Last wish - Nightborne customization

I find it really strange that void elves don’t have golden jewelry like their racial armor, instead they are copper … :confounded::disappointed::sob:

Damn, I am so happy now… I have been searching Suramar recently for nice RP locations and it got me to make a new nightborne… again. Now that we’ll finally get those narrow eyes, I am again very excited to play them! I just gotta be careful not to make another Thalyssra copy…


yeah they made Suramar a nice city to RP in hope this changes gets more peoples to play Nightborne and do some Surmar RP …

Believe it or not I still haven’t unlocked the Void elf heritage armor.

The only reason I want to unlock it is because Alleria herself gifts us our heritage armor and says she’s proud of us. That would mean so much coming from my favorite character. I’m excited to unlock it!

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Yeah… I think it would be great if we were given the choice of multiple jewelry colors…
So too would it be nice if we would have gotten additional recolors of already existing herritage sets, just like the mag’har do. Just think about it… You’d have the gold + purple set, then maybe bronze with some more red-ish tint and maybe some silver variant…

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Well… I think the main problem with Suramar City as an rp zone is the presence of hostile npcs everywhere. There is almost nowhere to do it other then on roofs and so on if you do not wish to get attacked and having to kill the guards always isn’t the best either. For that I would really love if these beautiful places could get a more rp-friendly phase which could be entered just like you can switch your Arathi or Darkshore. If there were simply neutral citizen and guard npcs, the zones could be visited and used for rp purposes much more often.


I created this Brady to unlock the Void Elf armor, it was the only class I hadn’t yet played at the time.:joy:

Boots and gloves are good for making transmo mixes.

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it is kinda wierd they are not neutral when u play as a nightborne beocurse ur 1 of them .


something about the US side of forums feels very toxic, i mean EU have toxicity aswell but i find it here much more chill, tried to make a slightly positive post about all these news there after many posts of me giving feedback and criticism but as soon i post something that have a positive side you will just get called “shill” etc or straight up super negativity
i get it people either abit jealous or mad but damn chill abit xD

Exactly what i said, here you sit down the hawaiian beach with some nice sweet drink while the US forums is a huge warzone, very glad to be part of EU tbh


Very happy for void elf, lightforged and nightborne players. So many things from the wishlist have been fulfilled. I am sure once they add stuff from most of what players want, a lot will return to have unique racial identity and RP.

Stuff like:
-Long beards for male races that lack it.
-Upright posture for hunched races.
-Worgen tails.
-Skinny Kultiran shape. (Kultiran Wizards gooo)
-Taunka customisations? Pleaaaaase? :point_right: :point_left: :sweat_drops:
-Wide range of Shaman Ghost Wolf animal totems.
-Heritage armour for the rest of the races. (Fix Highmountain Tauren harness!)

!BONUS! Heritage Weapon Arsenal for all races! This could fix warglaive being Demon Hunter exclusive issue such as moonglaives for Nightelves and glaives for Trolls/Bloodelves!


Hair styles and diff types of tails for Vulperas in 9.1.5 …

Even it’s not only Nightborne customization…but pls…Blizz take a look and take some (or all) of these…options…

Oh no…some videos have gone missing…

For greater inspirations…please take a look at…this:


I would add this because it should make sense:

-Eyebrow sizes for all elven races
-Ear sizes for races with long ears (trolls ??? :face_with_monocle:).
-Blind eyes for all races
-Choice of jewelry colors for all races


Well it make sense for Nightborne to have Night elf skins. They were Night elves once upon a time. But its great for Nightborne to get suramar faces so my Nightborne characters will look more Drow/Dark elf.


Oh for the love of…
No eyebrow sliders!

Hit your nose with a rolled up newspaper

Bad Warrior! Bad!

I wish more people knew that, they think Nightborne are something out of space, while the Nightborne still consider themselves as the Quel’dorei, the onces from the Empire.


Those are not eyebrows,those are whiskers used to sense environment.

I dont know if i can contain my excitment until 9.1.5 :sob:

ever since WOTLK when i first joined and saw these elves with the soft voices and blue eyes fighting alongside the Alliance i fell in love and wanted to roleplay one so bad. Now my dreams have come true especially with Alleria as our leader. Im sooooo excited :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


u know it is a good MMO when it takes like 1 hour to customice ur characther :rofl:


Except it doesn’t, necessarily, because the lore on the history of the nightborne explicitly states that their exposure to the Nightwell and living under an artificial veil of night changed their physiology from that Kaldorei heritage so any similarities to nelf skin tone would be coincidental rather than as a result of their shared heritage.

The slanted eyes, the paled hair, the darker (and bluer) skin tones are all a result of the Nightwell. I mean the cinematic that shows Thaylssra as a night elf in Suramar shows her to have pink skin and now her skin is grey.
Most of the highborne apparently had pallid skin (the pinker and paler tones) and the Nightborne are pretty much entirely of Highborne stock yet they’re all shades of grey-blue.

So I don’t think they should have the same colour as nelf for their skin. They should have their own unique skin colours that reflect their unique history. Same for their hair.

The Nightborne consider themselves the true “Highborne” absolutely but this doesn’t necessarily mean they would or should resemble the night elf Highborne remnants (whom the Nightborne consider lesser or deviants of the true Highborne lineage). We’re talking about a group of elves who thought they knew better than Azshara after all and decided to “do their own thing”.