In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Kul Tiras in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Silhouette - 60 Nelf Hunter - DarkLegacy
Hi all, played a Nelf Hunter back in the day with DarkLegacy. Can remember a few people from the guild. Namely “Mega” and “Worldspirit”. Get in touch if you still play!
Pesbeno / Morphium / Sasory / Michiko - 60 gnome rogue - Exiled, Endless Scream
Hey everyone, i played a gnome rogue in vanilla! If anyone wana start classic give me a message please!
Add me as a friend Pesbeno#2567
Zenn - 60 Gnome Mage - The Warriors of Finland & Sarastus
Hoping to bump into some old friends that me and my friends played with. We’ll be playing Classic with Krominos, Naratti and Hunukka.
Also, if Lunaminica reads these forums or is starting in Classic, I’d like to give you a personal thank you for loaning my noob butt ~60 gold, when I dinged 40, some time in 2006. I did pay you back, right? 
I remember a few people from the server, namely Rivertear and other players from Sin/Element (I’ll always be impressed with thunderfury).
Let me know if you remember me or any of my friends mentioned above. 
Kalyissa - 60 Druid - Naked Squad & Element (with a side of Shadows of Doom on horde)
Also Rivertear is here as well - 60 Warrior anyone from Sin around?
You can find me on discord : Kalyissa#4163
Parsifal - Rogue/Shaman/DK - Sin/Vegas/MoM
Anyone else old & casual now that’ll be living their best life when classic launches?
Thrualin, Dwarf warrior. Mostly stuck with one guild that changed a few names and at one point was called Rebirth.
I also kept connections with some people from through my friend Dwarf paladin Consecrator, who will also be starting from me.
In case anyone, like me, was on tenterhooks as to what guild Thrualin was in during classic as he forgot the word, I’ve traced him to Rebirth 
Hi all, I’m Heather and I used to play on KT during Vanilla and TBC as Eleasea (priest) with my partner Chris who played a druid called Gerry. We both still play WoW, and would like to catch up with anyone from the old days, especially Lokibear!
I was in Atomic Sun, Gnomes Revenge, Illuminati and Altruism. Gerry was in Illuminati and Altruism.
My battlenet id is Lioness#21804 so feel free to get in touch!
Thanks, I will edit it. I actually mentioned it but used the less than, more than symbols and probably thought it was html.
Placebo from Havana Room here
A few of us are rerolling alliance on Mirage Raceway - but we are all older now, no plans to do hardcore raiding
Add me on discord: foege#7196
Dumnezeu - Atomic Sun, human paladin
sup y’all
Diabolix - Human Mage - Atomic Sun FTW!
I actually quit WoW ~10 years ago before Cataclysm came out and if it weren’t for Classic launch, it likely would have stayed that way.
I have many fond memories (and screenshots) from my Vanilla + TBC times on KT, and often find myself sunk in nostalgia like an old fart when thinking about them. 
I sadly I haven’t kept touch with hardly anybody though (Dumnezeu and Toma being the exceptions
) , so /wave & /hug for anybody that remembers me. However, I wish all of you coming back to give Classic a shot good luck and a good time!
Fealty - nelf rogue - gnomes revenge and other places
Fealty - human warlock - PvP / Element in TBC
Best clicker EU
Kamui, Havana Room. Nice to see some familiar faces here. ^^
Havana Room
Fortunately mage
Fabulous priest
Good to see you guys. Good memories.
Liny - Gnome Rogue
Was in Havana room
Fun to see some old faces in here, brings back memories
I wish you all good fun 
@Placebo: Quel told me how you referred to me in your guildchat… Not cool man! 
With regards, Sigtyr