Last wish - Nightborne customization

That artwork is gorgeous! I love the glittery freckles :purple_heart:

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I am waiting for the day we get this type of post, but for Dark Rangers !


They probbaly never add Dark Rangers, nor their costumization
As a class I doubt they will add another so niche elven exclusive “hero class”
The costumization could work, sure, the problem is, the Dark Rangers are undead elves - correct me if I’m wrong, I could be! - and only Nathanos Blightcaller was the lone non-elven Dark Ranger. They porbably will never add an undead skin to a living race, nor will give the Forsaken the Elven looks.
Asking and hoping is nice and all, but sometimes you have to know, when to stay on the ground and be realistic


I wonder if dark ranger is really a blood elf exclusive since there are also dark ranger night elves.

But as you say they are undead elves nothing to do with the blood elves who are “alive”.

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Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Is there any chance you could add a choice of colors for the Nightborne eyes.

  • white (default)
  • purple (arcane)
  • green (fel)

It would be even more awesome if the color of the glowing runes on their bodies matched that of the eyes!

And if there also was a toggle for the hands glow in the same color, like the NPC use, would make them absolutely perfect…


I don’t see why not, one eye color is not much . But I don’t know if blizzard are leaving something for the next time they make more customization’s, other races is missing something too in order to make them more complete. But then again 9.1.5 is not finished yet.


I am here to say that all the changes are incredibly awesome so far.
The thing I personally was looking forward to the most that has yet to be implemented though is arcane glow effect on hairstyles. Perhaps a toggle similar to the tiara and the jewelry.

Additionally, arcane glow effect on hands.

If we get these, I will truly want for nothing and everything else is a bonus for me personally.


whisper to your ears: Nightborne heritage weapons


Dark Rangers have nothing to do with blood elves, it’s a common misconception.

Dark Rangers were specifically a Forsaken thing and specifically under Sylvanas. That’s not to say the current forsaken couldn’t try to make more, but they are and have always been a Forsaken thing and it makes no sense to offer them as a blood elf customisation option because the dark rangers have never been affiliated with Quel,Thalas.

This is overlooking all the problems of restricting them to a specific class (Hunter) as well, because dark rangers are not a race, they are a very specific thing indeed which is (aside from Nathanos) the spirit of elven banshee rangers forced back into possessing their own corpses.

I cannot see the kingdom of Quel’thalas, especially after Sylvanas’ little stunt, supporting creating more. Lor’themar was explicitly clear to Sylvanas in the past: he will not tolerate his people being used as undead puppets.

This is enough for me to say that the blood elves do not view dark rangers with any particular favour, rather they probably look at them with disgust. So again: it makes no sense to have them be a blood elf customisation option no matter how cool it might look.

If, and it’s a big if, such a thing were added it would only be for a forsaken Hunter as a special option, but I cannot see blizzard allowing forsaken to have special treatment for a particular class without every other race demanding the same.

Some things just aren’t meant to be playable, and dark rangers are one of those things. The few that exist are the only ones, there appears to be no effort or method to create more given the vast majority of them were loyal to Sylvanas and thus are extremely untrustworthy.


y…yes… and that

But it is coming ^^

I think the awesome glaive / double-headed sword is still missing :pensive:
Would be a dream for the Spellbreaker-esque warrior of mine.


Glaive unfortunately is missing, however, arcane sword as well as the huge wall shield is coming, which is at least good for the spellbreaker fantasy ^^


Actually that’s an enduring myth, weirdly. It’s one of those ones like everyone ‘remembering’ the line ‘Play it again Sam’ from Casablanca, and swears that is what they remember… It is one of the most famous Bogart movie quotes of all time…

Never said in the entire film. The line is “If she can stand it, I can. Play it!”

Similarly Cockroaches would not survive a Nuclear explosion, in fact they would be amongst the -first- insect species to die, possibly because they are hygiene freaks. Sure they get a rep for living in grim places, but first thing a Cockroach does if it is touched by, or accidentally touches a human, is run away and wash itself. Yet the myth endures. Yeah, they can take a lot of Rads, but that is just -one- of the effects of a nuke. The blast would kill them easier than it would most insects, and even if they survived that, and the rads, the rads would still catch up with them within a few days and they too would die…

Weird stuff huh?

But yeah, Customisations, I’m very much liking the Nightborne stuff, I’ll have to tinker around with my Nightborne, make her look a bit more awesome. The faces look like a vast improvement certainly.

The HMT stuff, even though I don’t have a HMT …yet… do look pretty gnarly as well, I like what they have went for, even the smaller stuff like the tail bands is great, because that’s what sentient and sapient beings are like, there is no bodily extremity that we will not ornament in some way if we can! So tail bands is groovy.


Tardigrades on the other hand… :thinking:
Keep an eye on those lil’ buggers
Before we know it, they will rule the world

They can withstand high levels of radiation they would die after humans for sure, but also radiation doesn’t quite effect the eggs as it does to other species so their eggs may survive a nuclear war.

Still there are insects that have much bigger chances like ants, but no one says “You are an ant.” :frowning:


There is a -very- primitive life form, nothing more than an aggregate of Cells basically, that could survive any apocalypse imaginable apart from the eventual heat death of the Universe. Radiation? Pah. The Cold Uncaring Vacuum of Space? Childs play? Heat, Cold? nothing, it is deemed able to defeat all the challenges of living on Mars.

Deinococcus Radiodurans.

Or as it’s Scientist fans like to call it, because of it’s unkillable nature? ‘Conan the Bacterium’.

It’s…kinda awesome…


HAHAHAHAHA!! XDD :rofl: :rofl:
Strokes Brigante with antennas in intrigue

Anyway, sorry, Nightborne. I really like some of the weapons and shields (Sadly no good to Delphine D’orlandeaux as she is a mage) and I’m hoping we will see more stuff like this, Glaives for Night Elves, the weird Spellbreaker swords and shields for Blood Elves, melee weapon totems for Tauren, (The back ones for mainstream Tauren are cool, but being able to use them as weapons would be baller) Possibly even weapons similar to Wrenchcalibur for Gnomes and Mechagnomes (Similar exist, but not really the same) Armour sets let us get close, but some of those final touches would be amazing, Suramar was so well visualised and it’s denizens so unique and interesting, it would be a shame if that were all left behind in Legion, if you see what I mean?

(Seriously, Google it, under just that; ‘Conan the Bacterium’, you will find out about that cellular supersoldier there :smiley: )