Kill Talanji

But it was still a group of alliance soldiers, going to a then-neutral land and if the residents of said land came near their camps, they attacked them.

Strange how you get attacked when you discover the spy camp of another nation :thinking:

Strange how you shouldn’t go to a neutral land and be hostile towards the denizens. Which is also ironic considering you go to a land, where you exiled the denizens’ ancestors a little over 7000 years prior.


It was indeed technically a minor invasion (of a still neutral nation too), despite not an official one, because the Humans and Night Elves who as usual have bad intel of their enemies despite their supposedly good spy organizations, they mistook the Sunfury followers of Kael’thas with the forces of Lor’themar in Quel’thalas (despite it should have been clear to Velen and the Draenei that their attackers were from Outland).

As a result, the Night Elves occupied a whole isle (Shalandis) and the three focal points of the lay lines in the Ghostlands, even building towers and military tents.

If the Blood Elves pulled something like this in Ashenvale, the Night Elf players would rage like there’s no tomorrow at the invasion too :sweat_smile:

(and don’t try to pull the War of Thorns as a comparison, because that was a full Horde operation, and the Blood Elves could not refuse the orders of the Warchief, of course. And their “contribute” there was a small group of Blood Knights and Lorash Sunbeam who, despite his need of revenge, was killed by Malfurion anyway.

Totally different from spying AND attacking a neutral nation that is on their last leg because of the Scourge AND Amani Trolls already. Also the Blood Elves didn’t occupy and/or build anything in Ashenvale either…

For me, I don’t see many night elf fans defending the actions (only 1 of recent.)

Nowadays, I see “Well it was likely Fandral who sent them.” I mean, I don’t know how that makes it better, but I’ll humor it.
Fandral took charge of the Darnassus Druids, correct? By lore standards, Tyrande and Shandris were still in charge of the Sentinels. Tyrande wasn’t away from Darnassus during that period…so, logically - she must have known about this operation in some form and if not her, then Shandris must have known and given the lore we know now, Shandris Feathermoon has no issue working with those of Highborne descent (High Elves and Void Elves), it’s those who are/were directly Highborne, such as Thalyssra and the Shen’dralar (who she would gladly behead had it not been for Tyrande’s order.)

Are you telling me that neither Tyrande nor Shandris saw that a portion of Sentinels had been sent away? Come along now…

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Well, maybe there are very few NE fans around here. Blizzard saw to it. And usually Horde fans dont take into considerations the arguments of NE fans. So, yes, Horde is great.
We all know Horde needed a “pretty race”. And all that lore was a very weak way to do it. Like Cata, they beep-pulled some things to keep Horde fans happy.

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It’s not a question on how it happened, it’s what night elf fans try and speculate (and force into canon lore), as to why the night elf forces were in the Ghostlands and who sent them.

The Sentinel forces, at that time, did not answer to Fandral. They answered directly to Tyrande and in her absence, to Shandris. The only time the Sentinels answered to the lead Druid was when both Tyrande and Shandris were away, hence why WoT - Sylvanas was only aiming to kill Malfurion as she knew Tyrande was in Stormwind.
Sylvanas’ thoughts on Shandris were probably none-existent because Shandris only served as the Captain of the Sentinels - she wasn’t the night elf leader…plus, she was with the majority of the Sentinels, off the Feralas coast.

Once I read a theory of a Night Elf super fan saying that the Night Elves attacked the Ghostlands (with Sentinels and Druids too) because their true objective was to regrow Thas’Alah, the mother tree of Quel’thalas ( I’m not sure if it was considered a world tree though) that was in the Ghostlands and was bound to the Sunwell energy (the place of that tree was over Deatholme so it was cut down by the Scourge to build it, and was huge that it was visible from everywhere in Quel’thalas and further spread arcane magic all over the Kingdom).

I admit that explanation made me laugh too :rofl: :joy:

It makes me laugh because if that was their intent, why were they spying on the Blood Elves anyway?

And only the Druids would care for a tree. Do you really think Emmarell Shadewarden or Shandris Feathermoon cared for that Quel’Thalas Tree, when they fought alongside Talanas and Aeriel, respectively?

It’s like saying the Shatterspear Trolls are still hostile towards the night elves, but they are just trying to regrow Teldrassil.

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Why would try somebody to discuss with you if this is your reaction?

We laughed becuase there’s no need for Alliance players to whitewash the actions of the Alliance ALWAYS (as a lot, especially Human and Night Elf fans, do)…the Night Elves (and Ironforge, a Dwarf ambassador/spy was present too) attacked the Blood Elves in TBC only to spy on them and possibly grab even more lands. Stormwind and the Humans failed as well as they couldn’t keep the hostile actions of their allies in check through diplomacy (Stormwind was weaker back then, but I refuse to say they had no political power in the Alliance at all).

So saying the Night Elves were in the Ghostlands because they wanted to heal the land and the trees is actually…funny :sweat_smile:

So you didn’t think to look seriously at what that Alliance player said.
Of course you can find other reasons for night elves to be there, rather than trying to kill BE. Remember that NE leaved Kael’thas in friendly terms during WC3 TFT. I remember that Tyrande risked her life to keep them alive. I remember that Malfurion tried to communicate with the spirits of the forests and found that they are suffering. So maybe they tried to go to see and heal the forests Malfurion spoke to.
And remember that in that moment Ghostlands is not BE territory, it’s Scourge. And how you go to unknown territory? Send scouts and spies to know what is happening there.

As I said in other message, it was a very weak reason for BE to ally with the orcs who burned Quel’Thalas in second war, and with undead who destroyed the sunwell. But Horde needed a “pretty race”.

So yes, you can discuss some things, and prove that guy wrong with arguments. But you choose to laugh. So why would somebody discuss with you?

I remember that Kael’thas saved Tyrande too. He said to Malfurion and Illidan that she fell into the river, while Maiev wanted to leave her to her fate.

That was only in Lordaeron and not Quel’thalas, and in the end he didn’t heal anything because he left for Kalimdor and never returned to heal Lordaeron anyway (even after the Night Elves joined the Alliance)

Ownership of the land still belongs to the Blood Elves because it’s part of the High Kingdom of Quel’thalas even if there was an invading force on the territory (especially the Scourge who come from Northrend anyway because the Lich King was there). And the Alliance knew it’s BE territory.

I know and I don’t like the BE in the Horde a lot, but they don’t fit in the Alliance at all either because there’s plenty of bad history between them and the Humans. And at no point in Vanilla BE were ever an option for the Alliance, only HE. (and recently VE only because the Alliance playerbase wanted a “pretty race” of Quel’thalas in the Alliance as well, so same reason basically, even if Blizzard didn’t give them “pure HE”)

They were there to spy and attack BE. At least I can give you they were not there to sabotage, but it’s not much I guess :sweat_smile:

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If they are all about fixing trees in the south of Quel’Thalas - what the hell are they doing in Northern Eversong…especially being so close to Silvermoon City (Ruins of Silvermoon are / were still part of the core city.)

why were they causing all that nonsense for the old Ley-Keeper Velania?

This topic is about killing Talanj. Please stick to it instead of dragging it offtopic with something that has nothing to do with the purpose of this thread.

Just goes to show you how many people care about your “ideas”.

Thalassians and Shalassians are far more interesting than killing some troll queen.

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It seems Ion said there will not be an “all-consuming faction conflict expansion ever again”, but they will stick to the perspectives on the divide between Horde and Alliance through characters, such as the survivors or Teldrassil, Genn Greymane, and the Forsaken. The cross-faction gameplay will likely not be acknowledged story-wise, though, as the factions are already in an armistice.

So I guess it’s very unlikely now that something like MoP or BfA will happen again, about a big faction war between factions at least. Pretty much that crashes all the hopes of Erevien, or of those Alliance players who want to fully “reclaim” Lordaeron I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

I will never stop until the alliance is fully deleted from the game. Alliance players don’t deserve to have fun. They ruined the Horde in Bfa and we deserve a Addon full of Horde bais to counter te alliance bias that made the story awful. Horde bis shall be the main theme for next expansion. Even if I have to go to Irvine and threaten the Blizz devs so that they give in to my demands.