Lack of interest in playing wow recently

Understandable that, kids first.

Tried playing whilst she was awake and it usually ends up with her sitting on my lap playing on a disconnected keyboard thinking she is doing things on the laptop. Cute Haha.


Hali is the best person I ever hung out with in almost 13 years of WoW. It’s not a him issue.

Although stuff comes up and peoples gaming patterns change.

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Sometimes when I see this topics I remember many people like to have friends in-game.

We could say this topics show our Human and social part which it can be quite interesting.
People feel rewarded and appreciated when they find a fitting group, spending time with others it’s healthy.
I think this types of behaviors should be encourage, since help people and the game.

Even if I’m a quite cold person when it comes to friendship, I like this topics.


I really miss raiding with my partner and kids :frowning:

I was raid leader back then
 those were the best days.

I hate it when my husband takes breaks from wow. Especially as my guild doesn’t have many tanks, so even grouping for m+ is a struggle. The good thing about being a tank and healer couple is that it’s easy to find DPS to fill out groups! Although we have a few other healers joining regularly now so I have to be nice and not monopolise the role! Too bad the only alts I like are all healers too!


My partner was Druid tank main from the start of WoW to when he quit in Cata.

I had healing alts for the alt team, but mained Ele Shaman for a lot of our raiding.


If you’re on Argent Dawn feel free to add me, i usually no life Wow after i’m done with work. And i’m a solo player as well.

Been looking for some people to run visions with me as i main Tank and healer :sweat_smile:


I see all you actually care and that is enough for me to change my mind and I thank you all will add all of you good peeps.


I would join you if I still played. But it seems like there’s plenty of kind people already offering to play with you anyway :blush:

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I will come back then :slight_smile:

Sometimes I can’t be on though due to family stuff.

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Such lovely replies, so many nice people in the community :slight_smile:

I wanted to say that first before I posted the slightly negative response.

We recently made friends and had a chat on discord and I did say I would be happy to run with you for the cloak. I also said it would take time as I main horde and I have a few characters there I am doing this on and it’s a lot of farming for the essences, my bad I know for being such an altoholic. I am also running with a healer friend on alliance too, as I say it’s a time issue, but after we chatted last night I later went on alliance and farmed for another vision so I could do a run with you.

What I am trying to say is people are willing and happy to be friends and run content, but maybe be a little patient too :wink:

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Yes meine freund :sunglasses: I understand patience don’t worry this that happened all of a sudden to spill my emotions like this was churning in me for some time now even before you joined so I couldn’t hold it in so I had to come clean how I felt.Also I got scared when you just said you wanted to say something slightly negative did I do something wrong??.

No you did nothing wrong, I was just afraid you were upset because I couldn’t do the run last night when you wanted to. I am glad you got so many ‘friend requests’ though, I agree it is a lonely game without friends :heart:

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I apologize for being picky here, I disagree. WoW is not lonely if you play solo or not have friends.

As I said before, communities and playing together should be encouraged since many people are interested in sharing their time with familiar faces, but I don’t feel unhappy or unsatisfied without belonging to any of those things mentioned above.

The feeling of loneliness depends on the person not the game.


This is true, my apologies I didn’t mean to generalise for everyone :slight_smile:

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In my community, lots join but never say one word in chat let alone take part. That’s fine, it’s not for them.

But over time, like a long time, you get someone that does engage and takes part. Then another. Then another.

If you stick at it, you can do it! :slight_smile:


And they are there because??.
See my friend Vaeyn that is the biggest issue I have because in my mind its like why did they join it in the first place haha :rofl:.


I don’t know either, but usually around 70% of members in most groups, not only wow communities, but Facebook ones, etc, are idle. Something that we have to accept :slight_smile: And it’s not a reason to give up on the community.


See I didn’t join your community because I’m not overly social and you advertised for extra social people joiner innerers (made up word) :rofl:

I’m a loner in game and irl and I love it!!!


I made a different one this time removed all those restrictions from before and that was mine and Anna’s before this new one I have is much more forgiving and everyone is there whenever they want it’s pretty chill now.