Kul Tiras allied race unlock gated behind Heroic Siege of Boralus

What is the point of this? I am in queue for more than an hour now, with not a single group in sight.

And aside from this, I had to do 3 dungeons which are not available for LFG if you pass level 50. I had to eliminate XP gain to stay level 50 while completing the quest chain for Pride of Kul Tiras, otherwise I would level and miss the dungeons.

Incomprehensibly bad design.


You could just solo them at 60.
All the allied races takes effort to do, several depending on dungeons. And blizzed already removed the related exalted reputation needed.

But people isnt queing for them because they are in the new content.


At least one max lvl friend is enough to get you through there; on the other hand, I’m still laughing at the fact that mechagnomes are still locked behind exalted xp (and a heroic dungeon) - the one allied race almost noone would play anyways and then on top of that it requires the most work to unlock it. x)


You dont need rep for mechagnomes anymore. All allied races got it removed.

what is that? is that a race? I have never seen such a thing

Seen my share of them. Out of all the allied races they have several mounts and weapons thematically fitting them. As well a great looking heritage armor.

Just because you dont like them, it doesnt mean anyone else doesnt.


I never said that, I know there are at least 11 people playing it worldwide


Yes, you do? A friend is currently trieing to get them, and it still asks him for the rep.

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Strange, that shouldnt happen.

Ok, well thanks - I’ll tell him to try again, maybe it’s just a wrong criteria on the login screen. :slight_smile:

You can solo it. Even in bfa, i could solo heroic. Now, with a lvl 60, it’s basically a piece of cake.

Is that doable with the current ilvl scaling and whatnot?

I’m currently soloing freehold and underrot mythic every week for a mount. I could do it with 200 ilvl.

So you can assume that the heroic version which is much easier to do, is doable with around 160~70 ilvl.

and if you’re a super super casual player, don’t worry. The campaign gear alone would boost you to that ilvl, as long as you farm renown and do the campaign.

you can also buy some cheap AH stuff to help your initial boost.

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I don’t mind the effort, but it has to be designed properly.

Having to eliminate the XP gain to stay in range of Group Finder sucks for a casual like me.

And soloing a heroic as an over-levelled 60 is also bad design, sorry. Just make it a scenario, that’s what scenarios were made for - solo dungeons.


Meanwhile, Zandalari trolls have only a quick scenario to do.

Horde bias Blizz what the hell ?!

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Pretty much every Horde allied race was a walk in the park to unlock, compared to the KT.


he needs to do the storyline and dungon to unlock tell him to check to see if he has completed the whole Mechagnome storyline (Can check in achievements)

Alliance with their never-ending inferiority complex…

Or you could just open a group yourself in the partyfinder and/or asking people to quickly come with you to do the dungeon…

It is, but Siege is not the worst of it. Siege is at least straightforwardsly soloable at 60. Shrine and Waycrest have Mind Control blocks.

I’ve helped boost about a dozen people through these just since Christmas.

We really do see unthinking bad decisions by the devs here.