So, what language clients will be allowed and disallowed on this fresh server?
Does Blizzard still target Chinese client specifically and ban it? So Russian is OK, maybe Japanese is ok, but not Chinese?
So, what language clients will be allowed and disallowed on this fresh server?
Does Blizzard still target Chinese client specifically and ban it? So Russian is OK, maybe Japanese is ok, but not Chinese?
China clients can only access china servers. Same goes for rusia.
If blizzard decide to open regional servers they will access only their servers with their clients but not european. Same as before.
Prob China will have their own servers.
Russia has their own Anniversary server under the Russian tab. The rest of us - don’t really kow about China, rumour is they have their own - will have to play EU, US or OCE (only PvP).
Btw I never met a Japanese player in-game, but know that you can change came settings to Japanese, as a Guild for people studying Japanese did this in Classic.
I think Cyrillic language (not only Russian) players can access Latin language servers, same as we can go to Cyrillic ones, but only by using Latin language pack for them and Cyrillic for us. I tried, but it was too hard and too slow, as my Russian is sorely lacking.
You can’t access Russian server with English client and you can’t access English EU server with Russian client, game does not allow that.
However you can access English US server with Russian client. And you can access English EU Hardcore server with Russian client.
Of course you can access English EU server with German client, so it’s basically a discrimination targeted at Russian players to segregate them from the rest of EU player base.
Cyrillic is not a language.
Anyways. Game client might be cyrillic (english client also supports cyrillic),but servers are russian by name and by population. Why would anyone sane play on rusian server except russians in 2024?
Of course you cannot go to another alphabet server, and expect it to work, as every sign, quest description etc. is written in Cyrillic on the Russian servers and in Latin letters on English, German and so on servers.
But I can play on the Russian servers A-OK - it just requires me to change the game settings to Cyrillic - of course.
I suppose that the same goes the other way around, so that an Englishman living in Moscau could play on the EU server in English.
I have played Classic in English, German and Russian.
It’s not only Russians ther but everybody for whom Cyrillic letters are easier to read than Latin ones.
I went there trying to evade the massive owercrowdedness of the PvE servers in CLassic TBC, but my reading skills were alas too rusty for it to work. I never made it past Exodar
Which is great. Back in days rusians were region hard-locked, and eu wow was much healthier because of that.
On the one hand why even have rusian servers.
On the other it is a way to contain the plague.
Wrong. Its writter in rusian
Actually you can, on US and on EU hardcore. The game is built on numeric identifiers, all texts are translated locally in the client.
Back in days they had a separate cheap subscription which allowed them to play on Russian servers only. But they could keep EU subscription and play everywhere. They were not region-locked, they were price-locked which made some sense. If you want to play on EU, you are paying EU subscription price, if you want to play on RU, you are paying RU subscription price.
It is possible to play with chinese client on hardcore realms. At least it was more than a year, unless they changed it in the last month, which I doubt.
So yes, it was possible to play with chinese client on EU server, which was probably an oversight by the company.
KK as I tried out the Russian servers in TBC Classsic, I had to choose Cyriliic language in the Launcher for it to launch at all.
Back in days rusians were region hard-locked,
ANd before this we all played on the same servers. It was nice, but a bit troublesome when some guild using Cyrilllic letters had an argument in General
It was nice, but a bit troublesome when some guild using Cyrilllic letters had an argument in General
How is it different from Dutch people who always write their Dutch messages in Trade? Technically I can read every single letter, but making sense out of it I can not.
Wrong. Its writter in rusian
Yes that too. This is actually what gave me the most trouble, I read Cyrillic letters with some proficiency, but I do not know very much Russian, way more Polish and Czech so I misunderstood, or bungled up too much.
I could not make the RU server speak to me in anything else - yes the spoken things, but not the written, like Quest descriptions. This might of course have changed since then.
I can read both English and Russian, and I understand everything. I actually used to teach English so for me it’s not a problem. I wanted the company to let us play Chinese clients so I could have another way of practicing it. I am currently studying it. I had no intention of writing something in Chinese or Russian in the chat.
Not basically so, Also the Hungarian ones have made me pull a few hairs.
It’s just … maybe it was only one Guild on my server who never used Guild chat and literally filled up general with their discussions in Cyrillic. I’m fine with people asking for help, for to find someone or something in any of the European languages, and often I do reply and offer help in broken whatever, as I speak a load of languages badly (no Hungarian or Gaelic, and barely any Greek )