KILL Mythic Difficulty. BIG step

i have couple of days left, so practicaly can… :slight_smile: so… im not playing, cos huuuuge DF disappointment

Yeah but you need to have active time on at least one of those accounts so the “I can’t play the game because no sub” doesn’t work.

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well, do you recognize a dwarf mage with a name Obesitea?

she keeps staying at lvl 20 but she posts

So you admit that was a lie.

What exactly in DF is disappointing? Have you actually played it to say?

Not really or at least I don’t remember. Nvm the allied race guy, what about him?


I would say more, as you only seem to take guilds into account who do full raid clears.

If you check a raid like Nathria, which had a pretty good participation rate, you can find that over 6 thousand guilds (7022) who downed 6 out of 10 bosses. I went to check for that number because any guild who decides to go for more than the three easier bosses have an aspiration to get as far into mythic as they can.

I would say the mythic playerbase is more around the 10-15% quadrant. You have to keep in mind that those guilds who do not do full clears are still mythic raiding guilds, especially those who get to clear up to 6 bosses.

If you really want to equalize gear then you need to reduce everything to LFR levels, since LFR tends to have the highest levels of participation out of all raid difficulties. Normal, Heroic and Mythic can be there for achievements, transmog and everything else (challenge as you said).

Could you help me understand this behaviour?

When I stop liking a product I walk away from it. I don’t spend all my waking hours e-stalking them with barely coherent drivel.


ok my dear thanks xD :popcorn:

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Might be posting from a character she doesn’t use or idk. When my game time runs out I can’t post from any of my characters including those that are in the 1-20 lvl range (and trust me I have tried).

e-stalking??? dude ure the cringelord :D. so as an individual i cannot comment on other products but the streaming or other elite as you can?

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But she doesn’t want to reach to lvl 50 to unlock the quests and unlock the allied races

She still did not get the fox race vulpera

Course you can. But 200 times in one place? Totally normal.

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duuude, i came back for couple of weeks, played, also get beta acces, and left with huuuuge disappointment. there is nothing new, after playing a week in beta i was sad there is no system. its that bad. there is only M+, Mythic supercringe scene, left. good job. my bois.

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Mate Idk what the deal is with her I’m telling you how the forums work.

Also #autounlockARs

Reminds me of a weird Karen who was standing in the grocery store and screaming at manager about a can of coffee…even if she doesn’t use it that specific brand. She “felt” that its bad coffee. :rofl:

200? ok i bite the hydra. i feel your anger. i can leav now, :slight_smile: see ya in 50k subs game next years?..

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I played it as well and enjoyed pretty much all of it with barely touching the dungeons and raid. The fact that there was no system and I got to play with everything my class had to offer just by reaching level cap was amazing. This game is just not for you.

ok see ya, you won :popcorn: :smiley:
one cannot argue with crazy M players.
enjoy that 50k subs only for Mythic.

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And if DF actually proves to be a good expansion (not saying it will) will you resub to say sorry?

Oh noez. WoW is doomed cause our great Balance has left. Oh how we will suffer this great loss.

The world doesn’t spin around you and people who answered and disagreed with you here. Not everyone here are “elitist mythic players”.
So since its “my way or the highway”. You can go hit the highway any moment then.


sound like just like paradise
A truly grand creation From up here it looks so nice