Last wish - Nightborne customization

Yes, I hope for the best changes at Blizzard. We all do! Best of luck!


Now we just need fel/arcane toggle in hair to go with that nice hand glow!

Thank you very much still for the hand’s glow! I am so happy! <3 <3 <3


There is nothing wrong with advocating for both. Make your own thread where you can suggest more customization for Alliance if that’s truly how you feel. But this thread is for Nightborne customization my dude. Good luck.


Off topic but I love your name. I have a cousin with the name Rawan


Now this! THIS IS AWESOME IDEA !!! <3


To be honest, I am not really fan of having pink skin colour, as we are the elves who were isolated from the sun and the moonlight.

Pale white, or Elisanda’s like skin I am all for but not Kaldorei pink.

With an addition of arcane hands being added, would be lovely to see mana-hair as well.


Yes i agree, i like the idea of an Azshara blue tone as it look like higborn/nigbtborn and also the pale white, or Elisanda’s like skin, but not sure about a pinkish one like nelf, it would feel too similar to nelf to me

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Agree, I feel like the people suggesting pink skin tones are missing the point as to why we don’t have them.

Because we’re not meant to be like Nelf in the first place. An offshoot, yes, but offshoots include differences and I for one am fine with the Nightborne pallet being blue-purple-grey whilst avoiding the more “flesh coloured” tones of the night elves.

The Nightwell made us darker overall. Lilac? I could get behind but pink/peach? Nooooo.

A very light blue a la a Azshara is plausible as we already have blue tones, however people need to remember Azshara was never a Nightborne and the Nightborne changed so they no longer resembled the high borne fully so it’s not like we’re “owed” the tone or us not having it doesn’t make sense.

These recent changes are awesome but I do have a big issue which deciding what on earth I want my Nightborne to look like now! I think I’ll remain bald but the rest is up in the air!


I would disagree here, the Nightborne consider themselves the last and the true Highborne.

Which was seen already in Suramar, guards attacking, calling out the players the lowborn, or screaming that they cannot lose to the lowborn commoners, and so on.

In Nazjatar, Azshara, addresses to Shandris as a lowborn commoner, while to Thallysra she does not say anything.

The modern Eldre’thalassian Highborne do not act the same way as the Nightborne does about their Highborne title.

It is safe to say, that the Nightborne are the true Highborne, but bit buffed with their knowledge, or to say a new level of Highborne. Also, we are the only elven race, which portrays the Highborne of the Kaldorei Empire and the lifestyle as well as the culture they lived in.

I believe, the reference of the Nightborne was used by example of the Rome.

When Rome started splitting apart, Constantine has established his own empire, which was the new Rome or the Byzantine Empire.

The people of the Byzantine have reffered to themselves as the TRUE romans, and that they are the legacy of the great Empire.

Same goes for the Nightborne, Elisande establishes new “Kingdom”, renames the name of people from Kal’dorei to Shal’dorei, and people claim to be the true Highborne of the Empire, the commoners have lost.


Even Night elves don’t have it. Cause apparently Azshara is secretly a troll, not an elf.

I think that players should have a big pool of diverse skin colors to choose from. A specific tint would not change the Nightborne identity. More skin colors would definitely make more players happy. For example, a dark skinned Blood Elf is still clearly a Blood Elf. By the same logic, a lighter skinned Nightborne, is still a Nightborne.
The bottom line is that diversity is welcome :elf:t2: :elf:t6: :elf: :elf:t5: :elf:t3:

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The issue with the Blood elf is another topic, they are fair skinned, living under sun and moon, the Nightborne, however, were cut from both for 10,000 years.

Their gens are modified to be without sun or something else, and depend on the magic source only. It is like they lost their skin pigmintation.

If you will look at the concept arts of the Nightborne, they should have been even more dark grey/purple than we have at the moment.

Having pink or light skin, will make us Kal’dorei, afaik, we are not Kal’dorei for the past 10,000 years.

As I have mentioned, I am all up for pale/grey/white but pink is over too much.

It is like asking Orcs to have pink skin colours to resemble the human diversity.


pale/grey/white would be GREAT! And yes, you have a point with the pink skin.


Living under sun doesn’t make you fair last time I checked. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I meant, that they were not cut from the natural sunlight, moonlight and from nature, the way it was with the Nightborne.

The trees, all living creatures, all depend on the Nightwell and its arcane energies, if you have noticed, trees in the Suramar are infused by arcane as well, as they had no source of sunlight to grow, the only way to grow the trees was through the arcane.

That is why High Botanist Tel’arn screams: “Suramar owes its beauty to my blooms! I alone have mastered the delicate intertwining of magic into nature’s grand cycle.”

He found the way to grow trees in the isolated place, with the help of the Arcane.


Yeah, but cloudy weather will do ^^


Sort of. Kind of.

They are what the Highborne would have become, had their society not been blasted to the bottom of the seas. So while it’s technically true to say that they are Highborne, I consider them no more or less entitled to that name than the Eldre’thalas gang. Both huddled away in their own bubble of safety - the Nightborne simply had a bigger, better bubble.

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Yes indeed, however Eldre’thalassian Highborne are not that arrogant/snobby about their Highborne title as the Shal’dorei are.

Same applies for the Naga, naga lost their Night elven form, but they still consider themselves a Highborn.

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Quite true! Some of them were quite arrogant about the whole Highborne thing back when they were admitted unto Teldrassil, but a serial killer targeting their kind eventually made most of them see the value in humility and cooperation.

Plus the most vocal among them turned out dead iirc.

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Thing is technically the nelf also changed from the time they were highborn, i mean they are lot more savage looking, and are no longer infused with arcane as much as they were when they were highborns, i remind you that the higbborns were constantly infused with the well of eternity which was bascially just like the well of eternity but thousands of times more potent

Also when you look at their skin tones, they are very close to what Azshara had, as a nelf

And to be fair, the Nightborn are now what is the closest to the “highborn of old” in their lifestyle, and thier usage of magic