Kul Tiras allied race unlock gated behind Heroic Siege of Boralus

Not a single horde allied race required a dungeon to unlock, so I don’t know what you’re on.

Be glad you don’t have to do it on miffic like you used to…

Actually mythic group would be probably easier to find.

Sunhoof poke me if you see me online I’ll run you through it if you still need. You’re on my server.

Thanks mate, just got it done with a pug. Did wipe like 5 times though, but it’s all good. :grinning:


Glad you got it done, Kul’Tirans look great IMO :smiley:


Having unlocked both sides only the Alliance quests involve dungeons.

I solo Underrot M0 last boss every week, So heroic should be very easy

Has no had any problems yet.

He does hurt a bit, but easily healable for a DK.

Welcome to the chonky crew :partying_face:


If you havent realized it, allied races are end legion - early bfa thing, they were designed to fit the playerbase at time(legion/bfa exalted reps, intro quests etc) when they made kul tirans they didnt even know what 9.0’s theme gonna be.
Dont blame the system for a past content. With that mindset, they could just do a 20x reputation bonus just so everyone can get the 100 exalted achievement, because “They are not designed to earn in 9.0”

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If you havent realized it, allied races are end legion - early bfa thing, they were designed to fit the playerbase at time(legion/bfa exalted reps, intro quests etc) when they made kul tirans they didnt even know what 9.0’s theme gonna be.
Dont blame the system for a past content. With that mindset, they could just do a 20x reputation bonus just so everyone can get the 100 exalted achievement, because “They are not designed to earn in 9.0”

This argument doesn’t make any sense. With every expansion the leveling process, among many other things, is redesigned. Blizzard makes sure that any new or returning players have smooth experience while leveling and progressing through the content. Just because allied races were introduced during previous expansions doesn’t mean that the requirement to unlock them should stay set in stone and clash with the current leveling process. On contrary, they DID revise the unlocking requirements, but missed the specific points outlined in my post.

Be happy they removed the reputation grind for all of them.

Otherwise you would have to grind way longer then doing 1 siege of boralus dungeon. and besides have you never made your own group or something? You can easily put the difficulty on herioc yourself so no you do not have to wait till you find a group.

Otherwise you would have to grind way longer then doing 1 siege of boralus dungeon. and besides have you never made your own group or something? You can easily put the difficulty on herioc yourself so no you do not have to wait till you find a group.

I want to use a tool that is already in the game for this exact purpose - the group finder. Just because I could make my own group or solo the dungeon at 60 with good gear doesn’t mean that the design is good.

So if you are going to do past content stuff like the “Insane” title, will you make a level 30 toon with experience eliminated just to do it the right way when(!) it was implemented or you are expeting ppl to have dungeon finder for the lockbox grind in lbrs? Sorry but I cant understand your problem, as you mentioned you are casual, that way it should be even easier for you to do since its not a current thing therefore, you can do it in your own paste without people rushing you or making high expectations

So go and do Heroic Siege of Boralus.

Takes what, 20 minutes? Or is that too hardcore?

“Gated”…stop being so dramatic.

bfa dungons is steamrollable at 60, dont be afraid of the heroic tag.

So if you are going to do past content stuff like the “Insane” title, will you make a level 30 toon with experience eliminated just to do it the right way when(!) it was implemented or you are expeting ppl to have dungeon finder for the lockbox grind in lbrs? Sorry but I cant understand your problem, as you mentioned you are casual, that way it should be even easier for you to do since its not a current thing therefore, you can do it in your own paste without people rushing you or making high expectations

Why are you comparing “Insane” to a playable race unlock? Apples and oranges.

And again, I don’t want it “easier,” I want the unlock process to be streamlined, same as for the other races, and for it to make sense design-wise. There are absolutely 0 reasons to require a dungeon run that can’t be done through Group Finder past level 50, when you start the quest chain exactly at level 50 and easily reach 51 before this dungeon step.

Worked now; problem was that he did the Mechagon stuff on a Horde char, and to start the recruitment quest on Alliance side (an alt he only leveled through Legion) he still had to do the Nazjatar and the Mechagon into questlines first. ^^’

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Okay I will explain it to you in steps:
step 1: go to dungeon finder menu.
step 2: go to pre-made groups.
step 3: select dungeons.
step 4: select start group.
step 5: fill in what dungeon you want to do in this case siege of boralus and that your looking for people of the same level.
step 6: wait till you have enough people
step7: go to dungeon and enjoy

You can thank me later :wink:

Dude, that is not the point. I could also join a guild and ask in gchat. I could buy a boost. I know that. I know all the various ways how to gather a group for a dungeon. I am not saying it is impossible to unlock the race. What I’m saying is the unlock process is not streamlined and it doesn’t make sense from the game design perspective. Do you understand the difference between the two?