Latest SoM raid changes

  • The hp is normal for every boss and trash mob

  • Lucifron has 2 more adds and every add casts the curses

  • Magmadar spawns 2 corehounds at 80%, 60% 40% 20% etc i think

  • Gehennas has 2 more adds and that’s all i think

  • Garr spawns some little adds during the fight which charges on random people in raid and explodes

  • Geddon puts 3 bombs and he spawns under him some lava stuff like nightbane

  • Onyxia summons big ads (aoe fire) + breath more often (?) + whelps…

  • source:

Overall on twitch people are wiping to many things. The changes increase the difficulty a lot, even add some personal responsibility.

If they ship it you will need 40 competent people, not random “casual ret” or other alts/memes - which is typical for modern encounters but not for vanilla. So I’m not sure - this may get meta driven really hard, plus lots of guild kicks, changes, parses, logs, optimizations… and that’s only MC/Ony. There will be more raids.

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So what Blizzard is saying is “bring more warriors”? :rofl:

War/rog/mage. Some hunters, locks, hpalas. :slight_smile:

Somehow you’d have to gear them, I can see lots of warriors running around with crap weapons.

I’m still not sure what class to play, I usually make Priests or HPala’s

Wait for the instant 60 blue set geared for 60 euros :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, 1 per account… Boost, fast, more boost, more fast…

Theres a store coming, no doubt, and if it has things I want, I’ll buy from it :slight_smile:

Cleared world first today.

The changes are actually good! I have had a blast.

MC currently feels harder than Nax in Classic vanilla.

Rag has to get tuned a bit tho he was way to easy compared to Shazzrah, Harbringer and Baron.

We cleared it in about 5 hours with a 99/100 parse team.

Shazzrah and Baron was probably the hardest.

We used aprox 1000g worth of consumes tho so I don’t know how people will manage to keep this up.

A GM came in and respawned Harbringer for us and boosted it by x2 and we still killed him. Harbringer was kinda scuffed tho we could only kill him with mana draining them oom which takes about 10+mins.

We went in with 14 healers, 8 mages(1 Winterchill), 6 warlocks(2 affliction in tank groups)2xboomkin(In mage groups) 2xSP 1xRogue and 1xFury. It seems melees are in a pretty bad spot tho.

I just got to see the Rag kill. Can you elaborate on that? How are they in a bad spot? Do we talk TBC levels of not taking melees to raids?

With only 3 melee , I think this is hard to get any conclusions, of course this is more easy to be a ranged to avoid damages …

Gearing as a warrior will be easier than in classic. It wasn’t an issue in classic, so why would it be an issue this time?

Let’s not exaggerate too much. There may have been quite a few decent players in the raid, but there were quite a few that are pretty bad as well. You also had 2 (?) boomkins. Parsing 100 doesn’t really matter if you are a boomkin…

Of course it is going to be scuffed when you have almost no proper interrupters.

What do you base that on? The dps they do in the super scuffed gear blizzard gives them? There isn’t really much about the mechanics that should indicate that they are significantly worse than before.

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No wonder with the clown suits they recieved on the beta.

Will they add a LFR version of MC so all the classes (“memespeccs”) may raid?
These SoM changes are just limiting the classes you’re allowed to play even further. sad

Your life must be sad if you need to brag about “world first beta server kills” 🤦

Some “memespecs” will be (at least) a bit better than during Classic because they can put theirs debuffs.

Yeah, in buffed raids and longer boss fights they can be even more OOM for a longer period of time! Who doesnt want to bring classes that slows them down in a 5 hours MC ^^

But raidlead better chose 1 warrior than druid or pala, because he know warrior is good

My question (who play test server) how much they boost exp? Wanna make some quests and dungeons without skip (1-58 part)

Watch loot drop from bosses increased or even doubled …

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