Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms

Yes, Layering for one. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Never go full blizztard

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apparently yes according to Blizzard XD

Please unsub.

And how long will this “character creation restriction” stay? People have friends who wants to play with them on the servers they are on, who have yet not created a character on the server.

Surely layering should be enough.

we WANT the CLASSIC experience, NOT retail, can’t you just spot the difference between the two ?!
BL price went from 180g to 140g in couple of hours, plenty of rich thoriums spawn.
WE have been farming honestly for the last months just to be screwed now.
THey are killing countless world bosses. SHAME on you becuase you PROMISSED layers will be removed in Phase2.
It seems you want classic to fail so bad, or pushing ppl to play Shadowlands.
since we were too many for your servers to handle ( why don’t you just pay $$$ and upgrade them anyway)


Like you cant understand that servers are 24/7 busy due to coronavirus?

Im not gonna bother explaining my self any further if this doesnt make any sense to you

They were already busy before Corona. This just exasperated the problem that was already there.


Dont pretend that it didnt get worse with coronavirus jesus

Layers suck, pls remove layers and give us the original Vanilla experience.

In the future, take steps to avoid overcrowded servers like free transfers and server locks too.


Please remove layers again and finally invest in proper hardware for the servers. The classiccommunity is big enough to justify this investment. thanks.

It’s been over 7 months now and you still cant have large Blackrockmountain wPVP without the zone/server completely shutting down. This is far worse than anything Privateservers have offered in the past. Blizzard you can do better.


Nice way to destroy Vanilla WoW. How to lose a lot of subs btw.


I really don’t get it. What’s so bad about that?

Whats so bad about lfr? Lets add that to :D:D:D

I don’t like layering, but considering this global plague, for the time being, this is the best solution to at least let the palyers play WoW instead of waiting 7 hrs in a queue.

I hope that this situation will be over soon™.

Are you even playing the game or you just didnt realise the queue times of thursday onwards are for the large part due to the biggest content patch of the game being added ?

Negative IQ retail gamers putting the blame on a global plague for queue times. Actually hilarious.

Maybe if Lizztard classic team had a brain they wouldn’t put the next reset for the new raid 9h after it’s added.
Servers wouldn’t have every single raiding player trying to get in an extra reset then.


Already canceled my subscription. If we all do it, maybe they will listen.


On Venoxis we had 90 mins of queue max, that’s totally acceptable. Turn that abomination off again!

Rather ban the 50+ Bots sitting in Stratholme, the 20 Bots farming Pearls in Aszhara since release, the 30 Bots all over Ferelas and so on. The queue would be halved.

Just logged in to get the Ony Buff, but that thing was on a different layer. Layering seriously is the worst **** ever.

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how is this the biggest content patch? they released a 20man raid. this is far from biggest content patch

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  • ZG with a reset 9h later, every quest and rep item coming with it. That you don’t do just once a week like a 40 man raid
  • Nightmare Dragons (x2 btw they all respawned, amazing coding from Lizztard)
  • Silithus quest hub + Dukes/Lords summons and CH rep farm

That’s far more content than a single 40 man raid you do once a week and takes 1h30 at most.