Kill Talanji

He directly denied that the faction war is a pillar of the Warcraft universe since Warcraft 3, but the new pillars are adventure, exploration, and the fact that we actually fundamentally have more in common than what separates us. “That Alliance and Horde are both defending their homes, searching for homes, fighting for family, for honor, for justice.”

So…yeah it’s pretty much over for your crusade…you can take a rest now, I guess…

It is not over. Not until the Alliance lies broken on the ground and gets deleted from the game. My mission is not over until the alliance is finally defeated for good and the Horde rules Azeroth alone. Lok’tar! Down with the WoW devs. Praise the Horde.

WoW devs are a circus with Ion being the head clown, this change is just one step closer for WoW to enter into the maintenance mode and is done so they can be lazy and make just one version of the content ala SL instead of bothering with two faction narratives.

I believe they already said that BFA would be the last red vs blue anyway.

I’m down for that, since I only care about Nightborne and Blood Elves. I’m a realist though - I know Suramar won’t be updated to be a functioning Horde city; however Silvermoon can and should be updated to reflect the current times, not the TBC times.

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That’s not how it works though.
Just saying it’s shocking people still don’t understand this.

So right leaning.

If this mess of a thread is still going on. Have fun ya all.


First world centrist problems. Both sides accuse of you being on the other side.

I just roll with Spongebob’s grouchy Squidward comment:

Centrists are not in the center though.

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If you’re not with us, you’re against us, extremists!

It’s kinda like alliance bias. If you don’t want to delete the faction+races, you have it.

Only by the standards of whoever is far left or far right.

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Nope, not at all. By the political spectrum and their policies.

Perhaps that’s enough to end a troll thread.

My case in point. Only those who are obsessed with politics but too lazy to be an MP

Ah yeah don’t care about the thing impacting your life. Ok then.

So where do you lean on the political spectrum?

Left of course. A strong social net has to be a priority in a society.

All politicians care about themselves and are only in it for themselves.

And the Twitter PC warriors that this whole field generates…by god, do these people have no life?

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Ah, so the “whomever does not agree with me is a right winger” camp, got it.


All? No. Many, yes of course.

Shrugs Not my problem. Funny enough you find a lot of them on the right too, if not more so.

No, that would be silly. There are a lot of nuances. Centrism however is not one.

Aha, so there is only right and left, no in between then ? Actually I don’t care, I really lost interest in this.

Seem to have a chip on your shoulder about anyone who just doesn’t agree with you…not very tolerant?