KILL Mythic Difficulty. BIG step

Even the non mythic raiders fully disagreed with you.
Have a nice time in other games adventures.


Don’t worry he will be back along with tens of players for BfA and SL servers.


what a wimp

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It’s a miracle, deleting that nonsense post was actually a smart move, you are evolving.


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: missclicked a 
 still enjoying this Mythic fight, dont worry.

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So you misclicked the Edit button, then you misclicked and highlighted all of the text and then misclicked backspace

well this is the closes’ you even get to a mythic boss so have fun


Why would you see me? You don’t like the game. And I’m not angry at all. Faintly amused is closer to the mark.

Was short lived though

You are fighting yourself. Some imaginary fight against “big bad elitist mythic raiders”.

Dat burn. :rofl:

ill humour you, how is a bunch of sweats speedrunning challenge mode dungeons tyrannical

I found another positive about Dragonflight :open_mouth:

Here’s the thing, the reason DF will suck is because “no system”. How is it elitist that I can enjoy the game without it telling me what I HAVE to do in it. From my perspective “no systems” is a huge plus for casuals as they can just jump into content they want to. Somehow not gatekeeping is elitist.


its a weird situatioon for the OP to be in.

Somehow, they’ve managed to get so irritated that Players who are better at the game then themselves with higher time investment to earn such getting Rewards 3 ilevel above what they can achieve, they’ve caused themselves to be unable to enjoy the game.

Mythic+ will level u out with a Mythic raider easy with Less Time investment, easier to do with PuGs, Require less Players, and less Wipes.

proffessions will have Mythic raid level gear accessible through.

but they’re so fixated on a mythic raider, they’ve basically ruined their own enjoyment in some sorta war against em, its Mental the quantity of Psychological loop holes one can throw themselves through.


Quite interesting though. I am not physiatrist but the belief that if somebody is doing better than you then he achieves it by “actively sabotaging you and undermining you”. Doesn’t fall under some syndrome or disorder?

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U want back Classic WoW difficulty only where people kill raid bosses in 15 seconds?

I would say only cataclysm style

No Raid finder (LFR)

No mythic dungeon

No mythic raid

Only normal and heroic dungeons and normal and heroic raids

But why can’t I feel like the year of 2011 during the experiences like Firelands, Blackwing descend, Well of Eternity and etc.

EDIT: I mean like 4.2 style and mode instead of adding raid finder in 4.3 when the well of eternity dungeon came out

do you know what is good sign? i have more likes, then actual opponents on this topic. thats quite hilarious :smiley: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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The gigachad 22 likes XD

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the gigachad 4k Mythic guilds :kiss:

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people still seem clueless about this topic but blizzard stance is simple, do the hardest content and get the best rewards