Kul Tiras allied race unlock gated behind Heroic Siege of Boralus

It was never streamedlined to begin with.
When the kul tirans came out you had to have done the storyline for them you had to have exalted rep with the proudmoore admirality.
And the only thing they changed when pre-patch came out was removing the rep requirement the rest is still all the same as it was when it came out.
If you think thats bad game design that that is your opinion but do you think one opinion on a forum will change anything?
It took years for all the “classic” fanboys to finally get the old servers and those were millions of people
ghostlands, azuremist isle, bloodmist isle are still after all these years still not flyable and probrably never will but many people complained about that on the forums.
So your entire complain about the kul tiran allied race unlock quest not being streamlined is utter nonsense to begin with

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It was never streamedlined to begin with.

Yes it was, you could just queue up for the dungeons through the group finder and complete the chain. Now if you want to use the group finder you have to eliminate the XP gain for your character and then wait for hours to get a group. This is clunky.

Solo the heroic version at 60. Couldnt be easier for a hunter.

What is the problem here seriously?? Does it need to be: press group finder, specific dungeon, siege of boralus and queue for you?? is that what your making such a big deal about?

In all the time you spend reacting to people on the forums you already could have done that dungeon a hunderd times over. I already told you that you can also do it by making your own group at level 50 on herioc others have already told you that you can do it on level 60 without a problem. Yet you keep talking about “streamlining it” because you want the pc to match you up with people for whatever reason.

Go do the dungeon on herioc and stop wasting peoples time on the forums.

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