Last wish - Nightborne customization

It was changed by the Kaldorei after the War of the Ancients, maybe in honour of their once beloved Queen who descended into madness.

It also mentions Nordrassil wich granted them immortality, Elune and the Highborne, maybe the song is itself a story about the War of the Ancients.

But it’s just a theory, not as delusional as your Nordrassil one, but a theory.

Check the map of pre-sundering, Nordrassil existed even before the war of the ancients.

Why are you so stubborn? Go grow pumpkins.

I have checked the map a thousand times and I don’t see Nordrassil anywhere, please stop being delusional and read this.

"Alexstrasza the Lifebinder, placed a single, enchanted acorn within the heart of the Well of Eternity.
The acorn, activated by the potent, magical waters, sprung to life as a colossal tree.
The mighty tree’s roots grew from the Well’s waters, and its verdant canopy seemed to scrape the roof of the sky. The immense tree would be an everlasting symbol of the night elves bond with nature, and its life-giving energies would extend out to heal the rest of the world over time.”

The World Tree and the Emerald Dream

PS: Are you writing IC as if you only knew what your actual character knows? Because I feel that you’re either trolling me or pretending, or you’re just too damn stubborn to actually read any of my posts.

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«The original timeline (before the War of the Ancients Trilogy) put the creation and blessing of Nordrassil to year 9,000, 1,000 years after the Great Sundering.»

This has however been changed to happen right after the sundering. How quickly it happened after I couldn’t find any sources about, but… guess we can lay that topic dead. Nordrassil did not exist before the sundering, it was not a part of the old, Night elven empire. And it certainly is not the Darnassian word for ‘’Mount Hyjal’’, as far as I know, there is no actual Darnassian word for that location. Mount Hyjal does not equal to Nordrassil and vice versa.

Shaladrassil, however, is a tree that has existed before and even survived the sundering.


Is there any information on when Nightsong was eventually written in the lore? It has Nordrassil in it, but if it was written pre-sundering one could speculate that it was symbolic for something else and not literally the World Tree that was planted after the sundering took place, but that the Night Elves who were left seemed it a fitting name for their new world tree.

I don’t think so, but the first part does look like a chant that priestesses could have sang in a temple of Elune.
Thoug I think the “Zin-Azshari” part would have been certainly writen pre-sundering.

Yep, it very much does.
Whether Nightsong is, well, night-elf related or not, I’d say it does lean towards being Night elf-themed. It’s in Darnassian, and as mentioned above, it’s only been used for events centered around the Night elves.

Don’t waste time of your betters, kthxbye.

There you go.

Stop spamming from your alts and write from one already.

And do not tell me what I should do or where I should post.

Check this.

Also, Nordrassil mean Crown of Heavens, which could be Priestesses referring to Azshara’s power.

Crown of the heavens
Glory to Azshara
Child of noble birth

Elune be with you

Crown of the heavens

Glory to Azshara
Glory to Azshara

Elune be with you

This song is literally about Azshara’s power, yet you blindly ignoring it.

Song was written in Cataclysm for the Well of Eternity instance, which was favored by many, and been re-used in Legion upon Ysera’s death.

I am telling to you yet again, the Blizzard have used the banner of the Kaldorei Empire for the Kaldorei Resistance, yet you think they won’t use the Night elf sounding song for them?

These are banner of the Empire, which nowadays group formed of commoners, have no connection to. But still, developers are using it.

Give me a break.

If you look above there is a whole discussion and thread about why Blizzard used the Warcraft 3 banner

Cheers :tada:

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Eeeee why? Where do you see the resemblance between that HOTS banner and the Kaldorei Empire banner?

The half scythe moon?

It is all over Suramar.

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It’s natural for it to be in both suramar and Night elf areas as it’s the old ancient flag they used.

Countries who end up changing their flag, sometimes puts the old flag next to the new one. Sometimes they use the old flags and the new flags for National day together. I’m sure you came across this scenario in real life.

At least in my country they do this. It’s not to say they are using the old flag, but simply to remember it and the “ancient” or “old” aspect of the country.

That’s why despite both night elves and nightborne changing their flags, you can still see old ancient flags within some areas and to some extent both sides don’t mind it.

Remember we both came from the same empire. We just went different paths over the years. Tyrande herself was from Suramar.

The night elves kept their language, but changed some aspects of their culture after the sundering. Night elf culture is constantly changing with the times, they went from banning Mages, to welcoming them back with strict rules.

The nightborne language changed and their culture mainly remained the same from ancient times with a few minor differences. With the fall of the shield surrounding suramar , who knows how further they will change. Might even have some Nightborne Druids in the future.

None of them changed their languages, the dialects have existed even during the Empire.

Shalassian is a dialect of ancient Darnassian, and it mentioned that ancient night elves who are currently are part of Kaldorei Resistance can understand it.

Modern Darnassian has changed over time as well, it is not the same as it was 10,000 years ago.

You saying me this is same as saying an Arab from Syria will understand the Arabic from Morocco.

It is not natural.

The purpose of the Nighelf rebellion aka Kaldorei resistance was to banish everything that was connecting them to the Empire, therefore they made a new banner with a World Tree and the half moon scythe.

The Shal’dorei after the rebellion have changed their banner to Dusk Lilly, while before it was Half Scythe moon on blue too.

The devs are just reusing old assets just because it fits the theme, while lore wise it has nothing to do with the people of the community.

It is same as putting Soviet Union flag on ex Soviet countries, because they fought for their independence and self identity.

That tree is Teldrassil? Not Nordrassil. Teldrassil is Young, very young. and no longer exists.

The few remaining Highborne still continue to use the Kaldorei empire banner, and I wouldn’t be Surprised if the Night elves used it when the time is appropriate.

Just because they abandoned many aspects of the Kaldorei empire (mainly due to Azshara) doesn’t mean they will ban the moon banner, which is a representation of Elune anyway. A Goddess who is still very important to them.

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Yeah ignore all other examples I have given and put your own opinion.

Eldre’thalas, aka Shen’dralar had their own banner if they wanted to use it.

Kaldorei Resistance is ruled by the commoners, aka Tyrande and Malfurion, not the Highborne.

The couple of Highborne who joined the Kaldorei resistance out of desperate are less than a second class citizens, since when the commoners gave right for them to decide their banner which will identify them?

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Sigh…. At this point nothing will convince you until Blizzard themselves make a statement as to why Night elves would use their ancient flag (a few times) during battle.

Even then, you would say Blizzard Doesn’t know their lore and make a rant thread.

I’ll end the discussion here and say…. You win.

I will go with whatever you say

The purpose of the Kaldorei resistance was to stand againt the Legion and their Highborne allies and save Azeroth.
The Kaldorei banner with the World tree represented Teldrassil, since it is gone they changed it back to their old WC3 banner or a similar one.

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Yes I won, I always do.

WC3 had completely different banner, it had elements of sentinels and the Druidism.

The banner used and replaced by the devs is the banner of Kaldorei Empire which found all around Azsuna and Suramar and even in Zin’Azshari’s ruins.

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