Kill Talanji

Why are you still feeding this?

Let it die and don’t give him any food.


I will never give up. The Alliance shall be defeated and the Horde shall reign supreme.

Sometimes, you say wise things.


The Alliance will fall. And the Horde will rule Azeroth unapposed. This I vow. Lok’tar.

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We could just blow up Stromgarde and the whole Arathi, or drown and submerge them into the Great Sea, making the sub-continents of Lordaeron and Quel’thalas detached and separated by the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms in the south, so that the Alliance cannot attack in the north anymore by land…

it would be a sacrifice for the greater good like Sylvanas did in the Burning of Teldrassil :stuck_out_tongue:
no need to wipe out the Alliance completely as you can see…

In that case I wonder if you would side with the Blood Elves or the Orcs if something would happen between them without the Alliance? We know without old enemies the Orcs tend to seek new ones…or some Troll tribes could make their move, too…as you can see the Alliance is at least useful as a glue to keep all the diverse races of the Horde working together…we all have a grudge against the Humans, but without them, we are back to old grudges between Horde races…especially Eastern Kingdoms vs Kalimdor Horde could happen without the Alliance being around anymore…

Horde can’t even defeat a cheese vendor 5 feet from Orgrimmar lel.

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Love how Horde™ Supremacists think blowing up an entire nation to split the Alliance/Horde from eachother is all cool.

But wanna bet they disagree if we say Desolace, Mulgore, Northern-Barrens, Durotar and Azshara should be blown up to split the Horde from the Alliance.

Cheese vendor or not, as I already told you , it still stands because there’s a truce between the factions (aside for the Night Elves) AND because Blizzard retconned it into existence, so not much to be said about it, they are there simply because of plot armor or because in the next faction war they will be defeated and they are the excuse for the Alliance to launch a major attack against Orgrimmar (despite as I said they shouldn’t exist in Durotar in the first place).

Just like Southshore has plot armor and “it’s being rebuilt” despite the land itself was hit by the strongest version of the plague and not even the Forsaken could live in it, and they said nobody would be able to stay there for centuries just like Chernobyl in real life (and let’s not start with “the Light could cleanse it”…no, the Light wasn’t even effective against the Scourge plague, so much less against the Forsaken one that is more destructive and tainted the land itself around the city forever, or at the very least…until a retcon because of plot armor :stuck_out_tongue:

I was joking (despite now that I think about it, the Barrens were actually split in two and forever ruined by the Cataclysm basically for the same reason…) but I meant that Arathi could definitely be used as an official “border/chokepoint” between the two factions (just like Ashenvale in Kalimdor), for example reinforcing the Thoradin’s wall, otherwise we already know from Turalyon and Alleria that they want to “restore” some old Alliance cities up in the north so an attack on Lordaeron is only a matter of time (again). Now I don’t care much for Lordaeron and the Forsaken, but the Alliance advancing in Lordaeron is definitely bad news as the Humans are terrible neighbors for the Blood Elves too, I would just prefer that it stays contested forever, or at the very least not in the hands of just the Alliance, but the Forsaken vs a few human factions fighting against themselves so that it stays divided forever… Orcs and Humans MUST NEVER get the hegemony of a full continent like Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdom united under a single Horde/Alliance banner, because at that point they both would become too powerful and a huge war between the two continents would start soon anyway…

That’d make more sense, the Alliance should rienforce and restore both the Greymane and Thoradin’s Walls to avoid yet another Horde attack on Alliance borders and nations.

Historically speaking, the Thalassian elves were terrible neighbours for the humans.

You probably talk about the Quel’dorei here (but even that is debatable, they sent help to the Humans when they could despite their isolationism), but talking about Sin’dorei, no…they were best neighbours for the Humans of Lordaeron and the Alliance in the Third War as they immediately sent help against the Scourge when their own Kingdom was in shamble and just destroyed. And if you think about it, if Garithos had treated Kael’thas and his forces well, Lordaeron Capital City and all the Kingdom would have been recaptured by the Alliance way before WoW even started, actually… while the current Alliance races don’t even dare to help the Night Elves in their post Fourth War conflict against the Horde :sweat_smile:

Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, Bore’dorei. I am talking about all thalassian elves.

The thalassian elves that were helping the Alliance during the Scourge/Third War were renegades that defied the orders of Silvermoon.

(This was after the Third War)

They only sent help because their kingdom was ravaged and destroyed and their greatest chance of survival/reclaiming their kingdom (at the time) was through the Alliance remnants/Warlord Garithos.

Yes, an eternal regret, but honestly this is al only because they decided to (retcon) the blood elves back into Azeroth after Warcraft III :stuck_out_tongue:

Biggest shame, indeed. It’s because of Weakduin Priest.

Foreskins also followed Sylvanas for 18 years, they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering Southshore is being rebuild it makes more sense to connect it, Stromgarde and Gilneas overland too.

According to the Exploring EK book, Soutshore, Shadowfang Keep (+ village) and Fenris Isle are all Alliance territory now.

If that’s old lore, it’s probably retconned though. Because according to Blood of the Highborne, both Sylvanas and King Anasterian were aware that Arthas had killed his own father and destroyed Lordaeron with the help of a plague and a new form of magic who resurrected the dead. If the High Elves had been renegades, Silvermoon would have been totally in the dark about this because the information wouldn’t have reached them.

Yes, but they sent help to help the Alliance remnants and Lordaeron first, Quel’thalas later, so they put the Humans in the first place. Otherwise Kael’thas could have just refused to help the Humans or made a reasonable deal that some Alliance forces had to be sent in Quel’thalas in exchange for the Sin’dorei help (while he never said anything like that to Garithos)

Because Genn want to annex Silverpine to Gilneas specifically…the Gilneans always had expansionist views over Silverpine (especially the whole south and possible Southshore too) even when Silverpine was part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron…

Well Shadowfang and Fenris Isle are held by Alliance-adjacent Bloodfang Pack who are desribed as near feral, so it’s a bit iffy. But Southshore is held by normal Alliance troops at least. It would make the most sense to man Durnholde and Shadowfang to the brim with Alliance defenders to protect the Stromgarde - Southshore - Gilneas line, maintain the old Stormpike camps in Alterac’s foothills and leave northern Silverpine, Tirisfal and Plaguelands (minus Uther’s Tomb) to the forsaken. For now at least.

Considering Exploring EK and Kalimdor books basically made the BfA table missions canon, the Southshore rebuilding should be overseen by Raleigh the Devout, former knight of Lordaeron, member of the Silver Hand and an old Southshore quest giver, not by any gilnean. And it makes sense, there’s very few people who would be better suited for that job.

Just because they’re renegades doesn’t mean there’s a total information stop towards the High Home.

Nonetheless it seems you are right. The Warcraft III priest unit (the high elves) state they ignored the edicts from their masters in Silvermoon to abandon the Alliance and remained as healers of the Alliance.

The altruistic priests of Quel’Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and agreed to remain in Lordaeron despite the edicts from their reclusive masters in Silvermoon

But World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 54 says:

Even Quel’Thalas, no longer a member of the Alliance, sent priests to combat the undead.

That’s just smart thinking. Your group is decimated and verging on extinction. There’s a bigger group with the same goals as you that offers better protection (in theory, if Gariboi wasn’t there), so ofcourse you help them first so they can, afterwards, help you reclaim your lands.

It’s not “putting the humans first”, it’s helping someone so they can help you later.

And then? His people would’ve stood alone against the Scourge and the Amani.

Worst case scenario was that the humans kept the Scourge busy so Kael’thas’ people had the change to regroup and reorganise themselves. Best case scenario the humans would’ve actually won and a non-racist leader could’ve aided the blood elves with recapturing their lands.

With who? Garithos’ forces were basicly the only ones around at that point (he was also pretty disliked by everyone). Kael’thas refusing to aid the humans in Lordaeron would’ve gained him nothing and might even have made the humans die sooner, meaning the surviving blood elves are, again, alone to fight the Scourge.

Point is, Kael’thas had everything to gain for his people by aiding even a racist like Garithos and nothing to lose.

He helps, the humans remain the bigger threat. He doesn’t help the humans might’ve died faster and the blood elves would’ve been the second target again, but worse because no elf gates, only 9% of their OG pop and basicly a non-existent military.

You do know southern Silverpine was, until the Greymane wall, part of Gilneas, right?

Shadowfang Keep and Ambermill were the Kingdom of Gilneas’ most northern territories and the Gilneas fought an civil war over the fact that area was abandoned because of the Greymane Wall.


The bloodfang pack is loyal enough. They even let the Stormwindian Spymaster and a Kul Tirisian captain in their keeps.

Honestly, I would cede Hillsbrad, outside of Southshore, to the Forsaken.

It’s at this point not worth the money and time for the Alliance. Just take back Gilneas (north and south), rebuild that, fortify it, and if the Forsaken act up again the Alliance can attack from:

City of Southshore, Kingdom of Gilneas, Kingdom of Stromgarde and Aerie Peak.

Oh nice, there it is…and as a general rule, new lore will always trump old one, so the new source is indeed the valid one, and Quel’thalas immediately tried to help Lordaeron as the plague started (which makes sense as I said because they knew it, despite their help wasn’t even officially requested by either Terenas or Arthas).

Overall, another proof that the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei were good neighbors for the Alliance (Lordaeron in particular), with the only possible exception of the Second War then, I guess.

I guess I forgot that, but my suspect that Genn ultimately wants to annex all of Silverpine to Gilneas is still valid for me and I don’t really trust him, let’s not forget the Worgen attacked the Forsaken in the north of Silverpine and Hillsbrad too in Cataclysm. They probably want to get as much land as possible regardless of the old Gilneas borders. To make a comparison, it would be like the Blood Elves expanding in the north of the Eastern Plaguelands (let’s say they want to conquer all the area around Stratholme) only because there is high elven lodge there, and because the territory right north of Stratholme (can’t remember the correct name of that empty zone now, but in game it’s called “Old Quel’thalas”, this is for sure)…just because the Kingdom of Quel’thalas had legal ownership of something in the Eastern Plaguelands, it doesn’t mean the Blood Elves would be right to get it all…

Without Sylvanas (and without a clear leader between Lillian Voss and Calia either,right now) and with their numbers dwindling anyway without the Val’kyrs, the Forsaken will never be a threat to the Alliance again so I am not sure why you fear another attack…as I said it’s very possible the opposite right now, another Alliance offensive in Lordaeron to take it all. Which as I was saying I’m not happy about because I am not fond of human neighbors more than Forsaken neighborns (not to mention the Alliance at that point would attack Quel’thalas too with the Alleria and Void Elf justification, so that’s even worse)

Yes, I know, that needs no explanation. Stuff gets mixed up or remembered after playing wow for 13 years tho.

Also apparently they didn’t know enough that the Scourge was amassing an army to march on their kingdom, or to send their forces south when Lordaeron started falling :wink:

Yes, the Quel’dorei were good neighbours. The Sin’dorei did not exist at the time though.

And they weren’t good neighbours when the Seven Kingdoms and Khaz Modan were attacked, they only really joined the war effort when the Horde allied with the Amani trolls against the high elves, before that they just send a minor token force to aid the Alliance.

Nothing but your personal headcanon. Genn has shown, and said, multiple times he wishes to reclaim Lordaeron and Gilneas for the Alliance, not increase the size of Gilneas.

Yes, because that’s what you do when a (larger) nation attacks and invades your country and you’re forced into a guerilla war, you don’t attack targets only in your homeland, you attack them wherever it hurts.

That doesn’t mean they suddenly want to make a larger Gilneas. That’d be like saying “Oh the Kul Tiras attacked Durotar, they obviously want to annex that country to become a part of Kul Tiras”.

Bad comparison because neither Gilneas nor Quel’thalas have expansionists dreams or ideas.

You mean the Forsaken that, while bieng much smaller in number then humanity, invaded and destroyed Gilneas, Southshore and Hillsbrad Fields, that conquered Andorhall and killed and raised the former ruler of Stromgarde?

The Forsaken that still have Necromancers in their ranks, even if they lack val’kyr?

The Forsaken that build an entire cult around Sylvanas worship, joined the Horde, which breaths genocide and conquest and willingly have poisoned plagued and attacked basicly every race in the Alliance because they got the chance?

At no point ever, has the Alliance made any attempt or plans to conquer or invade Quel’thalas. If anything the Alliance has gone out of its way to try and recruit the blood elves to their faction and away from the Horde, while the blood elves have attacked multiple Alliance human kingdoms.

I doubt the Alliance would put the dreams of a handful of refugees or exiles above the wish of the majority of citizens of Quel’thalas. The Alliance conquering Quel’thalas would mean they lost a lot of manpower for no gain.

Besides both Alleria (void elves) and Vereesa (high elves) want Quel’thalas to “return” to the Alliance, not displace the blood elves.

Edit: I really need to learn to respond with smaller messages… these things are going to get loooong, if you respond in the way I do!

Except that one time the Night Elves invaded Quel’Thalas to spy on the Blood Elves.

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Which was neither an invasion or attempt at conquest of Quel’thalas.

Group of spies =/= army to invade or conquer a foreign nation.