KILL Mythic Difficulty. BIG step

can you prove more then 2k guilds killed Mythic? :smiley:

im not the one making Claims here Bud, its on you to Prove your argument, not me.

you’ve made a Post, saying a Minority mythic raid and the games too focused on a Small % of the games Population instead of catering to the game to the average gamer.

but you havent proved

how Many People Raid at anything above LFR>
how many People do actually play the latest expansion.
how many People would be positively impacted by Heroic Raiding having access to mythic ilevel.
and how many people would Resub or come back if such change came into place.

to find out exactly what ur after.

you need to find the total % of players, then

you need to find out how many of those are Multiboxers / Botters etc etc to get a Direct number of ACTUAL players Not accounts, then u’d need to find the % of gear Progression focused Players and the % Of players who do Actually Raid mythic, then Minus the number of Mythic raiders
 to find a Total % of players who agree with you.

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I’m not concerned with mythic, but would rather have the dev team improve normal/hc mode to allow for gameplay without me needing to install DBM.

sadly wont ever happen.

as DBM Would make the game too easy if they balance the game excluding it, it’d only ever happen if DBM Was banned from the game entirely. which i guess is a Personal opinon if should or shouldnt happen.

You actually think he will back it up with any noteworthy facts? Pff
 I admire your patience.
But the most likely scenario will be:
“Its a fact because I SAID SO!”, anyone who disagrees are “evil elitists”. Heck
even flat-earthers try to prove their arguments. :rofl:

Besides Amonet already tried debating with him. Result:

there is actually good proof

12,5m used to care, sub to this game. you said,

[quote=“Xyvern-ravencrest, post:658, topic:401081”]

Actually no, blizzard have proven this game would retain profit at a 100k playerbase.

ok we can agree

why 12,4 mil left. ? many reasons

but the question is:
is anobody from 12,4mil caring about Mythics? i think no

they had milions of reason why they leaving.

Mythic raiding was never a reason for them to coming back.


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I mean it is HUUUUGE


cmoon where is yuor popcorn??

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I’m more of a chips kind of girl.

I dont have guild drama either :confused:

ah i cannot wait for that last battle for 70k subs :dango: :dark_sunglasses:

brave girl, appreciate it

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Yes because obviously the remaining subs(regardless of their numbers) are 100% heroic raiders. And the existence of mythic raiding or lack of it
 matters absolutely to EVERYONE who plays WoW.

Anything else Chief? :rofl:

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my guild is RIP.

Was it because Mythic raiding exists ?

i have no idea what you are telling. but ok.
im that happy 12mil majority without active sub. the rest 100k according to fellow predictions, gona enjoy the game, after DF hype.

Oh ffs enough with that 12mil BS. Do you honestly believe that the game doesn’t have all those subs is because of gearing issues. If that’s the logic why isn’t WotLK classic sustaining those 12 mil players now?

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What a surprise. That huuge education is paying off eh?

But ofc. And all those 12M people will pop instantly once mythic raiding is removed? Dang
Blizz only has to remove mythic raiding and we will be back with 12M people overnight.

Btw. Can I also get whatever you are drinking? I also want to join you in “Happy Unicorn Lala land”. :unicorn:

!Warning! You are using logic to a person who is guided by
 ehm. Honestly no clue how his brain works but certainly not by common sense.

In psychology btw and he has great insight also.

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this is the best part :smiley:

i dont have to type anything anymore and you generate more comments.

Oh no pls type more so I can make more jokes.