Last wish - Nightborne customization

yes please! honestly i miss doing current content in azeroth, it feels more at home
SL zones are amazing as they are but it just feels different, i liked the arathi rework aswell and hope for more stuff like these


Well i dont believe its a pick one right answer type of question. So i dont get why do you see it as one.

And thats what i mean by: focus on evergreen projects - keep both character customisation and zones updated, to add to the experience, to accumulate all the work which has been before.

Imho new is good when it adds to the experience, not attempts to replace azeroth with 5 zones.


Super happy to read about this!
Really glad we’re going to get more options to feel unique and represented ingame with more customization which I feel most people really enjoy!

I’ve been trying for months to raise awareness for rp related changes and improvements in the hopes to have that be blessed with a response but have yet to get in touch with anyone, so if that’s okay i’ma leave his there.
Would super appreciate any kind of feedback!

Now that’s something! Very nice. Gives hope that the journey of character creation is not over yet. I’m already looking forward to the upgrades. There can never be enough of them. For each race!

Wish List:

  • Scars for allA
  • More face shapes for all
  • Body shapes (4 shapes: skinny, normal/ athletic, muscular, fat)
  • Sizes (3 sizes: small, medium, large)
  • Almost any hairstyle for any race
  • Jewelry for all!
  • Almost any beard for any breed (makes the choice bigger and you don’t have to create anything new, just modify)

And a few other things


What nightborne males needs, and what all other male races needs, is moar gachi muchi.


The Average High elf fan vs the Average Nighborne enjoyer


and the average tauren that invites both sides to smoke peace pipe and chill


No idea what you’re talking about, considering that most High Elf fans are also Nightborne fans :man_shrugging:t2:

thread title


Please, please, please, pleaaaaaaaaaaase give us Void Elves more hair color customizations, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee. Please give us blonde, white, and red hair color tones. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Do you think you guys will ever give more transmog freedom? Like maybe being able to transmog my onehanded weapon + off hand into a 2 handed weapon? Maybe let us transmog artifact weapons with illusions? Let druids and shadow preists wield or transmog to swords like mages and warlocks can?

It is nice to see more options being added, but when it comes to the choice part of creating our characters. There is still ways to go, we do not really have the freedom to customize and create our characters as some of us would like too.

What our characters look like is one thing, what they are is another. But they are both important in our ability to feel closer to our characters.

There is still a large amount of race/class restrictions, and the reasons for those are many. The result is limiting our ability to play the character we want too play. Prejudice is strong at Blizzard and within the community against certain race/class options, a Draenei/lightforged, Tauren,Highmountain are all prevented from the possiblity of being rogues.

I think fewer options are bad, and having more choice on the character creation screen is better. Really it is good to see Nightborne getting more customization, and i hope more options are added in the future for everyone.

Nerf orcs for PvP and trolls for PvE and give usefull to other horde races. Ally have much more viable race/class choice and horde locked in only 1 race. 15 min cd on Zandalar pterrordax that u can’t even use in dungeons and ranked games, i mean srsly. Why not 45 minutes or 1 hr?

Ever since this announcement, I’ve seen more players levelling their Shal’dorei toons. It’s so great to see.


makes me so happy to see, had an idea to organize huge raid in suramar city to celebrate


Grand idea!

Maybe set it in the Premade Legacy group finder and then let us all know. Times and days :slight_smile: :grinning: :grin:


I will come on my NB priest too :slight_smile:
lets make this march happen!


Upright undead option in those plans?

I like how all the flies came around asking for stuff when they gave NB some love. :smiley:

(There is High Elves @Horde guys, hop over, let void elves be hm vooooooid elves.)