Lack of Tank Issue

Well that, and just the fact that as a tank you get geared a hell of a lot faster than dps, so at a point there’s no point going back in there.

The main problem has always been that there is very little need for tanks beyond dungeons and HCs, as most 25 man raids only need 3 (and perhaps one as backup), and pvp needing 0 tanks.
Even if you geared up a fresh tank at 70 today, you’d quickly get to a point where there’s no longer any point in tanking those dungeons, either because you need nothing, or because your guild/arena team needs you as something else.

you woud be suprice how meny mages belive that improve blizzard and prmafrost talents are benith them, insted they play this fire build fore raids where they dont even take Dragons breath or Blasting weave, best part is that majority of mages who insist on playing that build got horrible gear as well

Yeah true, but you can easily cherry-pick when you make a group “LF Frost Mage”. Lot of PvP Mage are Frost.

But I can’t blame Fire Mage, Dragonbreath + Blastwave is not feasible if you want to minmax your single target damage, and Fire AOE spell generate to much aggro in melee it’s mostly unplayable if you don’t have a bop.

It’s still an issue created by the player, tanking is not as easy as it will be with Wotlk hence there aren’t many around

You have to know every extra mob in every Dungeon so you can mark them accordingly for target priority and threat generation is not a 2 button rotation. Grinding and questing as a tank is awfully slow and people are not willing to respec once a day or once every few days

And no this is neither an Argument for changing the core system of a game nor to accommodate for people that knew what they were getting into because how TBC works is known since it was released the first time

blizzard should make it mandatory for DPS classes to learn what threat is and wait appropriate time before going stupid ! … Force them into playing a TUTORIAL on how threat works :wink: and failing this tutorial would result in 10% total gold on account loss ! that would teach them eventually when they are out of gold :wink:

I had a wish to tank in tbc but after being in a few pug HC´s with other tanks i dont have that wish anymore… 9/10 times as mentioned dps hits the targets before the tank has even entered the instance … why cant these sponge´s go back to retail ?

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Stop reserving items and nethers and the tank shortage might get a bit less annoying.

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