Lack of tanks in todays world

It seems like there’s barely any tanks in the world of warcraft. Every time I try to find tanks for my keys, I rarely find one. I play a Warrior tank and get groups without a problem but when it comes to DPS wanting to do their mythic keys, 0 tanks and a very long wait.

Do people not enjoy playing tank? I personally like it on my Warrior. Just seems like there’s next to 0 tanks out there, mainly DPS.

Play as tank, you frelling Havoc DH :rage:

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Like I said, I play a prot Warrior and also a prot Paladin, I don’t want another tank thanks.

If Hunter were tank. The European will got everytime a tank :smiley:

But before this must happen for i tank everytime.

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because you only need 2 tanks in a raid, that’s the fundamental problem, raid leaders recruit dps’ers not tanks, sure u can gear up in m+ but then you have to collect double azerite gear & not everybody bothers to do that

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That’s not the issue. We have two tanks in the raid (another DK and me). Also, we have two healers (Monk, Paladin) who tank in M+. They are actually much better and active M+ tanks than me. I usually do my weekly and call it a week.

Yes its is issue. Getting spot in raid as tank is almost impossible so most not play those classes or specs for this exact reason.

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And if something goes wrong… the first person to blame is the tank :stuck_out_tongue: Thats why ppl are scared to tank M+s.

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It’s not almost impossible. You browse wowprogress for guilds that need a tank, you pick one that suits your play style, you apply and you got a tank spot. If I made it, everyone can make it. <3

Even if hunters would have a tank spec people would not tank with it. I wouldn’t mind a tank spec on hunters regardless, but even if we would get more specs that can tank the number of tanks in LFG will not increase by much.

Finding DPS who have a tank off-spec and can actually use it is a challenge in itself. Having a DPS with a tank OS is actually pretty useful for three tank fights and for occasions when one of the tanks misses a raid for whatever reason.

Tanking is associated with stress, and people like to have fun when it comes to video games, so by default they avoid a spec which they consider hard or stressful (or both.)

The community overall also have higher expectations from their tanks, which does not help newbie and weaker tank players. Most for this reason only tank for their guild or for their friends.

we’re not arguing about your ability to find a tank spot, but the demand of dps vs tanks is 20:1

This on the other hand is true. I would never even remotely consider tanking in a pug. Not even if its Tuesday night and I didn’t play a single key that week yet.

He said:

Which is not.

Also it’s 10:1 not 20:1. Furthermore, no Mythic guild only has two tanks. There are 3 tank bosses and nobody has a 100% attendance. Most guilds have a third tank / a DPS with a good tank spec.

it is, you can count the number of active guilds lf tanks on 10 sets of hands compared to 200 sets of hands lf dps’ers

No, it’s 1 tank : 2 heal : 7 dps. So on 10 tanks it’s 70 dps of which 10 would be preferred if they had a tank off spec

not exactly true, if u decide you’re gonna run a 30 man raid u’re still gonna use 2 tanks only, u see 1:2:7 doesn’t scale linearly

If we talk about heroic, and you want to take 30 people groups into account, you must also take 10 people groups into account.

the point is, tank demand << dps demand

This is a bottleneck created by the raiding scene. If the number were equal to amount of dps & healers, even mythic + groups would form without any bottlenecks

If you talk about the typical full-time tank raid spot, then yes. But also much less people applying for one. I don’t think there’s more people who want to tank raids but don’t find a spot.

Are you in that kind of situation? I actually happen to know of an Alliance guild looking for a tank on Silvermoon but they’re struggling to find someone who is match for them.

Edit: no it was Sylvanas nvm - mixed up realms

Still I don’t think there’s a shortage in tanks. The only shortage is tanking M+ pugs because that’s a hostile environment. I can tank hundreds of keys for friends and guildies but tanking with strangers? No.

I just want to do a Mythic+ on each of my characters a week, I have no interest in raiding, just PvP and Mythic+

The reason why a lot of guilds are almost always looking for tanks comes down to tank quality. Tanks have higher expectations set for them compared to DPS, since a tank not using their mitigation tools properly shows sooner than a DPS mis-managing their rotation.

Not to mention that proper tanking is not just about managing your cooldowns and active mitigation, but also about positioning and anticipation for mechanics (pre-emptive movement.) These are traits that takes time for most people to learn, and it is something everyone expects from their tanks during their application.

Old standing guilds usually have their dedicated tank duo in place already, so when you apply as a tank you tend to apply to be the back-up tank, or the third tank, which means you have to be able to use your DPS spec as well.