needless to say that low gear is certainly not valid reason to kick someone out, since they met the required iLvl to queue for the RDF in first place, unless they have gear completely unsuitable for their role, which was not my case.
Neither is valid reason to kick someone if they were placed in dungeon below their level range because of poorly scripted RDF.

Those who mock OP for whining on the forum probably abuse this feature themselves to give players 30min deserter for reasons like “tank is too slow, not pulling multiple packs at the same time”, “dps too low to cleave the big pulls before tank die” or “healer can’t keep up with my big speedrun pulls”.

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