Kul´tiran shamans? I have some concerns

RE-post from former forum.
Disclaimer: I need training in consistent writing formulas.

After the announcement from Blizzcon saying Kul Tiran humans will be able to play as shamans I was massively confused and with a hype I did not grasp. So, looking into my playtime surrounding the alliance storyline I have come up with some points and counterpoints as to how I see the question of: “Why can Kul Tiran Humans be shamans?”

Tide sages. Sea priests birthed from the first Lord Stormsong how heard the whispers of an unknow entity now known as Tide mother guiding the Stormsongs to the lands we now know as Kultiras. Its thru her whispers the Tidesages became what we know today, regardless if it was Azshara, a Faceless one, a Water elemental or Nezoth himself. Their role in Kultiras is the equivalent of any priest from the main lands except for the source of the beliefs (being the sea) and their direct activity in any sea related venture. I have a link here to get more details I might skip of ignorantly dismiss.

But what do we see Tidesage as in-game? A priest/mage hybrid with water magic with knowledge in binding elements thru their use of “totems”, the capability to “bless” ships and making use of rune magic directly or bound to scrolls. Here is a main problem I have with the tidesages as shamans, they are more akin to dark shamans than any other race-class combination I have compared with. They bind and control, take and remove. They have a hierarchy in their society transferred to the practices of the tidesages that causes the relation to this elemental source to be respectful but more tool then partner.

A shaman gets its power thru the relation with “individual” elements thru trade and bargaining as the goblins mainly do. Thru faith and companionship in/with the elements as the tauren, orcs and dwarfs (wild hammer) do. Can also be from enslavement from a specific elemental like the dark iron dwarfs as we recently got in BFA. Other origins to shamanism in World of Warcraft can be an elementals act of kindness introduce the practice thru desperate individuals or races (Draenei). Lore wise a shaman is powerless without the connection with their elementals (look up doronsmovies for a quick rundown). This we see after Thralls dishonorable and disgraceful use of the elements fighting Garrosh back in WoD, this effect was seen in the shaman order hall campaign as he lost a lot of his power as if unplugged and why he left to ask why his “friends” aren’t happy (not knowing what he did wrong, + the Doomhammer was misused in a sacred orc combat ritual).

However, this can’t be well applied on our playable avatar (for hopefully obvious gameplay reasons) but is important for the characters in WoW to build the world consistency to keep the believability of this made up world. It’s at this point Kul Tiran Shamans makes a big miss in my eyes. They don’t conform to the already existing “rules” and no, I am not pointing to the already void consumed tidesages we see in Shrine of storm but any untouched tidesage like Allen (however curious I get surrounding the voids-ish connection to tidemother). It also cracks when the look of any gear kul tiran shaman will be using as bones, hides and other animal parts. As they can’t use any of the tidesage cloth armor that the tidesages use (no kul tiran can as they can’t play as any cloth class…). And any mail we see in kul tiras is a clean-cut guard outfit using sword or spears.

There are many more points I would like to bring up, but I fear id either nitpick or go into a redundant path of thinking. Like the relation with the earthen ring might be an issue and that the sages basically use all abilities of a naga or hydromancers but maybe in future post. Kul tiran human’s relation with orcs as shamanism is sort of a central concept to truly understand them. You have a specific point of discussion? Bring it up! We might get to talk about it!

There are however two things I find to be a proper addition to Kul Tiran Humans INSTEAD of shamans and that’s Priest and Mage (an argument can be made for warlocks). Not just to mention the class fantasy to be a frost mage akin to Jaina controlling your water elemental sporting the tidesages wardrobe. Or wielding the shadow/void as the teachings of the tidemothers new corrupted whispers and my favorite that I might even enjoy holy priest however trading the more “holy” look towards a watery appearance as the resto shaman have (let’s not forget holy magic is derived primarily from faith, source is almost irrelevant). This in my mind conforms more towards what the tidesages represent within the Kul Tiran society and how the player base can aim to roleplay as one.

However, there is hope for them to play shamans in the future. I don’t think they are there yet but in the start of the next expansion or the end of bfa I see it as a possibility with an immediate interaction with the shaman of the alliance to curve the tidesages in a more reasonable path towards shamanism as it’s just an odd priesthood with dedicated scholars.

Well this was my first post on the wow forums I hope I was not to incoherent in my writing and reasoning as I was trying to be short in my writing is a short laugh. But I am writing about human shamans…… as if tauren paladins and voidelfs was not hard to believe already…

From a player who likes shamans… a lot.


You’ll just have to deal with it. I hate to see Holy Priest Void Elves wearing that angelic set from The Burning Crusade. I hate to see Shadow Priest Lightforged Draenei wearing Void-themed sets. You’ll have to get used to Kul Tiran Shamans using fire-based spells and wearing occasionally wearing those ugly Orc/Troll-themed sets.

Lorewise, Kul Tiran Shamans do indeed exist, and much like other Shamans, they receive their powers through their special relationship with a certain Elemental spirit, in the Kul Tiran case the Tidemother. Sure the playable Kul Tiran Shaman won’t be able to wear the typical elegant garb of the Tidesages, but that personally isn’t a good reason to completely disregard the fact that Kul Tiran Shamans are clearly inspired by Restoration Shamans.

Regardless, if the developers dare to remove Shamans from the Kul Tiran race, they had better give us Paladin as compensation.


Truth to be told I also don’t like the human “shaman” set up.
They’re more like a mesh-up of priest, mage and resto shaman.
But they don’t represent the shaman in it’s core for what it means to stand for.

Kinda like Tauren Sunwalkers. The concept is pretty neat it’s the execution that sucked.

But then again I won’t roll KT and it won’t be my problem if they’ll look off.

Remove and give us paladin instead. Not that I would play a Kul Tiran paladin, but it makes more sense.

Why does a Paladin make more sense? A nation that has little ties to the light and culture is all about the ocean and the tidemother? Only because they share the same race with stormwind?
Storwind and Kul Tiras have different cultures and believes.

Thank everything that they are not a copypasta from the boring stormwind we already have since classic… shiny knights, holy magic, the light here the light there, prejudice here and there. No!
Give me the pirates of the caribbean with the Kalypso feeling. Mysteries of the deep seas. Ocean magic and not a springle of boring light we have overdone past expansions


Completely agree, I’m excited for the prospect of Kul’tiran Shamans. Let’s hope they have some race specific animations etc to make them more unique.

Despite some pieces of gear possibly looking dodgy due to the shape of the race (perhaps) or more troll style gear for example I still think It’s an absolute concept and I’m totally on board with it.

Obviously resto Shaman will make most sense for them. It’ll look awesome to see Kul Titan resto shamans.

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Actually, no. Kul Tiras is a Gilnean colony and we have already seen Cathedrals in Gilneas. Further more, the Light isn’t Stormwind’s invention. The most pious nation was Lordaeron. Stormwind is a knightly nation in terms of martial prowess, not light worship.

Most of humanity worships the light, so a paladin is definitely a better option then a half-arsed attempt at shamanism.


They dont really have shamans. Its only the closest thing to a Tidesage (leading religion) mechanically without inventing a new class. Sunwalker arent Paladins… There arent draenei lightforged Voidpriest. Its a game mechanics over lore thing.

Seems out of place still. Imagine a Kul Tiran shaman followed around by a fire elemental, but eh.

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I don’t know… to me it doesn’t seem THAT bizarre… a little weird but nothing totally off the rails.

It’s wow there are plenty of weirder things that make us all go… “wtf?? That should NOT be that way”

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Exactly, so Kul Tiran Paladins would be sensible and intriguing (especially with the Order of Embers and the Undead threat in Drustvar), as opposed to asspulled clowns like Tauren Paladins.


Tbh I do think they should be allowed to be paladins too and monk should Be taken away from Zandalari Troll and KT humans

Edit - is it only me who is glad that ZT can’t be warlocks? Cus I am tbh.

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Kul Tiran Monks make sense. There is already a Jinyu merchant in Kul Tiras, so clearly Kul Tiras and Pandaria have interacted in the past. The fact that the nation is the most important trade hub in the Great Sea (thus prone to interactions with many different and distant cultures) allows the writers to be very creative when it comes to Kul Tirans.

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I’m not denying that they make sense it just annoys me how every. Single. Race. Can be monks like whyyyy

especially when they cant be other classes that make more sense for them than monks

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The most bizzare will be seeing “Tidesages” in mail weilding shields and maces or dual vielding while the aesthetic of them is portrayed as a priest (cloth wearing, with staff and offhands like lantern) rather than hardened totemic warrior.
So by default they will look off in majority of sets, but maybe some people will make something sensible with what is accesible for mail tiers.

again, not my problem. I already have plans for Zandaladin and lots of sets ready to use despite of what ney-sayers were tellin’.


Imagine seeing a Zandalari clad in Pandaren raiment, or even worse, a Zandalari infused with Void magic.


Hang on a minute, can Kul Tirans be priests?

I think that forsaken shouldn’t be monks, and species with croocked legs, so spaceoats and Tauren should be out of picture. I also don’t know how gnomes are able to perform them too when their head is the size of their body.


Zakkaru, you’re often kind and reasonable, but I cannot accept this argument.

I have made a topic a few weeks ago (with an alt named Empedocles) in which I argued that Zandalari Paladins don’t make any sense, specifically for the reason you’re giving right now: they did not represent what Paladins truly are, and do not even worship the Light like any other Paladin. You disagreed with this argumentation, and thought that the existence of Prelates was enough to get Zandalari Paladins.

I am not going to rehearse that discussion, but know that you cannot use the argument here that you already attacked.

Well Zandalari are wearing lots of gold so most of sets will look fine on them.

Worst case scenario looks like that:

https:// i.imgur .com/ tYynJsg.png

While for KT worst case scenario looks like that:
https:/ i.imgur. com/7jFSMJu png