Usually I wouldn’t bother with asking for compensation since It’s almost definitely going to be without luck…
But at this moment with how frequent the servers are down and/or full of lag, It is getting quite annoying… Very much like the bug that occurred a few weeks ago and which kept returning where people from different realms were kicked out of instances due to a world server seizing to function.
I just hope this issue will be resolved quickly so people who are having their day off will be able to play again, like myself! x)
I tryed to change realm. It shows all of them. But i dont have any characters on any .
also there is the thing: their compensation wouldnt cost them ANYTHING except for setting a precedent. you wouldnt be able to sell whatever they would give to you and it would be, without a doubt, some recolored thing or some currency. crests for example.
but they wont do it. they probably wont even recognize it as their fault lol.
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Certainly not, chances are It’ll be thrown on the heap of “DDoS” attacks they’ve had the past few months (if not a few years?) a saddening but probable outcome! Convenient as that is, since then It certainly ain’t their fault.
No possible to log in… every reset… and we paid…
Same for jaedenar i cant go online, loading screen stuck
The last I’ve heard that It’s -has- been going on since: 10:46 CET (UTC+1).
Let’s submit some ticket and they will feel the pressure:)
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On Silvermoon here.
Getting error code: WOW51900319
Ive tried the following fixes to no avail:-
Computer reset
Network Reset
Scan and Repair
Delete Cache
Finally just able to get back on.
I can’t get into the game with any of my characters. Loading screen bar gets stuck.
Same on Defias Brotherhood and all other regions I try…
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Nope Im still unable to login (Silvermoon), the same problem as above, … pants
Same on Tarren Mill, gj lizzard!