Kill Talanji

Nope. Not what I said. Centrism is a political movement though. It’s a name and not really the center. That’s a large part of the whole trick.

Yes, of course. That’s it for sure.

Great consider me neither left nor right then.

Preach sister! :woman_shrugging:

Both sides are just a bunch of morons who can’t run a piss up in a brewery.

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Yeah you sound like you understand the “sides”, not even understanding what “centrism” is.

Example: I disagree with Macron on a lot of things. He is more “centrist”. Simple as.

Honestly It all depends on how far into the spectrum one is, but yeah fully agreeing or fully disagreeing with one side or the other is just plain stupid imo.

There you go:

Centrism-Centrism is a political outlook or position that involves acceptance and/or support of a balance of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy, while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society strongly to either the left or the right.

I am this, and calling this right wing is either gaslighting or ignorant.

Disagree. There is one side only working for corruption and against the people.

I’m confused here which side are you talking about the left or the right XD.

Nope. That’s simple what they are supporting, mostly towards the economy, with a view sprinkles of more liberal social ideas here and there. Not much though and mostly words.

The nice words you quoted is simply a veil. That’s it.

Of course.

The fact that both current sides are tossing and turning the idea of having us locked up again, when we’ve got to accept that covid is here to stay…talk about delusional. You just got to put your big boy pants on and get on with your life.

We’ve had the flu for nearly 108 years…

Ah we are at this level now… uff. Ok.

Nuke this thread already.

Once again, example Macron and out.

So did you need to quote the same thing again because you need attention or? I’m not interested in continuing this discussion on a gaming forum, especially with someone who pretty much said that centrism is right wing conspiracy. I really don’t care at this point, call me right wing, you can also throw a few of those -ist and -phobe words your side likes to hand out like hotcakes, I don’t care.

We get bullied enough…it’s better to let the left and right embarrass themselves and we watch from the sidelines, eating popcorn, cakes and pizza.

Food does that though…it brings people together.

I never said that.

I said it’s right leaning. Right leaning doesn’t mean it’s full on right wing. It’s not. But it has tendencies towards the right in a lot of political decisions. Environment, often even healthcare, economy etc.
That’s not the same as you think I said, for some reason.

I see you don’t get the point. Why would I call you these things?

I gave you Macron as a example for a centrist. Even though he is leading a nominally leftist party.


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Great I am leaning to neither side. Can we drop the political talk now.

So what are you doing?


I think the French president is a well enough example (any my problems with the whole thing).

I’m all to happy to give this a rest.

If disagreeing with you is “bullying”… I don’t know what to tell you.

Well when you try and deny what we are and insinuate we are something else…it leaves a sour taste for me and reminds me why I’m not on either side of the politics fence.

Your both as bad as each other.

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I have no freaking idea what the French president said, nor do I care. I do not have an allegiance to a political movement. I quoted what my political values lie, and I will call BS on both sides because both sides are retarded and corrupt. Both sides are working for division and against the people if you are not seeing this you should re examine your own standings. With that said I’m out, I will not be responding to anymore things regarding this particular topic. If you want to talk lore or game design I’m here for you though.

Let’s just say you don’t know what people like Macron are doing and disagree.

Clearly not.

That’s good, that’s something anyone should always do.

No idea where you are talking from but no.

Also, no. One yes.

I don’t really care you have made up your mind.

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