Korthia Covenant Appearance Sets

I’m curiuos how others are getting on with the Covenant sets from Korthia. We can only get them from the dailies and they seem to be complete RNG.

So for me it’s gone a bit like this:-

Kyrian 1/8

Necrolord 1/8

Night Fae 3/8

Venthyr 0/8 2/8 (two sets)

I was a bit slow to start my three alts in Korthia so I may have missed some of the earlier quests to collect items. I check daily to see if there are any appearance quests now.
My main is Venthyr and surprisingly she isn’t much better off than alts. She has been going every single day. It seems people who collect the sets fast do them on multiple alts with the same covenant.

So how is your collection going?


Not too bad on my main NF but I’d really love for the sets to be less random and definitely not offer duplicates either (which has happened twice now).

Kyrian alt (not too bad) and also got a chest for that so now it’s chest and robe.

Venthyr only has one part… :slightly_frowning_face:

Looking forward to tomorrow when the 10k anima sets become available for purchase, some really great colour options there.

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I’m not jelly at all!!!

Nice progress! Don’t forget Venth has two sets

If that happens pick up one of the quests, complete it and turn it in. After that leave Korthia and go back (or log out) and the duplicate should turn into a different set piece you do not have yet. This is the reason why I have the night fae set unlocked: I was lucky that both NF characters of mine got 2 quests each with an appearance.

Currently I cannot check how many I have, but I know that I have the full Night Fae set, 3 of the Venthyr set (Radiant court attire), 3 of the necrolord set and 3 of the Kyrian set.

For reference I am doing Korthia with 1 Necrolord and Kyrian, 2 Venthyr and 2 Night Fae characters.


Is this just the Korthia gear? I’m getting Razorwing Scale gear as quest rewards. I only check the quest near the flight master as that is the one that seems to reward gear. Between that and the rewards from the Death’s advance War Chest from Shaping Fate weekly quest I have every slot except Legs, feet, neck and both trinkets. My feet are my Legendary so likely won’t replace that for quite a while. I’m sticking with a 190 lege.
I haven’t bought any of the RNG pieces, don’t have that much stygia and I’m not playing that lottery.

I haven’t managed to level an alt yet. It’s arduous.

No it’s purely cosmetic rewards, they have no stats at all. It’s just an appearance.

I feel like these aren’t available a lot, I’ve made the most progress with the NF but for others I got like 1 piece each.

Very low RNG very very low, i have one piece on my main aswell and i check regularly for months now.

Another pointless implemented system


I did not know that, thank you!

Another sidenote for those who are aiming to get the kyrian set: If the chestpiece shows up for you, even if it shows that you already have the mog piece do the quest. The Kyrian set has a shirt and a robe piece for the chest slot, and since both go to the same slot if you have one the other will show up as collected, but you do not actually have it.

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Ah, ok. I’ve seen some cosmetic rewards in my bags but wasn’t sure where they came from.

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This has bothered me alot. Im running korthia with 4 characters and i have at most 2 pieces from the quest set.
Daily rewards are different for all of my characters (mostly).
My aim is to complete the achievement Breaking the chains, but some of the quest requirements have never been active.
And the archivist rep is soooo slow. On reset days i can get up to 1000 rep and the rest of the days im i only get around 400-600.
Maybe im just very unlucky :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ve switched to Venthyr for two weeks now, I did korthia every single day, I just skipped one.

I got 0/18 :frowning:

I do hope we’ll get a vendor at some point or something because trying to gather all the sets is proving a bit RNGawful atm.

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I’m really not sure if they will do that, it’s not that I don’t want to, I really want it but Blizzard really cares how much time we play this game and lots of people will be farming this set for months to come…

They added 4 paragon mounts this patch…I remember them saying that they won’t be adding more after legion but I guess they changed their mind. :frowning:

Worst implementation of unlocking a set ever.
I only have 3 pieces (boots , belt and chest) from the kyrian set and the head from Venthyr.

And i did those dailies every single day since the patch…

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It does seem a particularly cruel system

But… is this some kind of joke that i’m too pissed rn to enjoy?
Guess what the reward is today, the chest piece, that i already have. :rage:

So apparently it’s rng all the way, you can get doubles.
I’ll ENJOY my 12 copper reward i guess? (+ 100something rep for turning in q) :unamused:

Night Fae: finished, but I have two chars in that covenant with all korthia dailys unlocked

Kyrian 6/8 (both chests)

Necro 4/9

Venthyr 0/8 and 2/8 (thats also the char I did the most daily quests with, but… no luck)

RNG sucks!! I just want to choose my reward: Relics, Mog, Anima, Gear or Crystals.

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If you are Kyrian I also had the chest again with my priest - but if looks differently. Neven had another Mog piece show up twice after I collected it. Even NightFae where different chars had the same reward showed by the quest, after doing it with one char, the reward changed to a different piece with the other.