KILL Mythic Difficulty. BIG step

By all means. Simply answer. Do you honestly believe that 12M people are not joining WoW ONLY because mythic raiding exists? And no other reason. JUST mythic raiding alone.

Dont dodge the question. Just answer it. :rofl:

He can’t, he already forgot the context.

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again, another reply, without a single word i typed.

Well someone has to keep this crazy train going


you completely changed the narrative of the question

im saying the mythic gearing causing so much drama, that a lot from that 12mil pool left

You could use 2min to check RIO 

Take SotFO for exaple.

1207 were 11/11
129 Additional guilds were 10/11
84 More were 9/11
122 More killed 8/11
503 more killed 7/11
284 more 6/11
364 more 5/11
308 more 4/11
381 more 3/11
717 more 2/11
414 more 1/11

So in total, 4513 GUILDS doing mythic, that’s 90.260 players. Most likely more, most guild doing mythic has a roster of 25+ people, some even more.
That is not counting all the people that pugs the first few bosses of mythic, which we have no numbers for.

And that’s only for SotFO, currently we have 3 active raids and not every guild is progressing them all at once.

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ok so we dont have 2k guilds but 4k guilds fighting that last BATTLE FOR THE MYthic. how amazing. :popcorn:

We have even less of that doing pet battle dungeons, lets remove those as well shall we. We have even less of those people that have the heavenly onyx cloud serpent lets get rid of that mount, even less of that have 10 mil gold lets remove gold. I can move the goal post all night long.

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i said they CAN not they ARE.

as i said, SL Was 10million players. not 100k, so it’d be a conversatino to why 2.5million stopped buying the expansions.

Because we’ve grown up?.. lol, the 12.5million plaaying this game back then are now Fathers, Mothers, Business Owners, Workers, and have Far more responsibility, we’re in a Climate where families are struggling and likely cannot afford to buy PCs or Uphold Subscriptions.

its No wonder why.

In a Time of Struggle and Inflation, Theres Less people able to afford PCs Game Subscriptions and expansion prices.

and can you bring one positive to come back for Mythic raid?

The Same reason why u’d return to the game.

Because your looking for a Virtual Game, to make friends, Do content, and Push challanges Along side of while having a laugh.

ok so im noob, coming to game, wana be Mythic raider
 tell me a positive and what i have to do for it.

Well, do you have any actual numbers of people doing LFR, if it’s not greater than Mythic it should be removed right 

Do you have actual numbers for people doing BG’s? If not or they’re less than mythic raid, it should be removed.

Do you have the numbers for people doing Arena?

Do you have the numbers for people doing world q’s

Do you have the numbers for people doing anything else in the game?

we have more mounts and pets in game then guilds clearing mythic :smiley:

Why would anyone come back just because of mythic raiding? And before you attempt to use this a proof of your nonsense claims why would anyone come back for a heroic raid? If a raid is to bring back people it is going to be because of the raid itself and not it’s difficulty level or item level reward. I have taken many breaks over the years and never have I though “Oh wow this raid has all 4 difficulties” “oh wow this raid rewards X ilvl”. The point of difficulties is not make people come back, it’s to retain the already existing player base.

Whats one positive to come back for Open world content

whats one positive to come back to do M+

Whats one positive to do Achievements.

The point of the game, is entertainment, and its pros and cons will 100% be uptoo what u do and dont play the game for.

But how many people actively collect them because they want to, if you can’t say for certain i expect you to want mounts removed from the game.

And that proves what exactly? Ever heard of overlaps for a change?

I play mostly PvE and really dislike PvP, still I got a few PvP achievements as well. Does this make a “PvP player” now? :rofl:

That we have to remove Mythic difficulty duh :crazy_face:

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