Last Chance to Transfer from Season of Mastery Realms

Season of Mastery realms have remained available for login since we first closed off gameplay months ago.

They will be removed from the realm list in-game on Friday, July 28.

If you still have a character that you wish to move for free from a Season of Mastery realm, please do so immediately.

Season of Mastery realms will become permanently unavailable on July 28.

Thank you!


are you planning to ban bots in classic era? flyhacking mages are destroying the economy logged in 24/7 in stratholme


no, but atleast you tried :slight_smile:

Can’t you just force all unmoved characters to Pyrewood Village or Firemaw just before you close them?

There will be many threads after 28 July:
“Where are my characters?”
“Please restore my characters”
“Restore all SOM characters MEGATHREAD”

At least I hope Blizzard sends an email to all concerned.


Are you going to do something this year with bots in Styratholme (mage), Dire Maul (hunter, warlock, mage), Zul’farrak (mage)???

Thanks, but no thanks. Can’t go to Hydraxian Era, wont move at all.
Just delete, please, and spare me the bother.

Please can you copy a transfered race changed after cloning original classic character stucked in current latest version who was deleted first in 2019 and now has no option for a faction and barber shop customization and is greyed out on a us server with low population?

I know this is no-reply message and thanks for the notice, but before this thread degrades into “Why are you not banning bots?” and “Can you bring character cloning back, so I can get my old main from Wrath to Classic Era?” can I ask you this:

Is there any plans to allow free transfers from new Classic Hardcore realm to not only Classic Era, but also Wrath Classic (or Cata Classic when it becomes live) too as you did with characters of the 1st Season of Mastery?

That is real deal breaker for me continuing playing on HC realm in the long run if it FCT will be to Classic Era only.

Too late :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure they will. And at same time limit transfer to Era servers just as with SoM, thus effectively ruin transfer for those not want to go to this one server - or already having 10 characters there. Blizz is master of fixing a little bit and breaking rest at same time.

I belive Blizzard didn’t wanted to lead common PvP and PvE players from SoM1
to RP realms for a reason of backlash from tiny RP crowd. HW was chosen by HC streamers or community because RP realms usually attract very little tourists by default.

Now with official HC realm release there will not be a need for HW to be settled by none RPers. All true hardcore should delete their characters there and start anew once new HC realm goes live. If you want to continue journey of your fallen character you should be able to do so in softcore PvE or PvP clusters of Era or on Wrath+, but not invade RP realm if you are not an RPer.

But I - and many with me - went to SoM solely for SoI buff. And I play since launch on HW: I want my toons there AND I have already 10 on Pyrewood - the only! PvE realm you can go to from SoM. This SO STUPID!!!

Yeah some had not lost their SoI buff and are legit hardcore characters, yet this was the problem of SoM realms that HC and none HC were mixed up there and none HC were a majority. With all respect to SoI characters I think Blizzard did the right move to not offend true RP players on HW as they didn’t opened flood gates of common players along with few HC ones from SoM1 realms.

Blizzard could had offered more transfer destinations to other realms of PvE cluster, but it seems that they wanted to consolidate SoM1 players on limited amount of realms.

I had played on Кроваый Зов (Bloodcaller) PvP Eu-Ru SoM1 and we also had limited transfer destinations limited to:

  • Пламегор (Flamegor) PvP Eu-Ru Classic Era
  • Пламегор PvP Eu-Ru Wrath Classic and
  • Хроми (Chromie) PvE Wrath Classic EU-Ru

Only later Russian Era realms were offered a transfer to Firemaw PvP EU-En Classic Era along with other Classic Era realms.

In beginning they say. After SoM close free transfer to all Era realms only.
Then people cry wanting go Wrath as well. Then Blizz say OK, open fro transfer to some Wrath realms and sone Era realms too. Total stupid, when Era realms clustered!!

I think not many want go HW from SoM. All say HW dead server after open HC, and I not afraid of incoming HC players from SoM.
I only fear same going to happen to HC realms if people ask to go Wrath from there as well.
I want in future possibility of move my few that I care about HC characters to HW, where I play. And would love to transfer from SoM my Soul of Iron buffed ones there too, but no doing!

Blizz went back on their words. I never ever play seasonal again and will Check transfer from HC before I play more than 10 minutes there. Just kill off a toon to check.

Wrath transfers are a separate issue and has nothing to do with list of FCT destinations on Era. Most likely Blizzard did limited transfers from SoM1 on Era to consolidate migrants on realms to make em bigger an more attractive to returning and new Era players.

It happened simultaneously. Is why I am afraid. Maybe Blizz won’t give too many transfers. Afraid someone find loopholes again?
But still with PvE servers one cluster and HC players going for SoI in SoM it is stupid way of doing it!

Bots? what bots? These people are their best customers :smiley:

Hey Kaivax.
Please give transfer to ALL Era servers as promised when SoM began!

Anyone got info on population sizes or faction balance on Era?
Got 1 alliance and 2 horde on SoM to move