Lag currently killing me, help plz :/

If you behave well enough maybe the fairy will turn you into a real gnome so you would face these problems.

I don’t think my nose can get any longer.

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I also had that loading problems , one time it even made me unsub, I just bought a new SSD and now everything works fine, Im using game setting from Nvidia GeForce experience launcher and the setting are about at 6 .

Have you tried updating your drivers or smting? I have GeForce GTX 1050 , 8 gb ram and core I7 2nd gen

About that loading problem, I remember back in legion days dalaran loading screen was taking ages and people had a band-aid option to shorten it very well. It was about changing an option via typing in ingame chat, making an invisible option 1 instead of 0, or vice versa.

I really dont remember it, but if someone remembers it, maybe it can help too?

Edit: Found it! Taken from reddit:

" How to fix long loading screens in 3 steps.

3 things that helped me:

  • Step 1: Add this line to your config file ([its in your WoW-Directory]
SET worldPreloadNonCritical "0"

WoW has to be closed for this. Restart your computer afterwards just to make sure and check the file again, sometimes it deletes the line. As /u/leothar pointed out, you can simply type

/console worldPreloadNonCritical 0

into chat and it should pretty much do the same.

  • Step 2: Open your Blizzard-Launcher, click on the blue Blizzard-Logo in the top-left corner. Go to Settings → Streaming → Disable Streaming.
  • Last step: Reduce your view distance ingame a little.

Bam! Super fast loading screens!"

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/console worldPreloadNonCritical 0
you type this in chat and then /reload your UI


Yeah. I just found it and edited my post before seeing your post, my bad :stuck_out_tongue:

I had to go down from 7 to 4 this expansion. Some grahical effects go invisible at that setting. Temple of Sethraliss right before the orb room… Ugh. I went from never dying to always dying because the swirlies are completely invisible at average settings 4. I could also not see the rune under my warlock mount when summoning it, and so on. It was very disappointing an frustrating losing so many cool and necessary spell effects.

I upgraded my comp a month ago and now set overall to 10(and now I survive at the start of the orb room again :joy: ). Feels to me like BFA has been rough on many computers.

Good luck getting rid of your issues OP!


I also had several minutes long loading screens until I bought an SSD too.

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You might find you can get a slight performance improvement by not running it ‘windowed’…although I admit this is less convenient.

Try running the game on dx11 instead of 12. A lot of people having issues running the game on dx12


Cannot run fullscreen anymore, it’s a choice between windowed and windowed (fullscreen)

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That’s interesting, I had always assumed that running full screen would dedicate more hardware resources to the single App, than windowed.

I can barely afford 6gb in a few months time.My point being you shouldn’t have to get super high end graphics card to play wow normally I hate that change graphic cards are not something easily affordable at least not where I live.

A 6gb card should be ok.
Unfortunately it has always been an issue…I have twice changed computers, to continue playing WoW (the old ones were/are still working)… the only reason I did not have my own account during Vanilla, was because my computer at the time was not sufficiently powerful to play the game.
I specifically bought my current Tower PC, so I could upgrade components in future.

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Yes, a big tower PC is definitely the smartest for both economy and performance.

I bought a second hand high quality tower PC at the end of Wrath. The box has lots of space, mostly made of metal, has good air flow and little noise. The inside parts, monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers have been changed and upgraded several times by now, when I need or want and can afford. Only one fan and an old HDD are still going strong.

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Can this company do anything right??? Lags in Pandaria are horrendous!

Not for everyone. I upgraded my PC with a new bigger SSD and it’s running fine now. Some lag in Borealus where it doesn’t matter. Some in raids, but I use raid settings.

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These graphics macros tweak even level 1 settings to be better. You will need to enable Projected Textures just below your Graphics slider, though, or you won’t see swirlies that can kill you.

And don’t disable “some” addons. Disable them ALL for testing. The ones that are slowing you down may not be the ones you think. Re-enable them one by one to see effects.

8GB? are you also running other apps at the same time, like a browser with multiple tabs? WoW is getting awful RAM-hungry. :frowning:

Loading screens are one thing: addons slow them down a LOT. SSDs sped them up a LOT.

Apart from that, when you are clearly in the world or in an instance, is a separate issue.

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Ive got a 970 graphics card 8gb - dont have a problem at all with lag x uldum but thats a blizzard problem, lower your settings turn off all the rubbish, mines on 5 locked to 60fps

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