Hi I am looking for an alliance guild that does late night raiding? Either going to transfer one, of my alts either mage or priest. Thank you
Hi what raiding times are suited for you, AnV on Frostmane raid 22.00 - 0.00 server time Mon/Weds/Thurs.
If of interest add me for a chat and more info: hellykins#2114
I have been looking for my main really hasn’t done many raids, is a holy paladin ilevel 391 really looking to do hc, that time would suit me as well
Good evening! Zion is a late night raiding guild from 02:00 to 04;00!
9/9 Heroic, 2/9 Mythic BoD - 1/2 Heroic CoS
Wer mainly a Heroic casual guild, but once we cleared it we do like to push some mythic ^^
this is our full post: Late Night Raiding Guild: 02;00 - 04;00 GMT+1
if interested or have more questions, feel free to poke me!
Bnet: mrmax#2149