In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Kilrogg in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Right let me be the first one then…
Played in several guilds before moving to Kul’Tiras and now Saurfang. It’s been quite a while, but I do miss some other players that I’ve played with the first few years on Kilrogg. Some of them have been gone for 10+ years and I still sometimes wonder where they are.
Guilds and people I remember from Vanilla:
- The Infernal Crusade
- Barbarians
- Craze
- Anarchy
- Tikito/Tokito (a shadow priest)
- Skinner (a rogue)
- Bloodkraze (a warrior)
- Rolynde (a warrior)
- Hecro (I think, a warrior with the raport mount from ZG)
- Jubee? (a gnome something)
- Dark Souls
- Saffron
- Wendel (gnome warrior, in my friendslist)
- Gamad (tauren warrior)
- Midnight (warrior, then became DK in WotLK)
It was long time ago, I’m still on “same server” with this char, but lot of people I remember (not only from vanilla, but lets say all the way to WotLK) are no longer here.
Guild Honestas is still alive somehow, but we miss a lot of people. Reunion will be nice, wouldn’t it Iva?
May as well give this a shot:
Son of Heartsbane here, members of the former guild “Team Mates” (which eventually got assimilated into this remaining guild Pilgrims of Tirisfal in TBC I believe.) Used to play a wide variety of characters I’ll fire off real quick: Crazycrackpo, Fadingaway, Doomgloom, Riftwalker and Saywhat.
During the Cataclysm period our guild transferred to Vek’nilash; which eventually lead to the inevitable demise. It’s rather lonely hanging around back on Kilrogg nowadays since only two of the old guildies came back, so feel free to hit me up on my main character “Dahellisthis” if you either want to reconnect or want to become acquainted for the first time.
Hanging around on Pyrewood Village on my Dwarven Priest “Sainti”
Xaramiir - human warrior. Regularly on the IRC chat too!
Remember guilds such as Care Bears, Anarchy
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Ayres - Dwarf Warrior - Care Bears -> Endless
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Hi Gourmandises, that name rings a bell I think i was in same guild as you at some point. Human holy/prot paladin called albrekt was my main. I quit partway through tbc and saw hype for classic and links from reddit to here
was one of the guilds infernal crusade ? Its been some years…GMs rolynde nelf warrior or amirg human paladin i forget
Yes I remember you! We used to be in Infernal Crusade together with Rolynde and some other people that now reside in Dark Souls. When I’m home I will add you to my friendslist so that we can chat. It will be weird because it’s been 10+ years, but I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Your name sounds familiar to me aswell.
i used to play here in several guilds as polm gnome mage
my latest guild here was Anarchy we moved to silvermoon with the guild.
also gonna play classic
Hagreve Human Warlock
Guild: Division of Chaos
I remember going on MSN with someone called Terry/Tez at the time.
See here for my character history: warcraftrealms[dot]com/charsheet/33314981
Also, I remember being in Ironforge and admiring a level 60 warlock called Aphex. S/He was very well geared from a guild called Anarchy.
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Niniel - Night elf - Druid(restoration)
Played in Destiny during Vanilla. Raided in Shadows of Eternity(SoE) from Karazhan up to Ulduar and then went on from there until the end of Cataclysm with Anarchy.
A few fond names from the past:
Eliah - Druid
Vlauk - Mage
Greenilocks - Warlock
Nightflame - Hunter
Barundin - Warrior
Faxe - Warrior
Aamon - Rogue
Neeon - Rogue
Nyruk - Rogue
Middi - Priest
Konata - Shaman
Knobbywan - Priest
Leesimm - Paladin
Firethorn - Rogue
Thistlechin - Hunter
Rankin - Paladin
Irric - Warlock
Watchmefly - Hunter
Mesmorise - Priest
Anoowi - Priest
Bradan - Warrior
Karja - Warrior
Mifuyne - Paladin
Miqu - Druid
Iorworth - Rogue
Lilsash - Warlock
Selyse - Priest
Shaenei - Shaman
Dast - Priest
Uchitoru - Rogue
Pharaoh - Paladin
Dobonard - Warlock
Minty - Priest
Eviltsuin - Mage
Anarinn - Hunter
still have contact with karja ,selyse shaenei ,pharaoh ,dobonard i will point them towards this topic
I remember half of these people! I was in Shadow of Eternity with Tanishalfelf. I have him on ny friendslist and he left 10 years ago and is not planning to return.
I remembee Dobonard, Greenilocks and his wife beeinf in the guild. What an amazing raiding time that was. I remember killing Frogg Saron 25 with 8 new people in 4 pulls. Great times. After SoE died I went over to raid HC Icc on Kul Tiras.
Would love to say hi to Dobonard. I know Mufyune played a couple of years ago and i saw him on mmo aswell. Bonclaysama returned lately aswell and half of Dark Souls is still playing.
Thank you Polm.
If any of them intend to play Classic it would be great to end up on the same realm.
Now I remember your name and Tanis also.
What was impressive was also that we did all that raiding without any voice-chat, just Greenilocks typing really fast and using text-macros for special encounters and it actually worked really well.
I particularly remember Greeni typing in Black Temple when wiping on Teron Gorefiend:
“Wipe! That has got to be better!” and Teron yelled “-It gets worse!” in response immediately after.
wherent you also a friend of ralitza a druid gourmandis?
she is also gonna play classsic.
we are all planning to plat ally pvp server .
ill let yall know the name of the server.
@niiel only karja and dobo is planning to try classic from those people.
greets polm
Yes I know Ralitza very well
I talk to a mutual friend Poppie who has known her irl for… I don’t know how many years.
Neeka is also on my friendslist.
Vyrezx is also on my friendslist, it was a warrior I befriended when he was doing Hogger at lvl 13
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